Now showing items 15443-15462 of 43179

    Essays on Machine Learning for Risk Analysis in Finance, Insurance and Energy 

    Vidal Llana, Juan José (Date of defense: 2023-06-12)

    [eng] This thesis provides research catalogued in the area of risk assessment. Specifically, it contributes to the fields of international finance and asset pricing in finance, and risk assessment in energy economics and ...

    Essays on Macroeconometrics 

    Gallio, Francesco (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    Esta tesis es una colección de ensayos empíricos, con aplicación macroeconómica. En el primer capítulo, se investigan los efectos de política monetaria, previstos y no previstos. La idea básica es que los mercados forman ...

    Essays on Macroeconomic Dynamics 

    Álvarez Lois, Pedro Pablo (Date of defense: 2001-03-30)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es la de explorar el comportamiento de los agentes económicos en un entorno cambiante, desarrollando modelos que son estructuras dinámicas genuinas, construidas sobre sólidos fundamentos ...

    Essays on macroeconomic effects of credit market fluctuations 

    Tripathy, Jagdish (Date of defense: 2016-11-22)

    This dissertation includes three chapters on the macroeconomic effects of the financial system, particularly the credit market. In the first chapter, I show a causal link between household credit supply and economic ...

    Essays on macroeconomic forecasting 

    Tagliabracci, Alex (Date of defense: 2018-10-11)

    Esta tesis es una colección de tres ensayos empíricos con un enfoque en la previsión. El primer capítulo se centra en una importante tarea de política como previsión de la inflación. El trabajo tiene como objetivo ...

    Essays on Macroeconomic Policies and Redistribution 

    Davtyan, Karen (Date of defense: 2016-04-29)

    The general objective of the doctoral thesis is to evaluate the distributive effects of macroeconomic policies. In particular, the thesis assesses the distributional impact of fiscal policy, conventional and unconventional ...

    Essays on macroeconomic policy and business cycles 

    Ou, Shengliang (Date of defense: 2019-07-03)

    This thesis consists of three chapters on macroeconomic policy and business cy-cles. In chapter 1, I estimate a time-varying structural VAR to study the effects of government spending shocks on a number of U.S. macroeconomic ...

    Essays on macroeconomic policy over the business cycle 

    Hauser, Daniela Stefanie (Date of defense: 2013-06-18)

    Esta tesis consta de tres capítulos vagamente conectados, cada uno de ellos analizando una cuestión de particular interés para los legisladores de políticas macroeconómicas relacionadas con las fluctuaciones del ciclo ...

    Essays on Macroeconomic Theory: Technology Adoption, the Informal Economy, and Monetary Policy 

    Morales Piñero, Jesús Enrique (Date of defense: 2006-11-17)

    It is well known that cross-country diferences in income per worker are very large. For example, the average per-capita income of the richest ten percent of countries of the Penn World Tables in 1996 is about thirty times ...

    Essays on Macroeconomics and Textual Analysis 

    Martín Vilató, Zoel (Date of defense: 2023-07-07)

    Aquesta tesi conté tres assaigs sobre macroeconomia i anàlisi textual. En el primer capítol, estudio l’impacte de la polarització política sobre les polítiques mediambientals utilitzant propostes de llei de les ...

    Essays on Malliavin Calculus in Finance 

    Pravosud, Makar (Date of defense: 2024-03-01)

    In this thesis we study the asymptotic behaviour of the at-the-money skew and the level of the implied volatility of a European, an Asian, Inverse and Quanto Inverse call options under a general stochastic volatility ...

    Essays on marital sorting and fertility 

    Goñi i Tràfach, Marc (Date of defense: 2015-04-27)

    This thesis examines the interactions between marital patterns, inequality, and fertility. In the first chapter I analyze the impact of search frictions on marital assortative matching. I exploit a temporary interruption ...

    Essays on Market Power 

    Deb, Shubhdeep (Date of defense: 2024-06-27)

    This thesis consists of three chapters that explore how firm’s behaviour impacts worker outcomes, focusing specifically on the implications of market power on entrepreneurship, wages and inequality. The first chapter ...

    Essays on microfinance in east-Africa 

    Kinya Mbaya, Caroline (Date of defense: 2017-06-06)

    Microfinance has found itself at the center of development agenda for many a developing economy struggling to reduce poverty and spur economic growth by containing unemployment. This is based on the assumption that if ...

    Essays on microfinance institutions and human capital 

    Sackey, Frank Gyimah (Date of defense: 2016-11-11)

    El primer capítol examina la mesura que l'accés al crèdit i el racionament del crèdit estan influenciats pel tipus de microfinances basat en els principals factors que determinen les micro, accés de les petites i mitjanes ...

    Essays on migration, altruism, and intergenerational mobiilty 

    Ramirez, Alberto Jose (Date of defense: 2018-10-26)

    Esta tesis es una colección de ensayos centrados en la economía del desarrollo. La primera parte está dedicada al análisis de las tarifas de transacción sobre el comportamiento de las remesas y cómo la existencia de los ...

    Essays on Mobility and Environmental Policies in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona 

    Rosell i Segura, Jordi (Date of defense: 2017-11-10)

    Europe's cities – home to 70% of the EU population and generating over 80% of the Union's GDP - are connected by one of the world's best transport systems (European Commission Regional Policy, 2011). The Barcelona metropolitan ...

    Essays on Monetary and Fiscal Policy 

    Blas Pérez, Beatriz de (Date of defense: 2002-09-20)

    Esta tesis estudia cuestiones de política monetaria y fiscal en macroeconomías con fricciones financieras. <br/>El Capítulo 1 analiza numéricamente el funcionamiento de reglas de política monetaria en economías con y sin ...

    Essays on monetary and fiscal policy 

    Pescatori, Andrea (Date of defense: 2006-12-18)

    The thesis is divided into three chapters.<br/><br/>1) I study how monetary policy should be optimally designed when households show financial wealth heterogeneity.<br/>Main results: thanks to its ability to affect interest ...

    Essays on monetary economics 

    Pappa, Evi (Date of defense: 2001-11-22)

    The thesis consists of three chapters: Chapter 2 investigates, in the context of a two-country model with monopolistic competition and price stickiness, the implications for macroeconomic stability and the welfare ...