Now showing items 20191-20210 of 41771

    Hankel operators on vector-valued Bergman spaces 

    Oliver Vendrell, Roc (Date of defense: 2017-09-14)

    The main goal of this work is to study vector-valued Bergman spaces and to obtain the weak factorization of these spaces. In order to do that we need to study small Hankel operators with operator-valued holomorphic symbols. ...

    Hannah Arendt: Una lectura desde la autoridad 

    Straehle Porras, Edgar (Date of defense: 2016-12-16)

    En este trabajo se examina el concepto de autoridad desde el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt. El objetivo consiste en repensar y reivindicar la importancia de esta categoría política central que ha sido insuficientemente ...

    Haplotipos del receptor endotelial de la proteína C (EPCR) y acción sobre la hemostasia de las micropartículas circulantes en el síndrome antifosfolipídico y en el lupus eritematoso sistémico: Relación con la arteriosclerosis y la trombosis 

    Plasín Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 2021-06-30)

    INTRODUCCIÓN: El síndrome antifosfolipídico (SAF) y el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES) tienen una mayor prevalencia de enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV), pero se desconoce el mecanismo exacto de esta asociación. La forma ...

    Happiness and satisfaction of foreign experts working in China and their influencing factors 

    Gu, Linzhi (Date of defense: 2023-01-13)

    [eng] In this PhD thesis, I have analyzed the happiness, life satisfaction and work satisfaction of foreign scientists working in China, as well as which factors influence them. The main goal of my PhD thesis is to understand ...

    Happy and Productive Groups: A compendium of multimethod studies on group positive affect from Positive Psychology 

    Peñalver González, Jonatan (Date of defense: 2020-01-16)

    The main aim of this dissertation is to improve our current understanding of the group positive affect in the working context. In order to complete this objective, three research challenges are carried out which attend to ...

    Hardware accelerators for embedded fingerprint-based personal recognition systems 

    Fons Lluís, Mariano (Date of defense: 2012-05-29)

    Abstract The development of automatic biometrics-based personal recognition systems is a reality in the current technological age. Not only those operations demanding stringent security levels but also many daily use ...

    Hardware design of task superscalar architecture 

    Yazdanpanah, Fahimeh (Date of defense: 2014-06-26)

    Exploiting concurrency to achieve greater performance is a difficult and important challenge for current high performance systems. Although the theory is plain, the complexity of traditional parallel programming models in ...

    Hardware Implementation of Machine Learning and Deep-Learning Systems oriented to Image Processing 

    Franco Frasser, Christiam Camilo (Date of defense: 2022-05-23)

    [spa] El aprendizaje de m aquinas (ML) y aprendizaje profundo (DL) han experimentado un creciente inter es en la comunidad cient ca en la ultima d ecada. Desafortunadamente, la implementaci on de dichos algoritmos en ...

    Hardware runtime management for task-based programming models 

    Tan, Xubin (Date of defense: 2018-11-26)

    Task-based programming models allow programmers to express applications as a collection of tasks with dependences. They are simple to use and greatly improve programmability by using software runtimes to exploit task ...

    Hardware thread scheduling algorithms for single-ISA asymmetric CMPs 

    Markovic, Nikola (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    Through the past several decades, based on the Moore's law, the semiconductor industry was doubling the number of transistors on the single chip roughly every eighteen months. For a long time this continuous increase in ...

    Hardware/software co-design for data-intensive genomics workloads 

    Cadenelli, Luca (Date of defense: 2019-12-19)

    Since the last decade, the main components of computer systems have been evolving, diversifying, to overcome their physical limits and to minimize their energy footprint. Hardware specialization and heterogeneity have ...

    Hardware/software solutions to enable the use of high-performance processors in the most stringent safety-critical systems 

    Alcaide Portet, Sergi (Date of defense: 2023-07-19)

    (English) Future Safety-Critical Systems require a boost in guaranteed performance in order to satisfy the increasing performance demands of the state-of-the-art complex software features. Ar1 approach to achieve these ...

    Harinera La Montserrat (1898-1936). Aproximación a la historia empresial de los Ensesa de Girona (c. 1880-c. 1989) 

    Benito Mundet, Helena (Date of defense: 2005-11-30)

    Després d'esbossar la trajectòria del grup empresarial dels Ensesa (la farinera, la metal·lúrgica Batlle, Solés i Cia, el Garatge Callicó, Indústries Químiques Tartàriques, la ciutat-jardí de S'Agaró, Suberolita, etc), la ...

    Harmonic load flow formulation and numerical resolution 

    Rashid, Asim (Date of defense: 2019-01-17)

    As a continuation of the work done by the QSE (Electrical Supply Quality) research group at the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) on harmonic load flow in electric power networks, this thesis aims to study existing ...

    Harnessing invariant natural killer T cell (iNKT)-mediated immunoregulation to suppress adipose tissue and liver inflammation in obesity 

    Montaño Sierra, José Javier (Date of defense: 2022-11-02)

    [spa] Las células asesinas naturales T invariantes (iNKT, de las siglas en inglés de invariant natural killer T cells), también células asesinas invariantes de tipo I, son una población inmunitaria de linfocitos T con ...

    Harnessing the interaction nanoparticle-protein for the design of smart carriers for drug delivery 

    Balmori Pastor, Alba (Date of defense: 2019-10-28)

    Les NP han sorgit com prometedors sistemes d'administració de fàrmacs per les seves possibles aplicacions terapèutiques. El procediment comú per a aquest propòsit és dissoldre, encapsular i, finalment, adsorbir o adherir ...

    Harnessing Visible Light for the Development of Novel Synthetic Strategies 

    Mastandrea, Marco Michele (Date of defense: 2020-11-18)

    L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de noves estratègies sintètiques que aprofitin la irradiació amb llum visible. La catàlisi fotoredox en combinació amb catalitzadors orgànics i metàl·lics, així com ...

    The Haskamot of Barcelona of 1354: A Historical, Legal, And Political Approach 

    Macías López, Mario (Date of defense: 2022-03-30)

    L’objectiu de la present tesi és analitzar el contingut dels Acords de Barcelona dins el seu context històric i polític. Aquest document va ser elaborat i signat el 1354 per tres influents jueus de Catalunya i València com ...

    Hasta que no lo vives no lo sabes. Narrativas de mujeres latinoamericanas que se convierten en madres por primera vez en un nuevo contexto sociocultural / Until you live it you do not know it. Narratives of latin american women who become mothers for the first time in a new sociocultural context 

    Uribe León, Mónica (Date of defense: 2021-06-11)

    As indicated by Palomar (2007), beyond being a biological fact, motherhood is also a social construction located in a specific historical-cultural context, composed of particular discourses and practices have a meaning in ...

    Hasta que todas seamos libres: Encuentros, tensiones y retos en la construcción de articulaciones entre colectivos de mujeres migradas y feministas en Euskal Herria 

    Gandarias Goikoetxea, Itziar (Date of defense: 2016-11-04)

    En el actual contexto europeo de crisis sistémica, la falta de vínculos entre mujeres autóctonas y migradas, en un momento en que el racismo y la xenofobia crecen día a día hace inminente la necesidad de estudiar las ...