Ara mostrant els elements 756-775 de 3222

    Drosophila UNR regulates dosage compensation through modulation of RNA-protein interactions 

    Militti, Cristina (Data de defensa: 2013-07-26)

    En Drosophila, el desequilibrio en cuanto al contenido de genes ligados al cromosoma X entre hembras (XX) y machos (XY) es corregido mediante la duplicación de la transcripción del único cromosoma X del macho. Este proceso, ...

    Drosophila UNR: a factor involved in the translational regulation of dosage compensation 

    Abaza, Irina (Data de defensa: 2006-11-03)

    Dosage compensation is a mechanism that equalizes the expression of X-linked genes in those organisms in which males and females differ in the number of X chromosomes. In Drosophila melanogaster, dosage compensation is ...

    Drug consumption and stressful experiences in adolescent mice: behavioural, neorotoxic and neurochemical responses 

    Ros i Simó, Clara (Data de defensa: 2013-03-15)

    Adolescence is a critical developmental period in which the brain emerges from an immature state to adulthood. This process of brain development is associated to greater cognitive capacity but also to altered emotional ...

    Drug design at biological systems level 

    Remez Vinogradov, Nikita (Data de defensa: 2016-02-08)

    The explosion of reductionist approaches at the end of the XXth century allowed for fast and high-throughput data collection in pharmaceutical industry, but did not deliver the expected gain in drug discovery performance. ...

    DSGEs and PVARs: applications to macroeconomics 

    Dallari, Pietro (Data de defensa: 2014-06-16)

    This thesis adopts DSGE and PVAR models to examine three questions in macroeconomics. The first chapter singles out some pitfalls that DSGE models face when a fraction of rule-of-thumb consumers is assumed in order to ...

    Dual function of Notch signaling and role of Hes/Hey genes in the inner ear sensory development 

    Petrovic, Jelena (Data de defensa: 2014-07-18)

    Durante el desarrollo del oído interno, Notch presenta dos modos de funcionamiento: inducción lateral, que se asocia con la especificación prosensorial, e inhibición lateral, asociada a la determinación de las células ...

    Dual regulatory role of Polycomblike-3 (PCL3/PHF19) in prostate cancer 

    Jain, Payal (Data de defensa: 2015-06-11)

    Polycomblike proteins (PCLs) have been shown to regulate Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 (PRC2) by enhancing its catalytic activity and guiding PRC2 to its target genes in embryonic stem cells. However, little is known about ...

    Dual-tracer molecular neuroimaging : methodological improvements and biomedical applications 

    Figueiras, Francisca Patuleia (Data de defensa: 2012-06-26)

    Positron emission tomography (PET) is a functional imaging method that allows studying physiological, biochemical or pharmacological processes in vivo. PET is being used in both research and clinical practice. In the brain, ...

    Duplicacions segmentàries a la regió cromosòmica humana 8P23.1: evolució i expansió d'una nova família gènica 

    Bosch Pages, Nina (Data de defensa: 2008-12-19)

    Les duplicacions segmentàries (DSs), o també anomenades duplicons o Low copy Repeats (LCRs), són regions de coma mínim 1 kb amb un alt nivell d'identitat (>90%), que estan presents almenys dues vegades en el genoma. La ...

    Dynamical aspects of the regulation of bacterial proliferation 

    Galera Laporta, Letícia (Data de defensa: 2019-02-08)

    Bacterial proliferation has been studied for more than 100 years, but our knowledge of the mechanisms that control its dynamical aspects is still very limited. In this Thesis we have studied, at both singlecell and ...

    Dynamics and biological information processing : from gene circuits to cellular populations 

    Gabaldà Sagarra, Marçal (Data de defensa: 2017-01-23)

    Living beings strive to survive and reproduce. To do so they need to monitor and adapt to a dynamic environment, taking advantage of the opportunities and dodging the threats that they may encounter. This thesis is devoted ...

    Dynamics of axial polarization in embyonic stem cells aggregates and the evolution of body axis establishment 

    Anlas, Kerim (Data de defensa: 2022-07-06)

    Across metazoans, minimal in vitro systems from embryonic stem cells (ESCs) recapitulate the establishment of a body plan, particularly the anteroposterior (AP) axis. In contrast to actual embryos that generally require ...

    Dynamics of cellular decision making in embryogenesis 

    Torregrosa Cortés, Gabriel (Data de defensa: 2023-09-29)

    This thesis is about development and its study from a theoretical point of view, with special interest in how to describe development as a dynamical systems' problem. The thesis digs into four directions embedded in this ...

    The Dynamics of hippocampal encoding: beyond the spatial metaphor 

    Santos-Pata, Diogo (Data de defensa: 2018-07-10)

    Every animal on our planet wanders around when looking for something. Whether it is in search of food, a mate, or home, navigation is one of the most performed cognitive behaviors in Nature. Nevertheless, our understanding ...

    Dynamics of message Interchange between stochastic Units in the contexts of human communication behaviour and spiking neurons 

    Kaltenbrunner, Andreas (Data de defensa: 2008-03-07)

    Esta tesis estudia dos diferentes dinámicas de intercambio de mensajes entre unidades estocásticas.<br/>Primero, analizamos un conjunto de neuronas estocásticas tipo integración - y - disparo con integración sin pérdidas, ...

    Dynamics of progesterone receptor interactors in breast cancer cells upon hormone exposure 

    Font Mateu, Jofre (Data de defensa: 2016-12-05)

    El receptor de la progesterona és un regulador clau per la proliferació de les cèl·lules de càncer de mama dependents d’hormona. El mecanisme d’acció del PR ha tingut un paper important en la resolució del mecanisme molecular ...

    Dynamics of the membrane potential: studies of the membrane potential of Jurkat cells using wavelet and wavelet bispectral analysis 

    Pidde, Aleksandra (Data de defensa: 2020-12-04)

    Fluctuations are fundamental for living organisms. They arguably result from interactions with the complex, and unpredictable environment, and can often be manifested as temporal variability. The cell must continually ...

    Dynamics of well being among immigrants 

    Obućina, Ognjen (Data de defensa: 2012-07-16)

    The broad objective of this thesis is to study the patterns of objective and subjective well-being among the immigrants in Europe. The main part of the thesis consists of three single-authored empirical chapters. The first ...

    Dynamics, evolution and information in nonlinear dynamical systems of replicators 

    Sardanyés i Cayuela, Josep (Data de defensa: 2009-05-06)

    En aquesta tesi he investigat diversos camps de la biologia que podrien englobar-se en la disciplina general dels sistemes no lineals de replicadors. Els treballs presentats en aquesta tesis investiguen diversos fenomens ...

    DYRK1A in cancer: good or evil? : Defining properties of DYRK1A kinase as a novel tumor driver 

    Boni, Jacopo (Data de defensa: 2019-06-20)

    DYRK (dual-specificity tyrosine-regulated kinases) is an evolutionary conserved family of protein kinases involved in the regulation of cellular processes, such as proliferation and survival, which play pivotal role in ...