Now showing items 80-99 of 162

    Efectos de los huecos de tensión en las máquinas de inducción y en los transformadores trifásicos 

    Guasch Pesquer, Luis (Date of defense: 2006-01-15)

    Este trabajo se enmarca dentro de la calidad del suministro de energía eléctrica y, en concreto, en el efecto que producen los huecos de tensión en las máquinas de inducción y en los transformadores trifásicos.<br/>En ...

    Electricitat i foc: aportacions experimentals d'aplicació docent 

    Martí Tous, Marc (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    According to reliable statistics, electrical fire ignition sources have a notable impact regarding the generation of fires and explosions. Electrical equipment and installations can also be the victims of fire. This is due ...

    Electromagnetic models for ultrasound image processing 

    Navarrete Hurtado, Hugo Ariel (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Speckle noise appears when coherent illumination is employed, as for example Laser, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Sonar, Magnetic Resonance, X-ray and Ultrasound imagery. Backscattered echoes from the randomly distributed ...

    Energy management systems for smart homes and local energy communities based on optimization and artificial intelligence techniques 

    Barja Martínez, Sara (Date of defense: 2023-07-07)

    (English) The rapid advancement of digitalization, combined with the integration of renewable generation and the development of information and communication technologies within the distribution network, is accelerating ...

    Energy security in power systems within the frame of energy transitions 

    Fuentes Ruiz, Sergio (Date of defense: 2021-10-22)

    Climate change is real. Global human population is growing as never before. Natural resources are limited. These factors have taken different countries to embrace new pathways in order to fulfill the energy needs of their ...

    Energy storage systems integration into PV power plants 

    Beltran San Segundo, Hector (Date of defense: 2011-12-16)

    The boom experienced by renewable sources in recent years has changed their consideration as a marginal component of the electrical system mix into a major player with an important role in the demand coverage in many ...

    Energy sustainability of smart cities 

    Villa-Arrieta, Manuel (Date of defense: 2019-07-22)

    The increase in the energy consumption of cities forecasted for the coming years makes these urban areas tend to be representative of the energy sustainability of their countries. In this sense, on the basis of the analysis ...

    Energy-based control schemes of Modular Multilevel Converters for HVDC applications 

    Sánchez Sánchez, Enric (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

    High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) is a power electronics -based technology that enables the transmission of large amounts of power over long distances, the integration of remote offshore wind power to the main land, and ...

    Enhance OF SOGI-FLL and SOGI-PLL response to voltage sags and swells perturbations 

    Abdali Nejad, Sajad (Date of defense: 2022-07-19)

    The scope of this thesis is related to the enhancement of the operation of distributed generators (DGs) based on renewable energies (REs) when connected to the conventional grid network. Synchronization of those DGs, i.e. ...

    Enhanced flux-weakening control algorithm for permanent magnet synchronous machines 

    Miguel Espinar, Carlos (Date of defense: 2023-05-15)

    (English) EspinarThis thesis presents the overall state of the art of electric vehicles in terms of the technology of the main concepts in an electric powertrain: batteries, traction inverters, electric machines, and control ...

    Estrategias de realimentación de los convertidores continua-continua. Casos lineal y no lineal 

    Majó Roca, Joan (Date of defense: 1990-03-01)


    Estudio de la formulación y resolución del problema del flujo armónico de cargas 

    Sainz Sapera, Luis (Date of defense: 1995-01-10)

    La tesis estudia el problema del flujo armónico de cargas desde dos puntos de vista. La formulación del problema del flujo armónico de cargas analizando los distintos métodos existentes en la bibliografía y desarrollando ...

    Estudio del circuito simetrizador Steinmetz en sistemas con polución armónica 

    Caro Huertas, Manuel (Date of defense: 2010-01-27)

    The main bulk of electric power systems use a three¿phase configuration with an alternating current flow. Pursuing the optimal performance of these networks and avoiding possible technical problems, it is preferred ...

    Estudio del efecto de los huecos de tensión en el generador de inducción doblemente alimentado 

    Rolán Blanco, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2012-02-17)

    The aim of this doctoral thesis is to analyse the dynamic behaviour of the doubly-fed induction generator exposed to voltage sags. This electrical machine is mainly used in variable-speed wind turbines. Due to the noticeable ...

    Estudio y caracterización armónica de las lámparas fluorescentes compactas de baja potencia 

    Cunill Solà, Jordi (Date of defense: 2018-01-30)

    This Doctoral Thesis is framed within the generic issue of power quality and more specifically in the study and harmonic characterization of low power compact fluorescent lamps (CLFs) with integrated ballast, also called ...

    Estudio y caracterización de cargas no lineales 

    Mesas García, Juan José (Date of defense: 2010-01-27)

    As a continuation of the work done by the QSE (Electrical Supply Quality) research group at the UPC (Polytechnic University of Catalonia) on non-linear load modelling to determine harmonic distortion in electrical power ...

    Estudio y modelización de los convertidores AC/DC de seis y doce pulsos 

    Tubau Navarro, Eduard (Date of defense: 2001-12-10)

    Debido al aumento de la presencia de dispositivos no lineales en los Sistemas Eléctricos de Potencia existe un creciente interés en la formulación y resolución del flujo de cargas en presencia de armónicos. <br/>El tratamiento ...

    Estudio y modelización en régimen permanente de cargas no lineales para el análisis armónico de redes eléctricas 

    Boix Aragonès, Oriol (Date of defense: 1996-12-20)

    El análisis armónico de redes eléctricas se utiliza para el estudio de los efectos de las cargas no lineales sobre las magnitudes y formas de onda de las tensiones y corrientes eléctricas. Dado el constante incremento de ...

    Estudio y realización del control directo del par (DTC) para accionamientos de motores de inducción con inversores de diferentes topologias 

    Moustafa Azab, Mohamed Ahmed (Date of defense: 2002-09-06)

    El objetivo principal de la tesis es la aplicación del método de control directo del par para un motor de inducción utilizando inversores de diferentes estructuras que parecen ofrecer algunas ventajas, bajo ciertas ...

    Evaluación estadística del comportamiento de líneas aéreas de distribución frente a sobretensiones de origen externo. 

    González Molina, Francisco (Date of defense: 2001-10-29)

    de la Tesis Doctoral<br/>Introducción<br/>Existen muchas causas por las que se pueden originar sobretensiones en una red de potencia. La clasificación más aceptada distingue tres tipos de sobretensiones: Sobretensiones ...