Now showing items 2434-2453 of 5621

    Exploiting distributional semantics for content-based and context-aware recommendation 

    Codina Busquet, Victor (Date of defense: 2014-06-13)

    During the last decade, the use of recommender systems has been increasingly growing to the point that, nowadays, the success of many well-known services depends on these technologies. Recommenders Systems help people to ...

    Exploiting frame coherence in real-time rendering for energy-efficient GPUs 

    Anglada Sánchez, Martí (Date of defense: 2020-06-09)

    The computation capabilities of mobile GPUs have greatly evolved in the last generations, allowing real-time rendering of realistic scenes. However, the desire for processing complex environments clashes with the ...

    Exploiting nonlinearity and noise in optical tweezers and semiconductor lasers : from resonant damping to stochastic logic gates and extreme pulses 

    Perrone, Sandro (Date of defense: 2014-02-07)

    This thesis is focused on the study of stochastic and nonlinear dynamics in optical systems. First, we study experimentally the dynamics of a Brownian nanometer particle in an optical trap subjected to an external forcing. ...

    Exploiting optical signal analysis for autonomous communications 

    Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo (Date of defense: 2022-10-31)

    (English) Optical communications have been extensively investigated and enhanced in the last decades. Nowadays, they are responsible to transport all the data traffic generated around the world, from access to the core ...

    Exploiting spatial modulation and analog network coding for the design of energy-efficient wireless networks 

    Ntontin, Konstantinos (Date of defense: 2015-11-03)

    As the data rate demands of the cellular users increase, together with their number, it is expected that unprecedented capacity demands should be met in wireless networks in the forthcoming years. However, the energy ...

    Exploiting task-based programming models for resilience 

    Jaulmes, Luc (Date of defense: 2019-06-21)

    Hardware errors become more common as silicon technologies shrink and become more vulnerable, especially in memory cells, which are the most exposed to errors. Permanent and intermittent faults are caused by manufacturing ...

    Exploiting the multiscale synergy among ocean variables : application to the improvement of remote sensing salinity maps 

    Umbert Ceresuela, Marta (Date of defense: 2015-10-23)

    Les imatges de teledetecció de la superfície oceànica proporcionen una vista sinòptica de la complexa geometria de la circulació oceànica, dominada per la variabilitat de mesoescala. Estructures com filaments i vòrtex són ...

    Exploiting word embeddings for modeling bilexical relations 

    Madhyastha, Pranava Swaroop (Date of defense: 2017-07-25)

    There has been an exponential surge of text data in the recent years. As a consequence, unsupervised methods that make use of this data have been steadily growing in the field of natural language processing (NLP). Word ...

    Exploración en la operación y modelización de Redes Sociales de Comunicación para el desarrollo rural en zonas marginadas de Latinoamérica 

    Nuñez Espinoza, Juan Felipe (Date of defense: 2008-06-26)

    El concepto de redes sociales de comunicación rural, como una estructura relacional hecha por nodos que están vinculados por medio de actores tales como pequeños productores rurales, proyectos de desarrollo rural, ...

    Exploration and discovery of sponge assemblages on the continental shelf and slope of the Catalano-Balearic Sea by means of non-invasive techniques 

    Santín Muriel, Andreu (Date of defense: 2022-01-24)

    Sponge assemblages dominate several distinctive, hard-bottom environments, being one of the most important structural organisms at several locations around the world. Although the Mediterranean sponge fauna is among the ...

    Exploration of customer churn routes using machine learning probabilistic models 

    Garcia Gomez, David (Date of defense: 2014-04-10)

    The ongoing processes of globalization and deregulation are changing the competitive framework in the majority of economic sectors. The appearance of new competitors and technologies entails a sharp increase in competition ...

    Exploration of FDSOI back-biasing techniques to hinder cryptographic attacks based on leakage current 

    Palma Carmona, Kenneth (Date of defense: 2023-10-18)

    (English) Cryptography is the science that studies how to achieve secure communication between multiple parties. Under the assumption that any message transmitted is to be ultimately intercepted, the endeavors of cryptography ...

    Exploring coordinated software and hardware support for hardware resource allocation 

    Figueiredo Boneti, Carlos Santieri de (Date of defense: 2009-09-04)

    Multithreaded processors are now common in the industry as they offer high performance at a low cost. Traditionally, in such processors, the assignation of hardware resources between the multiple threads is done implicitly, ...

    Exploring flatland nano-optics with graphene plasmons 

    Woessner, Achim (Date of defense: 2017-05-11)

    Plasmons are charge oscillations coupled to electromagnetic radiation. One of their most intriguing properties is their deep subwavelength confinement resulting in strongly enhanced light-matter interaction. Metal plasmons ...

    Exploring free-energy landscapes and microscopic interactions of selected small-molecules and proteins with cell membranes 

    Lu, Huixia (Date of defense: 2020-09-29)

    The present Thesis is devoted to the study of the physical-chemical properties of selected small-molecules (such as amino-acids like tryptophan or hormones like melatonin) and proteins (such as KRAS-4B) absorbed in model ...

    Exploring graphene artificial superlattices and hydrodynamic plasmons 

    Barcons Ruiz, David (Date of defense: 2023-07-11)

    (English) Graphene has revolutionized the field of condensed matter physics over the last two decades, emerging as an outstanding research platform. This is because graphene electrons behave as massless Dirac fermions, ...

    Exploring intersubbands in 2D materials 

    Schmidt, Peter, 1989- (Date of defense: 2019-04-16)

    Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) are semiconducting layered materials that can be isolated up to the limit of a single atomic layer. Next to graphene, they are some of the most intensively studied materials within ...

    Exploring quantum many-body systems from an entanglement and nonlocality perspective 

    Aloy López, Albert (Date of defense: 2020-07-16)

    Entanglement and non-local correlations give rise to unprecedented phenomena with no classical analogue. As a result, they have settled themselves as fundamental properties in the study of quantum many-body systems, as ...

    Exploring quantum memory schemes in cold atoms for quantum repeaters 

    Heller, Lukas (Date of defense: 2023-11-06)

    (English) Quantum memories are devices that are able to store photonic quantum states and entanglement. Future quantum networks, which could enhance cybersecurity through quantum key distribution, improve the precision in ...

    Exploring the applications and limitations of location-based social network data in urban spatiotemporal analysis 

    Yang, Liya (Date of defense: 2021-09-27)

    Nowadays, the widespread utilization of intelligent mobile and located-embedded services extends the border of social network sites (SNS) to physical-spatial space. The appearance of SNS changes our daily life meanwhile ...