Now showing items 23117-23136 of 43209

    Innovación y co-creación como impulsores de la participación de los jóvenes en la gobernanza sostenible del turismo 

    Andreu Aparicio, Herminia (Date of defense: 2023-11-21)

    This research is an exciting immersion into the world of co-creation and its potential to drive innovation in sustainability within tourism and heritage education. Through the methodology of participant observation in the ...

    Innovación y desarrollo tecnológico de los procesos y técnicas de mantenimiento para las válvulas en buques de última generación 

    Varela Geis, Ángel (Date of defense: 2018-09-07)

    This PhD thesis analyzes and sets the bases the new contributions of maintenance engineering for motorized valves, as well as the most appropiate strategies and technologies to guarantee the operational safety margin. ...

    Innovación y enfermería: análisis para un cambio 

    Aparicio Salamanca, Emilia (Date of defense: 2011-02-03)

    La tesis tiene su origen en una cita publicada por la OMS en el año 1951 que proviene de la primera reunión del comité de expertos en enfermería, constituido en el año 1950, y que dice: <br/>"En aquellos países donde sólo ...

    Innovación y mejora del proceso de evaluación del aprendizaje. Una investigación-acción colaborativa en la asignatura Matemática I de los estudios de ingeniería de la UNEXPO, Vicerrectorado Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela 

    Morales Urbina, Esther María (Date of defense: 2008-07-10)

    Esta investigación es un trabajo de intervención que se ha enmarcado dentro de la metodología cualitativa, bajo una perspectiva interpretativa, asumiendo como fundamento el desarrollo de un proceso de análisis participativo, ...

    Innovación y servicios experienciales: El rol del arte multidisciplinario en la gastronomía creativa 

    Hurtado Justiniano, Maria Nelly (Date of defense: 2017-09-20)

    La presente tesis, es un aporte a la temática de innovación en servicios de experiencia aplicado al mundo de la gastronomía creativa. A partir de una profunda revisión de la literatura en la temática de experiencia, ...

    Innovación y valor del turismo gastronómico en puerto rico: el desarrollo de la agricultura culinaria 

    Ramírez Ruíz, Jesmarie (Date of defense: 2022-05-12)

    [spa] Esta investigación se enmarca en la línea de investigación denominada “Turismo gastronómico”, una temática hasta ahora secundaria dentro del campo del turismo cultural, que ha ido cobrando fuerza e independizándose ...

    Innovación, frontera tecnológica y capacidad absortiva: el papel de las externalidades del conocimiento 

    Gombau Bertomeu, Verònica (Date of defense: 2012-10-11)

    El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar el impacto de las fuentes de la innovación, la frontera tecnológica y los determinantes de la capacidad absortiva sobre la productividad, tanto desde una perspectiva macroeconómica (a ...

    Innovation in the continuing vocational education and training (CVET) government-run programme in Catalonia 

    Mara, Liviu Catalin (Date of defense: 2018-07-25)

    L’objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral va ser analitzar com es treballa la innovació en el marc d'un programa governamental de formació professional per a l’ocupació (CVET, en anglès) dirigit per a persones desocupades ...

    Innovation intermediaries and their role(s) in orchestrating networked innovation 

    Stahl, Moritz Marius (Date of defense: 2024-03-08)

    En l'escenari empresarial actual, les startups tecnològiques són els motors de la innovació i el creixement econòmic. En la seva trajectòria, són fonamentals els intermediaris d’innovació, que naveguen per la complexa xarxa ...

    Innovation key succes drivers of industrial companies in mature technology segments 

    Badrinas Ardèvol, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-02-22)

    In business terms, the ultimate purpose of innovation is to generate profitable growth, however for mature industrial technology firms (LMTs), operating in mature markets, endeavours of innovation often result in the ...

    Innovation of the Magnetotelluric method and its application to the characterization of the Pyrenean lithosphere 

    Campanyà i Lloret, Joan (Date of defense: 2013-02-14)

    This thesis is a compendium of three papers related to the magnetotelluric (MT) method and its application to the characterization of lithospheric-scale geoelectrical structures. The thesis begins with an Introduction where ...

    Innovation of the process-equipment system in a context of sustainability 

    Ridaura Aldana, Gregorio (Date of defense: 2020-02-18)

    In search to contribute to the current fight against climate change, the industrial sector is immersed in a transition to the Circular Economy (CE) to achieve resource efficiency through the redesign of products and ...

    Innovation on Nanoscience: Processes and Ecosystems of Innovation with a multi-KET approach to foster Technology Transfer and Commercialization of Nanotechnologies in the Field of Healthcare 

    Páez Avilés, Cristina (Date of defense: 2017-02-20)

    Transferring nanotechnology into marketable products and services is still considered a major challenge. In Europe, this issue has been identified as a weakness, not only for nanotechnology, but also for the other five Key ...

    Innovation processes in creative industries: new practices and the use of technology in the digital entertainment industry 

    Granados Sánchez, Cristian (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    In the last few decades Creative Industries (CIs) have been gaining ground as an important topic in academic and political agendas. CIs have their origin in creativity and individual talent to produce content, services or ...

    Innovation systems: the european experience and opportunities for Latin America and the Caribbean 

    Rullán Rosanis, Samantha Rebeca (Date of defense: 2011-07-20)

    The elaboration of this thesis involved several stages, and since it is a complex subject matter, it was imperative to maintain a multidisciplinary focus. In the rst stage, the need to improve the innovation performance ...

    Innovation through Cross-Fertilization: Serious games and gamification in the EU-funded research projects 

    González Piñero, Manel (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    In recent years, ecosystems of innovation have gained substantial momentum in academic research. As a response to recent calls in open innovation literature for novel research, this doctoral thesis extends the study of the ...

    Innovation, entrepreneurship and outsourcing: essays on the use of knowledge in business environments 

    Bikfalvi, Andrea (Date of defense: 2007-09-14)

    Innovació, emprenedoria i subcontractació són els pilars temàtics de la present tesi doctoral. L'ús del coneixement per part de les empreses representa l'element comú d'aquestes temàtiques. Les evidències empíriques provenen ...

    Innovation, imitation and trade agreements: fims decisions in international 

    Bordoy Marcó, Catalina (Date of defense: 2003-02-14)

    Innovation, Market Structure, and Cooperative R&D Strategies 

    Ibáñez Zárate, Guiomar (Date of defense: 2015-06-22)

    En un ambient competitiu, on la innovació és complexa, arriscada i costosa, les empreses consideren freqüentment la col•laboració com una estratègia d'innovació. Aquestes estratègies poden prendre la forma de research joint ...

    Innovations for the assessment and treatment of gambling disorder 

    Díaz-Sanahuja, Laura (Date of defense: 2023-01-30)

    This thesis aims to contribute to scientific progress in the assessment and treatment of Gambling Disorder (GD) by adapting and developing new instruments, validating them, and introducing Information and Communication ...