Now showing items 19811-19830 of 42254

    Genetic architecture of agronomic traits in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch]: subacid, flat shape and nectarine 

    López Girona, Elena (Date of defense: 2014-12-19)

    L'objectiu dels programes de millora genètica del préssec és generar varietats adaptats a les condicions agronòmiques locals i satisfer els requeriments del consumidor. Això últim implica millorar la qualitat del fruit. ...

    Genetic architecture of complex disease in humans :a cross-population exploration 

    Martínez Marigorta, Urko (Date of defense: 2012-11-12)

    The aetiology of common diseases is shaped by the effects of genetic and environmental factors. Big efforts have been devoted to unravel the genetic basis of disease with the hope that it will help to develop new therapeutic ...

    Genetic association analysis of complex diseases through information theoretic metrics and linear pleiotropy 

    Brunel Montaner, Helena (Date of defense: 2013-11-14)

    The main goal of this thesis was to help in the identification of genetic variants that are responsible for complex traits, combining both linear and nonlinear approaches. First, two one-locus approaches were proposed. The ...

    Genetic associations on major depression: curation and functional analysis 

    Pérez Granado, Judith (Date of defense: 2023-03-08)

    Major depression (MD) is the leading cause of impairment worldwide. The lack of understanding of its biological underpinnings hampers the development of better diagnostic tools and treatments. Thanks to the advances in ...

    Genetic background of hereditary cutaneous hyaluronosis and familial shar pei fever 

    Martínez Díaz, Verónica Lucía (Date of defense: 2014-12-12)

    Los perros de raza Shar Pei tienen dos características fenotípicas propias de la raza que son las arrugas de la piel (ahora conocido como Hialuronosis Cutánea Hereditaria-HCH) y un desorden genético llamado Fiebre Familiar ...

    The genetic basis of sunlight sensitivity and melanoma-risk pigmentation phenotypes: The role of sex-specific genetic effects, 3' untranslated regions and melanoma susceptibility genes 

    Hernando Fuster, Bárbara (Date of defense: 2017-06-02)

    La pigmentación basal es un rasgo de carácter poligénico con alta heredabilidad, influenciada por factores ambientales, genéticos y endocrinos. La incidencia del cáncer de piel revela una clara relación entre ciertos rasgos ...

    Genetic biomarkers for fat content and fatty acid composition in pork 

    Gol i Parera, Sofia (Date of defense: 2019-07-05)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral forma part d'una línia de recerca sobre la millora genètica de la qualitat de la carn en porcí. Un dels recents objectius inclòs en algunes línies paternes seleccionades per mercats de qualitat és ...

    Genetic characterization of the Iberian populations of two invasive mollusks: zebra mussel and asiatic clam 

    Peñarrubia Lozano, Luis (Date of defense: 2016-10-21)

    The zebra mussel and the Asian clam are two invasive aquatic species worldwide. Both species are present in the Iberian Peninsula for several years. However, introduction history and colonization routes of these two invasive ...

    Genetic characterization of the Japanese plum LG3-MYB10 region and development of molecular markers for fruit color 

    Fiol Garví, Arnau (Date of defense: 2022-05-05)

    La prunera japonesa (P. salicina i híbrids) és un arbre fruiter altament heterozigot originat a partir de la hibridació interespecífica de més d’onze espècies diploides de pruna. Aquest esdeveniment explicaria que, dintre ...

    Genetic characterization of the Mexican Bovine Lidia Breed 

    García Eusebi, Paulina (Date of defense: 2018-07-09)

    El de la raza de Lidia ha sido seleccionado durante siglos por caracteres relacionados al comportamiento, una peculiaridad que la distingue del resto de las razas vacunas, principalmente seleccionadas por características ...

    Genetic contribution to functional outcome and disability after stroke = Contribució genètica al pronòstic funcional i la discapacitat després d'un ictus 

    Mola Caminal, Marina (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    Cerebrovascular disease is the leading cause of disability in adults. Independent of clinical variables such as infarct size and location, stroke subtype, and vascular risk factors, individuals have disparate responses ...

    Genetic determinism of meat rabbit cecal microbiota and its role in the host’s feed efficiency 

    Velasco Galilea, María (Date of defense: 2022-01-18)

    Un dels majors reptes del segle present és el desenvolupament d’estratègies que permetin satisfer la creixent demanda de proteïna animal derivada de l’accelerat creixement de la població mundial. Aquestes estratègies han ...

    Genetic disruption of transfer RNA modifications in human cancer 

    Coll San Martín, Laia (Date of defense: 2021-11-29)

    Cancer was reported as the second leading cause of death in 2018 by the World Health Organisation. Cancer is defined as the set of diseases that proceeds in multiple phases generating a transformation lead by an accumulation ...

    Genetic dissection of aroma and other fruit quality traits in cultivated strawberry 

    Rey Serra, Pol (Date of defense: 2020-11-17)

    La maduixa cultivada, Fragaria x ananassa, és un cultiu mundialment important. Les seves fruites s’ aprecien pel balanç entre la dolçor i la acidesa, i pel seu aroma característic. Malgrat que tradicionalment els programes ...

    Genetic dissection of ETHQV8.1, a QTL related with climacteric fruit ripening in melon 

    Santo Domingo Martínez, Miguel (Date of defense: 2023-01-09)

    La maduració dels fruits es un procés essencial de les plantes cultivades, permetent la dispersió de les llavors. A més, té una importància econòmica deguda als seus efectes en la vida útil dels fruits i el malbaratament ...

    Genetic dissection of fruit quality and ripening traits in melon 

    Pereira García, Lara (Date of defense: 2018-06-18)

    El melón (Cucumis melo L.) es un importante cultivo a nivel mundial, con una producción de 31 millones de toneladas durante el año 2016. Aunque tradicionalmente los programas de mejora genética se han focalizado en el ...

    Genetic dissection of growth and meat quality traits in pigs 

    Puig Oliveras, Anna (Date of defense: 2015-10-19)

    La carne de cerdo es la más consumida mundialmente. Los programas de mejora animal se han centrado en realizar una producción sostenible y eficiente mejorando tanto los caracteres de reproducción, como de crecimiento y ...

    Genetic diversity and geographic patterns of human herpesvirus 4 and 6 

    Telford, Marco (Date of defense: 2017-12-19)

    This thesis focuses on Human herpesvirus 4 and 6, two ubiquitous viruses with a long list of putative disease associations, ranging from malignancies such as lymphomas and carcinomas to multiple sclerosis. To date, the ...

    Genetic diversity and population structure of the non-native Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) in Mediterranean streams 

    Díez del Molino, David (Date of defense: 2015-06-05)

    Mosquitofish is a small, voracious, highly fecund freshwater fish species originated from northeaster America, that was introduced worldwide to control mosquito populations. In this thesis we have studied the genetics of ...

    Genetic diversity of " brain genes" across worldwide 

    Gardner, Michelle (Date of defense: 2007-06-25)

    El treball presentat en aquesta tesi és un estudi de la diversitat genètica en un conjunt de gens implicats en funcions neurològiques ("Gens cerebrals"). Hom ha examinat vint-i-dos gens implicats en els sistemes de ...