Now showing items 20613-20632 of 42389

    Heterogeneity and the representative agent in macroeconomics 

    Maliar, Serguei (Date of defense: 1999-09-08)

    La tesis se centra en las aplicaciones macroeconómicas del consumidor representativo. El primer capítulo analiza la posibilidad de agregación en economías con varios bienes y varios periodos. Desarrollo una noción de ...

    Heterogeneity of biomarker expression in non-small cell lung cancer 

    Casadevall Aguilar, David (Date of defense: 2017-10-24)

    L’èxit de de la medicina de precisió en oncologia depèn, en gran mesura, d’una adequada selecció dels pacients que rebran teràpies dirigides contra dianes específiques del seu tumor. Per poder seleccionar els pacients, és ...

    Heterogeneity of carcinoma-associated fibroblasts and REV-ERB-induced phenotype molding in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma 

    Albert Colomer, Nerea (Date of defense: 2021-01-18)

    Tumor-stroma crosstalk is essential for PDAC formation. Therefore, the stroma, and specifically the carcinoma-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), are the target of therapeutic alternatives to treat highly desmoplastic tumors ...

    Heterogeneity-awareness in multithreaded multicore processors 

    Acosta Ojeda, Carmelo Alexis (Date of defense: 2009-07-07)

    During the last decades, Computer Architecture has experienced a great series of revolutionary changes. The increasing transistor count on a single chip has led to some of the main milestones in the field, from the release ...

    Heterogeneïtat pigmentària en bacteris fotosintètics verds: fisiologia i significació ecològica 

    Borrego i Moré, Carles (Date of defense: 1996-11-15)

    Green bacteria possess one of the most complexes antenna systems within the group of the photosynthetic microorganisms. One reason for this complexity is the high diversity of pigments antenna, the bacteriochlorophylls ...

    Heterogeneous catalysis of green chemistry reactions on molybdenum carbide based catalysts 

    Posada Pérez, Sergio (Date of defense: 2018-03-12)

    Our society has a problem with the use of fossil fuels, due to the vast and exceeding emissions derived from human activities. Two ways could be consider to mitigate these harmful effects. On the one hand, the capture, ...

    Heterogeneous Catalytic and Photocatalytic Nitrate Abatement in Drinking Water Using Agpt and Pdsn Supported on Titania Nanocatalysts. Éliminitation du Nitrate dans l'eau Potable par Catalyse Hétèrogène et Photocatalyse au Moyen de Nanocatalyseurs AgPt et PdSn Supportés Sur Oxyde de Titane 

    Antolín Pozueta, Ana María (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    La desnitració d’aigües a gas N2 i H2O usant processos catalítics i foto-catalítics, ha estat investigat en presencia/absència de hidrogen com a gas reductor. Els catalitzadors utilitzats van ser: catalitzadors mono-metàl•lics ...

    Heterogeneous discounting. Time consistency in investment and insurance models 

    de Paz Monfort, Abel (Date of defense: 2012-01-18)

    In Chapter 2 we extend the heterogeneous discounting model introduced in Marín-Solano and Patxot (2012) to a stochastic environment. Our main contribution in this chapter is to derive the DPE providing time-consistent ...

    Heterogeneous Effects of Monetary Policy 

    Secchi, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2005-07-01)

    The main objective of this thesis is to offer empirical evidence in support of the hypothesis that differences in firms' balance sheet structures may generate heterogeneous responses to monetary policy innovations. To this ...

    Heterogeneous Integration of RF and Microwave Systems Using Multi-layer Low-Temperature Co-fired Ceramics Technology 

    Ahyoune, Saiyd (Date of defense: 2017-07-13)

    The aim of this work is the development of a modelling methodology for the fast analysis of non-radiative multilayer RF passive components without compromising solution accuracy. Instead of following a compact model approach, ...

    Heterogeneous neural networks: theory and applications 

    Belanche Muñoz, Lluís A. (Lluís Antoni) (Date of defense: 2000-07-18)

    Aquest treball presenta una classe de funcions que serveixen de models neuronals generalitzats per ser usats en xarxes neuronals artificials. Es defineixen com una mesura de similitud que actúa com una definició flexible ...

    Heterogeneous parallel algorithms for computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes 

    Oyarzún Altamirano, Guillermo Andrés (Date of defense: 2015-10-02)

    Frontiers of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are constantly expanding and eagerly demanding more computational resources. Currently, we are experiencing an rapid evolution in the high performance computing systems driven ...

    Heterogenized n-heterocyclic carbene metal complexes for selective catalysis 

    Martínez Lombardía, Alberto (Date of defense: 2016-06-22)

    La present tesi doctoral està adreçada al desenvolupament de catalitzadors que permetin dur a terme processos sintètics de manera més eficient i sostenible. Es presenten dues noves famílies de catalitzadors suportats, ...

    Heteroligomeric interactions of the Kv1.3 channelosome 

    Roig Merino, Sara Raquel (Date of defense: 2017-05-05)

    Voltage-gated potassium channels are proteins that allow the flux of potassium ions across the plasma membrane in response to a voltage stimulus. Those proteins were initially described in nervous system as the repolarization ...

    Heterologous Rhizopus oryzae lipase expressed in Komagataella phaffii: improved production, biochemical characterization and industrial applications 

    López Fernández, Josu (Date of defense: 2022-04-22)

    En la presente tesis, se ha estudiado la lipasa 1,3-regioespecífica de Rhizopus oryzae (ROL), mejorando su estabilidad operacional y su producción heteróloga, y se ha probado su capacidad biocatalítica en diferentes ...

    Heteromeric composition of the Kv 1.3 channelosome = Composició heteromèrica del canalosoma Kv1.3 

    Serrano Albarrás, Antonio (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    Ion channels are transmembrane proteins containing aqueous pores which, once open, permit the pass of ions through the plasma membrane. This ion flux takes places following the electrochemical gradient for the specific ...

    Heteromerización de receptores de adenosina A2A, dopamina D2 y cannabinoides CB1. Implicaciones farmacológicas y funcionales. 

    Carriba Domínguez, Paulina (Date of defense: 2007-04-26)

    La visión de los receptores acoplados a proteína G ha evolucionado en los últimos años. Clásicamente se consideraban unidades individuales capaces de producir una señal intracelular; actualmente, está aceptado que estas ...

    Heteroptera ecology, biodiversity and conservation = Ecología, biodiversidad y conservación de heterópteros 

    Mata, Luis (Date of defense: 2013-11-11)

    Heteropteran bugs make an important contribution to the hyperdiversity of insects. As with other insect taxa, the proper species identification of heteropteran bugs requires diagnostic dichotomous keys. Faunistic studies ...

    Heterotopía en Foucault y su utilidad en el análisis de la arquitectura posmoderna: la singularidad generalizada 

    Acosta Mejía, Boris (Date of defense: 2022-01-14)

    This thesis looks at the original notion of heterotopia, followed by its interpretations and applications of different authors and disciplines. The course that takes this notion -from the strange to the generalised-, becomes ...

    Heterotrophic and autotrophic metabolism in Mediterranean streams 

    Romaní i Cornet, Anna M. (Date of defense: 1997-10-21)

    Helerotrophic (cetoenzymatic and respiratory activities) and autotrophic (photosynthetic activity) metabolism on epilithic strearn biofilms have been measured, analyzed and studied in this thesis.<br/><br/>The main objective ...