El urban sprawl : un modelo de urbanización insostenible 

    Arellano Ramos, Blanca (Fecha de defensa: 2022-09-30)

    (English) he present thesis consists in a PhD thesis by compendium of publications. The general objective of the thesis is the analysis of the phenomenon of the Urban Sprawl, on a planetary scale, starting from the hypothesis ...

    Urban vertical garden: ways to improve living conditions by applying green façades in buildings refurbishment at semi-arid climate 

    Bagheri Moghaddam, Faezeh (Fecha de defensa: 2022-01-24)

    This dissertation aims to improve work conditions in office buildings by implementing vertical greenery systems, such as green façades and living walls in semi-arid climates. Since building energy performance is characterized ...

    Urbanismo para la vida cotidiana : herrramientas de análisis y evaluación urbana a escala de barrio desde la perspectiva de género 

    Ciocoletto, Adriana (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-17)

    The main objective has been built a methodology of analysis and evaluation system at neighborhood scale on the incorporation of everyday experience in urban analysis support it with a theoretical and critical base, begun ...

    Urbanització i planejament urbanístic: Barcelona, 1917-1936 

    Llobet i Llobet, Jaume (Fecha de defensa: 1984-02-01)

    El núcleo fundamental del trabajo es el análisis conjunto de las transformaciones en las formas de construcción urbana y el planeamiento urbanístico en un periodo histórico, significativo en tanto que relaciona la ciudad ...

    Urbe en palabras: la otra ciudad venezolana: imaginarios literarios de la urbanización en la temprana modernida 

    Muñoz Bravo, Meridalba (Fecha de defensa: 2007-06-25)

    The new image that the Venezuelan city acquired thanks to radical transformations operated from the first half of the XX century, image of disorder and chaos, was dramatically foreseen and/or registered by our narrators ...

    US signal and image monitoring and diagnosis using computer vision and deep learning 

    Farahi, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2023-11-03)

    (English) This thesis presents a comprehensive investigation of the reliability and efficacy of Ultra-Sound (US) signals and images for remote monitoring and early diagnosis in medical applications. The main objective of ...

    Use of advanced analytics for health estimation and failure prediction in wind turbines 

    Beretta, Mattia (Fecha de defensa: 2022-07-21)

    The energy sector has undergone drastic changes and critical revolutions in the last few decades. Renewable energy sources have grown significantly, now representing a sizeable share of the energy production mix. Wind ...

    Use of alternative materials in soil stabilization: mechanical and environmental aspects 

    Baloochi, Hani (Fecha de defensa: 2023-03-17)

    (English) Currently, the two most raw material consumer industries are civil engineering and the pulp and paper industry. Meanwhile, these sectors face severe criticism due to their environmental impact. Additionally, by ...

    The use of integrative approaches to characterize new mechanisms of toxicity of pollutants in the aquatic environment 

    Rivetti, Claudia (Fecha de defensa: 2017-05-19)

    Anthropogenic pollution represents a major concern for aquatic ecosystem, which has been affected by a complex cocktail of heterogeneous compounds that may provoke significant toxic effects to the living organisms. Among ...

    Use of locator/identifier separation to improve the future internet routing system 

    Jakab, Loránd (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-04)

    The Internet evolved from its early days of being a small research network to become a critical infrastructure many organizations and individuals rely on. One dimension of this evolution is the continuous growth of the ...

    Use of mathematical methods in the resolution of chemical engineering problems 

    Valverde Salamanca, Abel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-27)

    This thesis consists of a compendium of five works that illustrate the utilization of selected mathematical methods to solve specific chemical engineering problems. Hence, the thesis is intended to cover both, a review of ...

    The use of new multiparametric observatory platforms for the remote monitoring and exploration of deep-sea ecosystems at day-night and seasonal temporal scales 

    Doya Le Besnerais, Carolina (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-14)

    Traditional sampling technologies such as trawling but also novel ones as ROV surveying are oriented toward a high spatial coverage without repeating data collection at fixed seabed windows. The temporal repetition is often ...

    Use of the supercritical fluid technology for the preparation of nanostructured hybrid materials and design of the interface 

    García González, Carlos A. (Fecha de defensa: 2009-12-11)

    Los materiales compuestos nanoestructurados son considerados una opción prometedora para la concepción de materiales multifuncionales. Sin embargo, la falta habitual de interacción entre los componentes orgánicos e ...

    Using an ontology for guiding natural language interaction with knowledge based systems 

    Gatius, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2001-01-15)

    Des dels anys 80, els sistemes basats en el coneixement, programes que utilitzen una gran quantitat de informació per modelar situacions i resoldre problemes, han adquirit gran importància en el camp industrial, financer ...

    Using natural language processing for question answering in closed and open domains 

    Latifi, Majid (Fecha de defensa: 2018-05-25)

    With regard to the growth in the amount of social, environmental, and biomedical information available digitally, there is a growing need for Question Answering (QA) systems that can empower users to master this new wealth ...

    Using statistical copulas to measure dependence in the agrofood sector 

    Ahmed Nasreldin, Osama (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-26)

    This thesis has been pursued in three papers whose nexus is the use of statistical copulas for the purpose of assessing dependence in the field of agrofood economics. The first paper aims at determining how the introduction ...

    Utilidad del estado de flujos de efectivo en la detección de la manipulación contable 

    Villaescusa Serrano, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-14)

    This Thesis analyses the predictive ability of the Cash Flow Statement with respect to earnings management. Using case method research, we define a model based on incentives and opportunities together with the Cash flow ...

    Utilització de l'espectroscòpia d'infraroig com a eina per a la selecció i millora de la mongeta seca (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 

    Plans Pujolràs, Marçal (Fecha de defensa: 2014-05-15)

    Common beans (Phaseolus vulagaris L.) are one of the most consumed and produced legumes in the world. Its high protein content makes it a high nutritional value product. As a result of its wide diversity, there are thousands ...

    Utilització de mascles enters per a la producció de carn: avaluació sensorial i estudis de consumidors 

    Font i Furnols, Maria (Fecha de defensa: 2000-06-20)

    L'olor sexual és un defecte sensorial que es dóna sobretot en la carn de porcs mascles enters i és deguda principalment a dues substàncies, l'androstenona i l'escatol. Els objectius principals d'aquest estudi són conèixer ...

    Utilización de biomarcadores para evaluar el estado fisiológico de la ostra en el Delta del Ebro 

    Ochoa Villalba, Victoria (Fecha de defensa: 2012-10-31)

    La aplicación de pesticidas en el Delta del Ebro (NE de España) durante el periodo de cultivo de arroz se ha asociado a episodios de mortalidad de ostras (Crassostrea gigas) que ocurren anualmente durante la primavera. Sin ...