Now showing items 37971-37990 of 42254

    Study of Cucumber mosaic virus infection in the resistant melon accession PI 161375 

    Guiu Aragonés, Cèlia (Date of defense: 2014-10-01)

    L’accessió exòtica de meló PI 161375 presenta una barreja de resistència qualitativa i quantitativa front a la infecció per CMV depenent de la soca. Anteriorment s’ha descrit la presencia del gen recessiu de resistència ...

    Study of Denitrification and Reductive Dechlorination Processes Applied to Groundwater Bioremediation 

    Calderer Perich, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2010-06-23)

    La present tesi es basa en l'estudi dels processos de bioremediació com a tecnologies de descontaminació d'aqüífers.<br/>Concretament, es pretén estudiar la desnitrificació i la decloració reductiva com a tecnologies de ...

    Study of diagnostic and prognostic clinical, biological, and magnetic resonance imaging markers at the time of a clinically isolated syndrome 

    Arrambide García, Georgina (Date of defense: 2016-02-22)

    En este trabajo estudiamos marcadores con valor diagnóstico o pronóstico en el momento de presentar un síndrome clínico aislado (CIS, del inglés clinically isolated syndrome). Dado que presentar un CIS representa un riesgo ...

    Study of disseminated high-risk neuroblastoma in the bone marrow niche; from microenvironmental modelling to therapeutic targeting 

    Garcia Gerique, Laura (Date of defense: 2020-12-23)

    Neuroblastoma (NB) is the most common extracraneal solid tumor diagnosed in the first 5 years of childhood and accounts for approximately 15% of all pediatric cancer-related deaths. At the time of diagnosis, about half of ...

    Study of DNA nanostructures with biomedical applications 

    Clua Villas, Anna (Date of defense: 2023-07-17)

    [eng] G-quadruplexes are non-canonical DNA structures that appear in Guanine-rich oligonucleotides. Four Guanines interact through Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds forming a tetrad which is stabilized by metallic ions. Two or more ...

    Study of Dyrk1a kinase in central nervous systems development: implication in mouse retina development 

    Laguna Tuset, Ariadna (Date of defense: 2008-12-18)

    El gen DYRK1A es troba situat en una regió del cromosoma 21 humà que s'ha associat a alteracions en el neurodesenvolupament. Aquest treball mostra com canvis en la dosis gènica de Dyrk1A en el ratolí causen una alteració ...

    Study of early stages of Alzheimer's disease using magnetic resonance imaging 

    Casamitjana Díaz, Adrià (Date of defense: 2019-12-20)

    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that constitutes the most common dementia pathology. It represents a global epidemic that expands exponentially as the life expectancy increases with no yet useful ...

    Study of effects of cooking methods on physical properties and bioactive compounds in selected potato cultivars (Solanum tuberosum L) 

    Yang, Yali (Date of defense: 2015-09-29)

    La patata es una fuente de carbohidratos, de versátil preparación y presentación. Dependiendo del proceso de cocción y de las características morfológicas y nutricionales de la patata estos efectos pueden ser positivos o ...

    Study of electron heat transport in LHD and TJ-II 

    García Olaya, Jerónimo (Date of defense: 2006-04-20)

    The magnetically confined plasmas study is one of the most promising research fields in the present days due to the high perspectives of unlimited and clean energy that fusion has generated. In this framework, the stellarator ...

    Study of environmental and biological factors that affect larval survival in sessile coastal marine organisms 

    Viladrich Canudas, Núria (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    La reproducció sexual és un procés biològic fonamental per a la majoria de les espècies vives, sent essencial per a la perpetuació de les espècies i assegurar-ne la diversitat genètica. En invertebrats sèssils marins, com ...

    Study of expression levels in MECP2 related disorders using transcriptomics and proteomics: characterizing Rett syndrome and MECP2 duplication syndrome 

    Pascual Alonso, Ainhoa (Date of defense: 2023-07-14)

    [eng] MECP2 is a multifunctional gene involved in multiple processes such as transcription regulation, chromatin remodelling, splicing and miRNA regulation. Malfunction of MECP2 due to loss of function mutations leads to ...

    Study of extracellular matrix and water channels in bovine spongiform encephalopathy 

    Costa Riu, Carme (Date of defense: 2007-10-29)

    La matriu extracel·lular (MEC) del sistema nerviós central (SNC) es troba dispersa al neuròpil o formant agregats al voltant de les neurones, anomenats xarxes perineuronals (PNN). La MEC conté proteoglicans de tipus ...

    Study of extracellular matrix remodeling and the role of periostin b during zebrafish heart regeneration 

    Garcia Puig, Anna (Date of defense: 2019-03-22)

    Adult zebrafish (Danio rerio), in contrast to mammals, are able to regenerate their hearts in response to injury or experimental amputation. Our understanding of the cellular and molecular bases that underlie this process, ...

    Study of gene regulatory networks inference methods from gene expression data 

    Bellot Pujalte, Pau (Date of defense: 2017-05-08)

    A cell is a the basic structural and functional unit of every living thing, it is protein-based an that regulates itself. The cell eats to stay alive, it grows and develops; reacting to the environment, while subjected to ...

    Study of genetic risk factors associated with ischemic stroke 

    Cárcel Márquez, Jara (Date of defense: 2023-01-24)

    Aquesta tesi amplia el nostre coneixement sobre aspectes claus de la genòmica de l’ictus isquèmic. L’objectiu principal de la present tesi doctoral és aprofundir en els factors de risc genètics associats a l’ictus isquèmic ...

    Study of genetic, epigenetic and gut microbiota signatures involved in food addiction vulnerability 

    García Blanco, Alejandra (Date of defense: 2023-07-06)

    The easy access to hypercaloric and palatable foods is a major contributing factor for compulsive eating and food addiction development. The prevalence of food addiction measured with the validated Yale Food Addiction ...

    Study of genomic variability in the genetic susceptibility to psychiatric disorders: SNPs, CNVs and miRNAs 

    Saus Martínez, Ester (Date of defense: 2010-11-24)

    In this thesis we have studied genetic elements potentially contributing to the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, focusing on different sources of human genome variability, including SNPs and CNVs, which can affect ...

    Study of graphene hybrid heterostructures for linear and nonlinear optics 

    Alcaraz Iranzo, David (Date of defense: 2020-06-23)

    Graphene is the first of the 2D-material family. It is formed by carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb lattice, which confers it intriguing physical properties that are still being discovered nowadays. A fundamental advantage ...

    Study of Gravitational Waves using the LIGO/Virgo data 

    Romero Rodríguez, Alba (Date of defense: 2022-09-20)

    La Relativitat General va predir l'existència d'ones gravitatòries l'any 1916. No obstant això, no va ser fins el 14 de setembre de 2015 que els interferòmetres LIGO van fer la primera detecció d'ones gravitatòries. Després ...

    Study of human genetic diversity : inferences on population origin and history 

    Haber, Marc (Date of defense: 2013-12-05)

    Patterns of human genetic diversity suggest that all modern humans originated from a small population in Africa that expanded rapidly 50,000 years ago to occupy the whole world. While moving into new environments, genetic ...