Now showing items 25618-25637 of 41898

    Lagrangian transport of sinking particles. From theoretical characterization to oceanic applications 

    De la Fuente Marañón, Rebeca (Date of defense: 2022-05-30)

    [eng] The vertical transport of particles plays a key role in the major mechanisms driving biogeophysical cycles in the ocean and contributes to the distribution of pollulants and its accumulation on the ocean bottom. ...

    Lake macroinvertebrates and the altitudinal gradient in the Pyrenees / Los macroinvertebrados lacustres y el gradiente altitudinal en los Pirineos 

    Mendoza Barberá, Guillermo de (Date of defense: 2013-06-20)

    “Lake macroinvertebrates and the altitudinal gradient in the Pyrenees [Los macroinvertebrados lacustres y el gradiente altitudinal en los Pirineos]” is a thesis about freshwater macroinvertebrate communities inhabitting ...

    Lamb: a simulation tool for air-coupled lamb wave based ultrasonic NDE systems 

    Prego Borges, Jose Luis (Date of defense: 2010-10-25)

    La técnica de las ondas de Lamb acopladas por aire representa un importante avance en el área de los Ensayos No Destructivos (END) de materiales laminares.<br/>Sin embargo la compleja naturaleza de las vibraciones mecánicas ...

    Land law and town planning in Hong Kong: study of the relationship between these two areas 

    Caudevilla Parellada, Oriol (Date of defense: 2017-10-17)

    Hong Kong es una región muy capitalista (el lugar más capitalista del mundo), un lugar donde el cambio es constante. No obstante, por desgracia nada es tan fácil como parece (o por suerte, puesto que, si no, nuestra tesis ...

    Land revenue, inequality and development in colonial India (1880-1910) 

    Caum-Julio, Jordi (Date of defense: 2023-04-27)

    [eng] The determinants of economic development have been largely studied in social sciences. Researchers have mostly pointed at geographic (Roy, 2014; Sachs and Warner, 2001) and institutional factors (Acemoglu et al., ...

    Land-cover and land-use change and deforestation in Colombia: spatial dynamics, drivers and modelling 

    Rodríguez Eraso, Nelly (Date of defense: 2011-12-16)

    Este estudio analiza el cambio en la cobertura y uso del suelo con énfasis en los procesos de deforestación en dos regiones contrastantes de Colombia: Andes y Guyana, entre 1985 y 2005. Se aplicó un enfoque espacial y ...

    Land-use changes, cultural ecosystem services, and environmental conflicts: Evidence from rural Bulgaria 

    Hanaček, Ksenija (Date of defense: 2019-12-09)

    Como resultado de sus interacciones e interdependencias con las personas, los agroecosistemas se obtienen servicios de ecosistemas culturales (SEC) como identidad rural, conocimiento tradicional y ceremonias relacionadas ...

    Landscape Analyses for Mobility and Raw Materials Procurement Strategies:The Acheulean Site of Santa Ana Cave in Calerizo de Cáceres, Extremadura, Spain. 

    Akintayo, Akinbowale Mark (Date of defense: 2019-04-12)

    Aquest treball presenta un estudi de la procedència dels materials lítics quartzítics procedents de la cova de Santa Ana a Calerizo de Càceres. Calerizo de Càceres és un sistema càrstic confinat entre pujols quartzítics ...

    Landscape dynamics during the last 17,550 years in Cantabria, northern Iberian Peninsula. Approaches from palaeoecology 

    Sánchez Morales, Marc (Date of defense: 2022-02-28)

    La regió cantàbrica (nord de la península Ibèrica) és una zona de gran interès paleoecològic. Es tracta d’una de les regions europees amb més jaciments arqueològics documentats, amb evidències de presència humana des del ...

    Landscape fragmentation and resilience in seagrass meadows / Fragmentación del paisaje y resiliencia en praderas de fanerógamas marinas 

    Gera, Alessandro (Date of defense: 2013-06-21)

    Overall, this thesis is an attempt at approaching seagrass ecosystems from a landscape perspective, with the aim of increasing knowledge about the processes generating patterns at large spatial scales, and understanding ...

    Landslide and debris flow warning at regional scale. A real-time system using susceptibility mapping, radar rainfall and hydrometeorological thresholds 

    Palau Berastegui, Rosa Maria (Date of defense: 2021-09-23)

    Rainfall triggered shallow slides and debris flows constitute a significant hazard that causes substantial economic losses and fatalities worldwide. Regional-scale risk mitigation for these processes is challenging. ...

    Landslide motion assessment including thermal interaction : an MPM approach 

    Alvarado Bueno, Mauricio (Date of defense: 2018-04-23)

    Risk associated with landslides of natural or man-made origin depends on the prediction of the post-failure behaviour of the mobilized mass. Numerical models capable of integrating the landslide geometry and its evolution, ...

    Landslides in reservoirs: a coupled thermo-hydromechanical approach 

    Pinyol i Puigmartí, Núria Mercè (Date of defense: 2010-09-13)

    La ocurrencia de deslizamientos es uno de los principales problemas presentes durante el diseño, construcción y explotación de presas y embalses. La inundación del pie de los taludes, así como el desembalse rápido, pueden ...

    Language acquisition in bilingual infants : Early language discrimination in the auditory and visual domains 

    Nácar García, Loreto (Date of defense: 2016-10-28)

    Learning language is a cornerstone in the cognitive development during the first year of life. A fundamental difference between infants growing up in monolingual versus bilingual environments is the necessity of the latter ...

    Language and Access to Work: The Role of English in Recruiting 

    Klimava, Hanna (Date of defense: 2022-02-28)

    La present tesi és un estudi etnogràfic que analitza el paper dels coneixements d’anglès a l’accés a llocs de treball de nivell júnior i sènior a Barcelona. Se centra en les operacions internes de les agències de contractació ...

    Language Aptitude in Young Learners: The Elementary Modern Language Aptitude Test in Spanish and Catalan 

    Suárez Vilagran, María del Mar (Date of defense: 2010-11-26)

    The present dissertation is concerned with language aptitude in young learners. The first aim of this dissertation is to validate the content of two new instruments: the adaptation to both Spanish (MLAT-ES) and Catalan ...

    Language attitudes in a multilingual and multicultural context. The case of autochthonous and immigrant students in Catalonia 

    Ianos, Maria Adelina (Date of defense: 2014-03-13)

    Considerant, d’una banda, la comprovada importància que adopten les actituds lingüístiques en l'adquisició de les llengües i, de l’altra, que esdevenen potenciadores de la integració social en contextos plurilingües, com ...

    Language comprehension in children with Specific Language Impairment: an Eye-Tracking study 

    Christou, Spyros (Date of defense: 2018-03-04)

    [eng] Children with Specific Language Impairment (SLI) show considerable difficulties in the linguistic production of verbal morphology marks and function words. The present study analyzes the capacity of children with SLI ...

    Language Factors Modulate Audiovisual Speech Perception. A Developmental Perspective 

    Birulés Muntané, Joan (Date of defense: 2020-01-17)

    In most natural situations, adults look at the eyes of faces in seek of social information (Yarbus, 1967). However, when the auditory information becomes unclear (e.g. speech-in- noise) they switch their attention towards ...

    Language learner engagement in asynchronous discussion forums: an exploratory study 

    Robbins, Jacqueline (Date of defense: 2020-12-22)

    Aquesta tesi explora la implicació (engagement) d’estudiants d’idiomes en fòrums de discussió asíncrons que formen part d’un curs d’aprenentatge de l’anglès en línia per a adults a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. La ...