Now showing items 14356-14375 of 41683

    Environmental governance from a gender perspective. Theoretical reflections and case studies 

    Agüera Cabo, Mercè (Date of defense: 2011-07-08)

    In the second half of the twentieth century we saw the environmental debate escalate into one of the most challenging and complex issues that authorities at international, national, regional and municipal levels have to ...

    Environmental impact accounting of organic agricultural production systems: advancing inventory and biodiversity modelling approaches in life cycle assessment 

    Montemayor, Erica Yvonne (Date of defense: 2022-11-24)

    (English) Agriculture not only contributes to more than a quarter of all global greenhouse gas emissions but is also the number one anthropogenic source of nitrogen emissions and a danger to nearly half of threatened ...

    Environmental influences on child health and development : The role of seafood, acetaminophen and maternal mental health 

    Avella García, Claudia B. (Date of defense: 2016-07-28)

    The main aims of this thesis can be divided into three focuses. First: to review the literature on the effect of the intake of seafood during early life on neurodevelopment. Secondly: to evaluate the impact of maternal ...

    Environmental levels of PAHs and other SVOCs in a petrochemical area. Combining monitoring and modelling tools 

    Domínguez Morueco, Noelia (Date of defense: 2018-02-02)

    En aquesta tesi s’ha avaluat la contaminació atmosfèrica com a conseqüència de la presència de contaminants orgànics semivolàtils (SVOCs) al camp de Tarragona. Aquesta àrea conté un dels complexes químics/petroquímics més ...

    Environmental Management In Agriculture Based On Water And Climate Change Assessments: Tools For Decision Making By Life Cycle Approach 

    Amores Barrero, María José (Date of defense: 2013-04-29)

    The irrigated world area has been increased dramatically from the mid of 20th century. Freshwater use and its consumption have emerged as areas of high environmental concern. Although agricultural lands represent only 12% ...

    Environmental mobility of potentially toxic trace elements of Andean volcanic ashes 

    Ruggieri, Flavia (Date of defense: 2011-07-18)

    This research investigate the geochemical environmental impact of ancient ash deposits erupted to hundreds of thousands to several million years ago in the southern Puna and neighbouring areas (Argentina), Uruguay and five ...

    Environmental optimization of the public space of cities Action on urban pavements and elements to support sustainable mobility 

    Fernández Mendoza, Joan Manuel (Date of defense: 2014-07-18)

    El planeamiento urbano empieza a estar fuertemente focalizado en la provisión de redes adecuadas de infraestructuras que estimulen el desarrollo de una movilidad sostenible. Sin embargo, la integración de criterios ambientales ...

    Environmental Policies in International Markets 

    Tomori, Françeska (Date of defense: 2021-07-09)

    La hipòtesi estableix que a la llum de l'escàndol d'emissions de Volkswagen, una creença comuna que s'ha format és que la captura regulatòria en el control i establiment d'estàndards d'emissions ha portat a una menor ...

    Environmental Risk Assessment by Microplastics pollution on Catalonia coastal areas 

    Expósito Lorenzo, Nora (Date of defense: 2023-05-25)

    Els Microplastics (MPs) es defineixen com a “qualsevol partícula sòlida sintètica o matriu polimèrica, de forma regular o irregular i de mida compresa entre 1 m i 5 mm, d'origen primari o secundari, que són insolubles en ...

    Environmental risk assessment in the mediterranean region using artificial neural networks 

    Mújica Chacín, Marelys Josefina (Date of defense: 2012-04-27)

    Los mapas auto-organizados han demostrado ser una herramienta apropiada para la clasificación y visualización de grupos de datos complejos. Redes neuronales, como los mapas auto-organizados (SOM) o las redes difusas ARTMAP ...

    Environmental risk factors and therapeutical implications in eating disorders 

    Krug, Isabel (Date of defense: 2008-12-05)

    The central scientific objective of this thesis was to take a broad multidisciplinary approach to make use of the full potential information to battle EDs, utilizing an interactive and translational approach running from ...

    Environmental shaping and carbon cycling in a macrophyte-dominated Mediterranean coastal lagoon 

    Obrador Sala, Biel (Date of defense: 2009-06-03)

    Las lagunas litorales son sistemas altamente dinámicos en los que la vegetación sumergida juega un papel estructural y funcional fundamental. En esta tesis se ha realizado una aproximación a la ecología funcional de una ...

    Environmental tax on products and services based on their carbon footprint: the case of Spain 

    Gemechu, Eskinder Demisse (Date of defense: 2013-03-15)

    The main aim of this thesis is to define an environmental tax on products and services based on their carbon footprint. Hybrid-LCA is recognized as the most appropriate methodological tool for identifying the emission ...

    Environmental,and,genetic,factors,affecting,Saccharomyces+ cerevisiae,performance,during,second,fermentation 

    Martí Raga, Maria (Date of defense: 2015-10-19)

    El mètode tradicional utilitzat en la producció de vins escumosos (com el cava i el champagne) es caracteritza per una segona fermentació que té lloc dins l’ampolla. Aquesta segona fermentació presenta unes característiques ...

    Environmentalism of the dispossessed: Mapping ecologies of resistance 

    Temper, Leah (Date of defense: 2014-12-11)

    A lo largo y ancho del mundo, los conflictos ambientales invaden nuevas geografías y espacios simbólicos. Este proceso se ha llamado la “ambientalización” de las luchas sociales, y consiste en el uso de los problemas ...

    Environmentally friendly nanocrystals synthesized and processed in ambient conditions for solution-processed solar cells 

    Akgul, M. Zafer (Date of defense: 2021-02-11)

    Due to the continuously increasing energy demand and the environmental concerns about climate changes raised by international community, alternative energy resources have been put under intense investigation for the past ...

    Environmentally-friendly perovskite nanocrystals based on titanium and tin 

    Liga, Shanti Maria (Date of defense: 2023-03-22)

    (English) The availability of energy is a fundamental ingredient for the development of society. However, the intense consumption of fossil fuels as an energy resource since the second industrial revolution has caused a ...

    Environnement architectural, santé et domesticité : étude des effets d'un aménagement architectural domestique sur la qualité de vie, l'usage et la perception de l'espace dans les lieux de vie institutionnels pour personnes âgées 

    Razes Cerese, Fany (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    In a global context of population ageing, many research are conducted to improve the quality of life of older people living in assisted living facilities, but few of these works develop an architectural approach .This ...

    Enzim deubiqüitinant USP25: cerca de substrats i relació estructura-funció, L' 

    Bosch Comas, Anna (Date of defense: 2007-03-23)

    La degradació de proteïnes mitjançant el sistema de les ubiquitines i el proteasoma (UPS) és un procés altament regulat, en el qual diverses famílies enzimàtiques s'encarreguen de la correcte conjugació i deconjugació de ...

    Enzimas del catabolismo purínico en las fracciones soluble y microsomal de cerebro y cerebelo de rata 

    Franco Fernández, Rafael (Date of defense: 1982-01-01)

    El término "microsomas", del que deriva el de "fracción microsomal", no representa un orgánulo subcelular concreto como ocurre con el término "mitocondrias" y su correspondiente "fracción mitocondrial". De Duve (1964) y, ...