Now showing items 14946-14965 of 41711

    Essays on monetary, fiscal and trade policy in open economies 

    Forlati, Chiara (Date of defense: 2009-10-02)

    En esta tesis estudio varias cuestiones de política monetaria y fiscal usando modelos de equilibrio generales completamente micro-fundados. El primer capítulo de esta tesis trata la cuestión de cómo la políticas monetarias ...

    Essays on Money, Credit and Fiscal Policy 

    Sessa, Luca (Date of defense: 2011-07-27)

    This thesis tackles three different issues of relevance for economic policy, with an explicit reference to the Euro area. Does the inclusion of monetary targeting in a monetary policy strategy improve macroeconomic stability? ...

    Essays on multi-sided assignment markets 

    Atay, Ata (Date of defense: 2017-03-10)

    This dissertation covers the study of assignment problems in a game theoretical framework, focusing on multi-sided assignment games and stability notions. In Chapter 2, we provide some preliminaries on assignment markets ...

    Essays on mutual funds and their impact on financial stability 

    De Jesus, Miguel Karlo (Date of defense: 2018-01-25)

    This dissertation consists of two chapters that explore some of the financial stability issues that concern mutual funds. The first chapter demonstrates that the massive sale by US funds of Mexican equity in 2008 triggered ...

    Essays on Networks and Crime 

    Domínguez Pérez, Magdalena (Date of defense: 2021-07-08)

    La delincuencia y el temor que genera son determinantes importantes del bienestar individual y de los retornos esperados de muchas actividades económicas. Intuitivamente, y confirmado por la literatura teórica reciente, ...

    Essays on Networks in Economics: Pairwise Influences and Communication Processes 

    Martí Beltran, Joan de (Date of defense: 2007-05-28)

    Aquesta tesi estudia dues qüestions diferents. En primer lloc, les conseqüències econòmiques de les influències per parelles, enteses com externalitats amb intensitat i signe depenent de la parella d'agents considerats. ...

    Essays on networks, social ties, and labor markets 

    Safi, Shahir (Date of defense: 2018-09-06)

    Aquesta tesi explora la teoria de la xarxa i les seves aplicacions al mercat laboral. En particular, examino com l'estabilitat i l'eficiència de les xarxes depenen de les externalitats de la xarxa i de la vinculació de les ...

    Essays on new Keynesian Macroeconomics 

    Dorich Doig, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2008-07-03)

    El modelo Neo Keynesiano estándar ha sido una de las herramientas más influyentes en debates sobre dinámica macroeconómica, política monetaria y bienestar. Además, este modelo constituye una pieza fundamental en la elaboración ...

    Essays on Non-Price Competition and Macroeconomics 

    Turino, Francesco (Date of defense: 2009-11-30)

    My dissertation is a collection of three essays that study various aspects of non-price competition among firms using fully microfounded general equilibrium models. The first two chapters, both coauthored with Benedetto ...

    Essays on Non-Stationary Panel Analysis 

    Surdeanu, Laura (Date of defense: 2014-01-09)

    This thesis consists of three self-contained essays on non-stationary panel data. We propose novel approaches to both cointegration and unit root analysis in panel data models. The main contribution of this thesis is ...

    Essays on open economic, inflation and labour markets 

    Campolmi, Alessia (Date of defense: 2008-02-06)

    En los últimos años se ha desarollado mucho la literatura que utiliza modelos estocásticos de equilibrio económico general en economía abierta. En esta clase de modelos el primer capítulo estudia si el banco central tiene ...

    Essays on organised crime and Internal conflicts 

    Piemontese, Lavinia (Date of defense: 2019-06-19)

    En esta tesis analizo las consecuencias económicas de dos categorías de violencia: crimen organizado y conflicto interno. La literatura económica ha establecido que tanto el crimen organizado como las guerras civiles ...

    Essays on Overeducation: Evidence from Spain 

    Nieto Viramontes, Sandra (Date of defense: 2014-09-26)

    Investment in human capital is a key tool for the social and economic progress in every country. Thus one of the most important public policies in the last century has focused on increasing the level and quality of education ...

    Essays on Ownership Structure, Corporate Governance and Corporate Finance 

    Desender, Kurt A. (Date of defense: 2010-06-18)

    La mayoría de los estudios de gobierno corporativo se centran en empresas cotizadas en E.E.U.U o el Reino Unido donde existe una clara separación entre propiedad y control. Sin embargo, en Europa continental la estructura ...

    Essays on political and public economics 

    Nupia Martínez, Oscar (Date of defense: 2007-06-28)

    Esta tesis trata tres temas diferentes: (1) El efecto de la distribución del ingreso sobre los niveles de conflicto; (2) el efecto de la descentralización sobre la corrupción; (3) el efecto del número de partidos sobre las ...

    Essays on Political Economy 

    Sánchez Ibrahim, Jesús (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

    Aquesta tesi combina dades històriques amb teoria de jocs per a intentar entendre millor la relació entre els partits polítics i l'opinió publica. En primer lloc, estudi les dinàmiques de les qüestions socials. Demostro ...

    Essays on political economy and matching markets 

    Domènech i Gironell, Gerard (Date of defense: 2023-11-22)

    [eng] In the thesis I make use of the tools provided by game theory to study the incentives of members of a variety of institutions. The three works that make up for the core of the dissertation, stress the importance of ...

    Essays on political economy of development 

    Geng, Yining (Date of defense: 2019-06-21)

    This thesis consists of three chapters on topics in development economics. In the first chapter, I study the impact of family planning policies on gender-specific outcomes. I find positive impacts of the FPP on improv-ing ...

    Essays on Political Economy of Public Intergenerational Transfers 

    Michailidis, Gianko (Date of defense: 2019-07-19)

    Low fertility and mortality rates combined with the retirement of the generation of “baby boomers” bring about dramatic population ageing and are projected to reverse the demographic pyramid in many advanced economies. The ...

    Essays on preferences for redistribution 

    Tosu, Dilara (Date of defense: 2020-03-06)

    The dissertation explores individuals' attitudes towards redistribution. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 present two dynamic theoretical models that are used to analyze the interrelation between education decisions and preferences ...