Now showing items 12085-12104 of 41723

    Effects of feeding different vegetal fat sources to increase conjugated linoleic acid in milk of small ruminants and interaction with fibrolytic enzymes 

    Bouattour, M. Amine (Date of defense: 2007-02-28)

    El objetivo principal de la presente tesis doctoral fue estudiar la posibilidad de mejorar la calidad nutritiva de la leche de oveja y de cabra, y en particular la concentración de ácido linoleico conjugado (CLA) mediante ...

    Effects of Fish Oil and its Combination with Grape Seed Polyphenols or Buckwheat D-Fagomine on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Oxidative Stress in Rats 

    Miralles Pérez, Bernat (Date of defense: 2021-07-16)

    En les darreres dècades, les prevalences d’obesitat, de dislipèmia aterogènica i de síndrome metabòlica han augmentat considerablement a nivell mundial. La resistència a la insulina és una característica comuna en aquests ...

    Effects of flow control on flow past bluff bodies 

    Mushyam, Aditya (Date of defense: 2016-11-23)

    The aim of this Ph.D. thesis, "Effects of flow control on flow past bluff bodies" is to study and analyzes the effects of Flow Control on various aspects and proverbs of flow past bluff bodies. Flow control techniques are ...

    Effects of flow discontinuities on carbon gas fluxes in a Mediterranean fluvial network = Efecte de les dicontinuitats hidrològiques sobre els fluxes gasosos de carboni en una xarxa fluvial Mediterrània 

    Gómez Gener, Lluís (Date of defense: 2017-02-10)

    Inland waters are active components of the global carbon (C) cycle that transform, store and outgas more than half of the C they receive from adjacent terrestrial ecosystems. However, fundamental uncertainties regarding ...

    Effects of flow intermittence on dissolved organic matter quality 

    Granados Pérez, Verónica (Date of defense: 2022-04-27)

    Water availability is the primary driver of dissolved organic matter (DOM) dynamics in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES). Therefore, current research manifests the global influence of flow disruption on ...

    Effects of flow regime on the fish communities of the lower Ebro River 

    Vila Martínez, Núria (Date of defense: 2018-10-16)

    Els ecosistemes aquàtics presenten una estreta connexió entre forces físiques i processos ecològics. Als rius, aquesta interacció física-ecologia és dirigida pel cabal, un dels factors principals que determinen la integritat ...

    The Effects of foreign-accented speech on language comprehension and retrieval processes 

    Romero Rivas, Carlos (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    When people learn a second language, they typically speak with a foreign accent. Crucially, foreign-accented speech is more difficult to understand and requires more processing time than native speech. Nevertheless, native ...

    Effects of forest management, tree growth and climate on fungal communities 

    Collado Coloma, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2021-04-14)

    El principal objectiu d’aquesta tesi és entendre, descriure i quantificar els efectes de les aclarides forestals, del creixement dels arbres i del clima en la biomassa fúngica i en la productivitat i composició dels fongs. ...

    Effects of frequency and duration of flow intermittence on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: insights form Mediterranean streams 

    Arias del Real, Rebeca (Date of defense: 2020-07-06)

    Intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams (IRES) are watercourses that naturally and periodically cease to flow. They represent more than half of the global river network and are expanding due to global change. In this ...

    Effects of global change on benthic communities of the lower Ebro River: implications for the assessment of the ecological status 

    Quevedo Báez, Luis Alberto (Date of defense: 2015-06-04)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral avalua l’estructura i composició de comunitats bentòniques ( diatomees i macroinvertebrats) del tram baix de l’Ebre en funció d’alteracions del cabal natural del riu causades per la presència del ...

    Effects of global change on fish assemblages in Mediterranean streams 

    Merciai, Roberto (Date of defense: 2016-09-30)

    L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és de'explorar alguns aspectes de l'impacte humà sobre les poblacions de peixos i altres components dels ecosistemes fluvials Mediterranis de Catalunya. Es va mostrar com els peixos del Riu Llobregat ...

    Effects of global change on the diet of a mountain ungulate: the Pyrenean chamois 

    Espunyes Nozières, Johan (Date of defense: 2019-04-05)

    Els herbívors tenen un paper fonamental en el manteniment de la salut i l'estructura dels ecosistemes a nivell mundial. No obstant, evidències recents indiquen que el canvi climàtic i el canvi en l'ús del sòl afecten els ...

    Effects of Glucagon-like Peptide-1-(7-36)amide (GLP-1) on Gastric Motor Function in Health and Diabetes: Potential Mechanism of Action 

    Delgado Aros, Sílvia (Date of defense: 2003-01-07)

    El Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), un pèptid derivat del processament del proglucagó en les cè_lules L del jejúnum i del colon, inhibeix la secreció àcida gàstrica i el buidament gàstric, a més de reduir la capacitat ...

    Effects of grape seed procyanidin extract on proliferation and apoptosis in pancreatic cells 

    Cedó Giné, Lídia (Date of defense: 2013-01-25)

    Procyanidins have been reported to modulate glucose homeostasis and β-cell functionality. However, their effects on pancreatic cell mass remain unknown. Therefore, this doctoral thesis focused on the study of the effects ...

    Effects of helminth co-infections on tuberculosis status in a wildlife reservoir 

    Gassó Garcia, Diana (Date of defense: 2016-12-02)

    En aquesta tesi s’ha estudiat des d’aspectes bàsics de parasitologia del porc senglar (Sus scrofa), fins l'estudi més ecològic de les seves poblacions de patògens, les co-infeccions que en deriven i els efectes sobre el ...

    Effects of hesperidin on cardiovascular disease risk biomarkers: An omics science approach approach 

    Pla Pagà, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-02-18)

    Les malalties cardiovasculars són la primera causa de morbimortalitat al món, i el polifenol hesperidina podria tenir efectes protectors sobre el sistema cardiovascular. L’objectiu de la present tesi doctoral és avaluar ...

    Effects of High Copper Supplementation from Different Sources on the Productive Performance and Intestinal Microbiota of Broilers and Pigs, and Its Environmental Dimension 

    Forouzandeh, Asal (Date of defense: 2023-05-25)

    El coure (Cu) ha guanyat una atenció important com a substitut dels antibiòtics a causa de les seves propietats antimicrobianes i la seva capacitat de millorar el rendiment dels animals quan s'alimenta més enllà del requisit ...

    Effects of high-intensity pulsed electric fields on the bioactive compounds stability and enzymes of broccoli juice 

    Sánchez Vega, Rogelio (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    This thesis doctoral was focused on evaluating the influence of HIPEF-processing parameters (electric field strength, treatment time and polarity) on bioactive compounds (chlorophylls, carotenoids, vitamin C and total ...

    Effects of human activities on nitrogen cycling in Mediterranean streams: contrasts between nitrate and ammoniun dynamics 

    Ribot Bermejo, Miquel (Date of defense: 2015-03-27)

    Human activities have increased dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) availability and modified the relative proportion of DIN as NO3- or NH4+ in running waters. Because nitrogen (N) is an essential element for in-stream ...

    Effects of human serum albumin on TNFα-induced cell death and mitochondrial dysfunction in the liver cells 

    Duran Güell, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-04-12)

    [eng] Albumin exerts pleiotropic actions beyond its oncotic power, which include binding, transport and detoxification of endogenous and exogenous molecules, antioxidant activity and the modulation of immune and inflammatory ...