Ara mostrant els elements 19831-19850 de 42254

    Genetic diversity of human papillomavirus infections in anogenital warts and cancers 

    Nicolàs Pàrraga, Sara (Data de defensa: 2018-11-05)

    Low risk Human Papillomaviruses (LR-HPVs) 6 and 11 are the main causative agents of benign proliferative lesions such genital warts (GWs) and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) (Aubin et al. 2008; Ball et al. 2011; ...

    Genetic engineering and synthetic biology-based approaches for the production of novel valuable materials 

    Soto Chavarro, Erika Lorena (Data de defensa: 2022-09-16)

    Aquest treball de recerca es va concebre com a part d'un projecte científic més gran i complex que inclou l'aplicació d'eines d'enginyeria metabòlica i edició del genoma per introduir la via metabòlica de l'esqualè a l'arròs ...

    Genetic engineering of the skeletal muscle to counteract insulin resistance and obesity 

    Roca Lecha, Carles (Data de defensa: 2014-03-03)

    La diabetis tipus 2 és la malaltia metabòlica més freqüent a tot el món. Malgrat que els tractaments farmacològics són útils en les primeres etapes de la malaltia, no han sigut capaços prevenir la pèrdua de control de la ...

    Genetic Ensemble (G-Ensemble): An Evolutionary Computing Technique for Numerical Weather Prediction Enhancement 

    Ihshaish, Hisham W. Y. (Data de defensa: 2012-09-12)

    El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es abordar el problema de precisión y tiempo de espera en la predicción meteorológica, la cual es habitualmente llevada a cabo por aplicaciones computaciones conocidas como modelos ...

    Genetic factors associated with coronary heart disease and analysis of their predictive capacity 

    Lluís Ganella, Carla (Data de defensa: 2012-06-26)

    The main expansion of the discovery of genetic variants associated with complex diseases has occurred during the last decade. This expansion has been accompanied, and in some sense motivated, by the desire to use this ...

    Genetic Insights into the Heterogeneity and Comorbidity of Substance Use Disorders 

    Vilar Ribó, Laura (Data de defensa: 2023-11-20)

    [eng] Substance use disorders (SUDs) are psychiatric disorders characterized by a recurring desire to continue taking a substance regardless of its destructive consequences. The etiology of SUDs is complex and multifactorial, ...

    Genetic introgression in chimpanzees and bonobos 

    Manuel Montero, Marc de (Data de defensa: 2018-12-11)

    Els nostres parents més propers, els ximpanzés i els bonobos, tenen una història demogràfica complexa. En aquest estudi, hem analitzat els genomes sencers de 75 ximpanzés i bonobos nascuts en 10 països diferents d'Àfrica. ...

    Genetic manipulation of the pancreas: cell and gene therapy approaches for type 1 diabetes 

    Ayuso López, Eduard (Data de defensa: 2006-06-30)

    La diabetes de tipo 1 resulta de la destrucción autoinmune de las células ß pancreáticas, que conduce a una falta en la producción de insulina y la consiguiente hiperglucemia. La terapia sustitutiva con inyecciones subcutáneas ...

    Genetic Polymorphisms of RANK, RANKL and their relation to osteoporosis (Polimorfismos genéticos de RANK y RANKL y su relación con la osteoporosis) 

    Yoskovitz, Guy (Data de defensa: 2012-12-05)

    Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disorder and the most common metabolic bone disease. It is recognized as one of the most prevalent problems facing postmenopausal women in western society. The World Health Organization ...

    Genetic profile of Western Mediterranean populations: contributtion of Arab and Jewish groups 

    Bentayebi, Kaoutar (Data de defensa: 2012-06-09)

    Este trabajo describe la diversidad genética de las poblaciones actuales del Oeste del Mediterráneo según dos polimorfismos: nueve polimorfismos Alus y doce microsatelites (STR) presente en el cromosoma X. En este trabajo, ...

    Genetic Risk Factors for the Lack of Response to Clinical Treatment in Mental Disorders: an Approach from Pharmacogenetics 

    Mitjans Niubó, Marina (Data de defensa: 2014-12-17)

    Severe mental disorders, such as Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Bipolar Disorder (BD) and Schizophrenia (SCZ), represent a huge burden to society, reflecting the limited efficacy of current drug treatments. Although the ...

    Genetic risk factors in Schizophrenia and Neurodevelopmental disorders: Association and epistatic analyses of Neuritin-1 gene and white matter related genes = Factores genéticos en esquizofrenia y enfermedades del neurodesarrollo: análisis de asociación y epistáticos en el gen Neuritina-1 y en genes relacionados con la materia blanca 

    Prats Balado, Claudia (Data de defensa: 2017-09-29)

    Nowadays, it is estimated that about 450 million people suffer from a mental or behavioural disorder in the world. According to World health organization (WHO), 33% of the years lived with disability (YLD) are due to ...

    Genetic structure of North African human populations : A complex history of admixture 

    Rubio Araúna, Lara (Data de defensa: 2017-12-14)

    North African populations show a complex genetic structure characterized by the admixture of at least four different components: Middle Eastern, sub-Saharan, European and autochthonous North African. However, there are few ...

    Genetic studies of emotional behaviour in rats 

    Mont i Cardona, Carme (Data de defensa: 2015-01-23)

    Aquest treball doctoral explora dues aproximacions a l’estudi de la conducta a través de la genètica. La primera és una aproximació de caire intervencionista l'objectiu de la qual és estudiar la funció conductual de la ...

    Genetic variability and telomere length in bariatric surgery outcomes in obese patients 

    Peña Lozano, Elionora (Data de defensa: 2020-11-13)

    Based on the background showing i) that obesity have a polygenic nature with the implication of different genes of minor effect and lifestyle factors; ii) the high variability between individuals in weight loss outcome ...

    Genetic variability of minnows and loaches in rivers and high mountain lakes from the Pyrenees and Italian Alps 

    Suh, Jongmo (Data de defensa: 2024-02-20)

    [eng] The invasion of alien species is a major global threat to ecosystems, with significant impacts, especially on freshwater ecosystems. The species diversity in freshwater ecosystems has significantly declined worldwide, ...

    Genetic variation and complex rearrangements in Autism Spectrum Disorders: implications for genetic counseling 

    Codina i Solà, Marta (Data de defensa: 2016-07-14)

    The etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) remains unknown for most of the cases, in spite of its strong genetic component. A greater knowledge of its genetic basis would result in many benefits, including specific ...

    Genetic variation in human miRNAs : functional consequences and involvement in Cancer 

    Torruella Loran, Ignasi (Data de defensa: 2016-10-28)

    Els microRNAs són importants reguladors de gens i destacats contribuïdors a la diversitat fenotípica clarament involucrats en malaltia humana. Hem analitzat la variabilitat genètica en microRNAs i como aquesta variabilitat ...