Now showing items 19116-19135 of 41648

    From molecular to tissue-specific roles of Fascin during Drosophila tracheal development: A link between the FGF signalling pathway and the actin-cytoskeleton 

    Okenve Ramos, Pilar Moyong (Date of defense: 2014-10-31)

    How a chemoattractant can act on a tissue to induce its migration towards that source? I have tried to answer this question in this research using as migratory tissue model the Drosophila respiratory organ (trachea) during ...

    From mononuclear to dinuclear : magnetic properties of transition metals complexes 

    Saureu Artesona, Sergi (Date of defense: 2016-05-13)

    En les darreres dècades, el món de la tecnologia i el desenvolupament de nous aparells electrònics s'han convertit en vitals per la nostra societat. Considerant la creixent demanda per la interpretació de resultats ...

    From music similarity to music recommendation : computational approaches based on audio features and metadata 

    Bogdanov, Dmitry (Date of defense: 2013-09-06)

    Aquest treball es centra en el modelatge d'usuari per la recomanació musical i desenvolupa algoritmes per la comprensió automàtica i visualització de preferències musicals. Primer, es proposa un model d'usuari construït a ...

    From nanoparticles to graphene: architecting novel (bio)sensing platforms and devices 

    Baptista Pires, Luis Miguel (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    La tesis presentada y titulada “De las nanopartículas al grafeno: arquitectando novedosas plataformas y dispositivos para biosensores” presenta el desarrollo de varios biosensores basados en el uso de nanoparticulas y ...

    From national catholicism to democratic patriotism?: An empirical analysis of contemporany Spanish national identity 

    Muñoz Mendoza, Jordi (Date of defense: 2009-03-02)

    El nacionalcatolicisme franquista, ha sigut substituït per un patriotisme democràtic espanyol? Aquesta tesi explora, mitjançant l'anàlisi del cas espanyol, com els estats establerts promouen i dónen forma a la identitat ...

    From networks to population-specific adaptations : studying positive selection in humans 

    Dobón Berenguer, Begoña (Date of defense: 2018-11-23)

    The evolution of the genome is driven, among other factors, by the composition of the genome, the functional output of the gene products, and by environmental pressures. Among the environmental factors, pathogens are one ...

    From parrurition to pregnancy. A clinical perspective in the dairy cow 

    López-Helguera, Irene (Date of defense: 2012-06-14)

    La vaca lletera d’alta producció actual pateix un estrés metabòlic ques’uneix a altres tipus d’estrés com el del part i de la gestació. Malgratles millores en nutrició i genètica, la eficàcia reproductiva d’aquestsanimals ...

    From phage display and venoms to protease-resistant peptides: Design of BBB-shuttles and peptides targeting EGF 

    Díaz Perlas, Cristina (Date of defense: 2018-03-07)

    Peptides play a critical role in human physiology and harbour a huge potential as therapeutic agents. In this thesis, new peptides have been discovered as ligands for the epidermal growth factor (EGF) and as new BBB-shuttles, ...

    From pixels to gestures: learning visual representations for human analysis in color and depth data sequences 

    Hernández-Vela, Antonio (Date of defense: 2015-03-09)

    The visual analysis of humans from images is an important topic of interest due to its relevance to many computer vision applications like pedestrian detection, monitoring and surveillance, human-computer interaction, ...

    From pixels to particles: multi-physics meshless model of the heart 

    Lluc Álvarez, Èric (Date of defense: 2019-10-21)

    The functioning of the heart, which main role is pumping blood to the rest of the body, is the result of a complex combination of multi-scale physical processes from the molecular to the tissue level. The predominance of ...

    From populations to species : Unravelling the unknowns of ageing with two complementary approaches 

    Farré Ramon, Xavier (Date of defense: 2022-07-01)

    Ageing is a very complex phenotype that has been widely studied, but is still largely unknown. Most of the studies focus on a single species, or on performing genome wide association studies in human cohorts, but this only ...

    From preconcentration to rapid detection of exosomes as biomarkers in clinical diagnosis 

    Lima de Moura, Silio (Date of defense: 2020-07-27)

    En l’actualitat, existeix demanda de biomarcadors per poder millorar la detecció de malalties en una etapa inicial, el seguiment de pacients i dissenyar estratègies terapèutiques. Els exosomes són partícules biològiques ...

    From quantum foundations to quantum information protocols and back 

    Torre Carazo, Gonzalo de la (Date of defense: 2015-09-23)

    Physics has two main ambitions: to predict and to understand. Indeed, physics aims for the prediction of all natural phenomena. Prediction entails modeling the correlation between an action, the input, and what is subsequently ...

    From quantum memories to single-site addressing with three-level atoms 

    Viscor Pagès, Daniel (Date of defense: 2013-01-11)

    El camp de la informació quàntica, que sorgeix de la combinació entre la teoria de la informació i la física quàntica, ha experimentat un enorme progrés durant les darreres dècades, donant lloc a avenços revolucionaris en ...

    From Quantum Source Compression to Quantum Thermodynamics 

    Baghali Khanian, Zahra (Date of defense: 2020-11-17)

    Aquesta tesi aborda problemes en el camp de la teoria de la informació quàntica, específicament, la teoria quàntica de Shannon. La primera part de la tesi comença amb definicions concretes de models de fonts quàntiques ...

    From rice fields to seabirds: an integrative approach to study mercury dynamics in the Ebro Delta 

    Sánchez-Fortún Burriel, Moisès (Date of defense: 2022-07-20)

    Mercury pollution is of great concern for the scientific community due to their ubiquity and persistence in the environment. Its bioaccumulation and biomagnification capacities along food webs enhance their toxicity both ...

    From RNA to histological images: linking the transcriptome with human phenotypes through statistical learning 

    Muñoz Aguirre, Manuel (Date of defense: 2021-04-07)

    Genomic datasets are fundamental to broaden our understanding of human biology in the context of health and disease. However, the high-dimensional nature of gene expression and other molecular traits poses a challenge when ...

    From Romanesque to Gothic: A compositional, morphological and formal study of medieval cultural heritage objects 

    Magkanas, Georgios (Date of defense: 2023-09-18)

    [eng] The present PhD thesis is focused on the study of the compositional, morphological and formal characteristics of medieval cultural heritage objects, and more specifically manuscripts and champlevé enamels of Limoges, ...

    From sequence to structure: determinants of functional and non-functional. Protein aggregation 

    Marinelli, Patrizia (Date of defense: 2015-12-14)

    El estudio de la agregación proteica representa un campo de investigación desafiante que abarca tanto el área biomédica como la biotecnológica. El creciente número de enfermedades humanas asociadas a la acumulación de ...

    From simple to complex multicellularity : on the preconditions, design spaces and the evolution of neural agents 

    Ollé Vila, Aina (Date of defense: 2020-02-12)

    Les grans transicions evolutives han transformat profundament la manera com la informació s'organitza i es transmet, a vegades en la forma d'un nou nivell jeràrquic que conté entitats que prèviament es comportaven com ...