Now showing items 28296-28315 of 42439

    Methods for face detection and adaptive face recognition 

    Pavani, Sri-Kaushik (Date of defense: 2010-07-21)

    The focus of this thesis is on facial biometrics; specifically in the problems of face detection and face recognition. Despite intensive research over the last 20 years, the technology is not foolproof, which is why we do ...

    Methods for noninvasive localization of focal epileptic activity with magnetoencephalography 

    Migliorelli, Carolina (Date of defense: 2017-06-28)

    Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a noninvasive brain signal acquisition technique that provides excellent temporal resolution and a whole-head coverage allowing the spatial mapping of sources. These characteristics make MEG ...

    Methods for remote stock monitoring using depth sensors 

    Vila Clarà, Oriol (Date of defense: 2024-01-29)

    RGB-D cameras return images like an ordinary camera but in addition to color, depthmaps where each pixel value represents the distance to a point of the scene are also obtained. Although originally conceived for gaming and ...

    Methods for the design and evaluation of anthropomorphic artificial hands 

    Llop Harillo, Immaculada (Date of defense: 2020-06-26)

    The objective of this thesis is to contribute to the definition of applicable methods during the design process of artificial hands in order to obtain more anthropomorphic and functional designs, as well as to define metrics ...

    Methods of covert communication of speech signals based on a bio-inspired principle 

    Ballesteros Larrota, Dora María (Date of defense: 2013-07-15)

    This work presents two speech hiding methods based on a bio-inspired concept known as the ability of adaptation of speech signals. A cryptographic model uses the adaptation to transform a secret message to a non-sensitive ...

    Methods to model and assess protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions in the context of gene regulation 

    Meseguer Donlo, Alberto (Date of defense: 2021-07-02)

    Las células de nuestro cuerpo son capaces de tener comportamientos y morfologías completamente diferentes, pese a contener el mismo material genético. Entre los mecanismos que permiten esta diversidad encontramos los ...

    Methyl-CpG binding protein 2 deregulation: from Rett syndrome to MeCP2 duplication disorder 

    Petazzi, Paolo (Date of defense: 2015-02-20)

    INTRODUCTION To answer many complex and fascinating biological phenomena, we must go over or above (epi-) genetics because the DNA blueprint is identical in each of the abovementioned somatic cells. The mechanisms by ...

    Methylation of a lineage-instructive transcription factor acts as a cell fate switch 

    Torcal Garcia, Guillem (Date of defense: 2022-02-10)

    Lineage-instructive transcription factors orchestrate cell fate decisions by regulating gene expression programs. However, how their function is regulated throughout development is poorly understood. C/EBPα is a transcription ...

    Methylome profiling of B and T cells along multiple sclerosis disease progression: a pilot study 

    Celarain Sanz, Naiara (Date of defense: 2023-06-26)

    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic, inflammatory, autoimmune and neurodegenerative disease characterized by the infiltration of autoreactive immune cells into the central nervous system that leads to axonal damage, ...

    Methyltransferase inhibitors interfere with Snail1 action on myofibroblast activity to prevent fibrosis and metastasis 

    Sala Romanyà, Laura (Date of defense: 2018-06-20)

    Snail1 is a transcription factor which activity is required for the fibroblasts-to-myofibroblast differentiation. In the first part of the thesis we characterize a protein complex involving Snail1, PRMT1 and PRMT4, two ...

    Metilación del ADN en posiciones individuales del genoma humano dentro de contextos epigenéticos regionales 

    Barrera Burgos, Víctor (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    La metilación del ADN es una de las modificaciones epigenéticas más estudiadas y cuyo mecanismo de acción es más conocido. Consiste en la transferencia enzimática de un grupo metilo a la posición 5' de la citosina. Resulta ...

    Metilación en p16(INK4a), p14(ARF) y hMLH1 en cáncer colorectal: influencia de la dieta y el genotipo MTHFR 

    Mas Herrero, Sergi (Date of defense: 2004-01-01)

    Los tumores que presentan alteraciones en los patrones de metilación podrían constituir un subtipo molecular de cáncer colorectal (CRC) con entidad etiológica y clínicopatológica propia. Los conocimientos recientes en la ...

    Metodologia analítica per a l’especiació de mercuri en mostres del medi aquàtic 

    Ibáñez Palomino, Carmen (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    Degut a la necessitat d’estudis sistemàtics per a l’establiment de mètodes eficaços per a la determinació d’espècies de mercuri en matrius ambientals i biològiques complexes, que assegurin la inalterabilitat de les mateixes ...

    Metodologia d'identificació de seqüències Web per a business intelligence basada en tècniques de mineria de dades 

    Palomino Gayete, Arturo (Date of defense: 2023-10-03)

    (English) The Internet has changed the way companies sell and users shop. Nowadays, having an online presence is an opportunity, while not doing so is a competitive disadvantage, and companies strive to appear as the first ...

    Metodologia de disseny conceptual d'estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals que combina el procés de decisió jeràrquic amb l'anàlisi de decisions multicriteri 

    Vidal Roberto, Núria (Date of defense: 2004-03-12)

    La present tesi proposa una metodologia de disseny conceptual d'estacions depuradores d'aigües residuals (EDAR) mitjançant la combinació del procés de decisió jeràrquic i l'anàlisi de decisions multicriteri. El document ...

    Metodologia de personalização de productos baseada em design centrado no utilizador. Methodology to design customized product based on user centered design 

    Providência, António Bernardo (Date of defense: 2012-07-26)

    This PHD is about design as a tool of interaction based in information systems, allowing not only to understand the relationship of design with the user, as also, based on User Centered Design, to create a methodology that ...

    Metodologia de recerca per a la definició del repte de disseny i les seves premisses basada en l’anàlisi ergonòmica i les eines del disseny 

    Puig Poch, Mireia (Date of defense: 2021-01-20)

    Investigació al voltant de la fase inicial del projecte de disseny per definir reptes que desemboquin en projectes basats en les activitats de les persones, així com en les seves necessitats, problemàtiques i desitjos. Es ...


    Metodologia experimental en la construcció social de les muntanyes: la mesologia aplicada a l'ordenació de la unitat geogràfica del Pirineu 

    Farré, Xavier, 1976- (Date of defense: 2014-05-23)

    Aquesta recerca, metodològicament, planteja l'ús de recursos de literatura de viatge, de muntanya i etnogràfica per a participar activament en la construcció de paisatge i, per extensió, en l'ordenació del territori. ...

    Metodologia integral de perfilat ràpid intel·ligent i interpretable pel suport a la presa de decisions complexes (MIPRI2D). Aplicacions a sostenibilitat 

    Angerri Torredeflot, Xavier (Date of defense: 2023-07-25)

    (English) Living in the era of big data and artificiall intelligence this thesis wants to contribute with a new methodology to support data-driven decisions rapidly after data collection, and a technological infrastructure ...

    Metodologia optimitzada per al disseny i innovació de models de negoci en startups 

    Álvarez Paz, Manel (Date of defense: 2015-10-26)

    The concept Business Model refers to an abstraction widely used both in the academic literature and in the management practice field. Recently, it has captured the attention both of scholars and practitioners. Business ...