Now showing items 6-25 of 3289

    A 3D culture system to study gene regulation in breast cancer cells 

    Ramírez Cuéllar, Angélica Julieta (Date of defense: 2022-05-12)

    In this Thesis we report the successful growth of hormone responsive T47D cells as 3D spheroids in Matrigel mimicking the ECM. A detailed characterization by using a genome-wide approach of the main physical and biochemical ...

    A 3D multi-modal approach to study neuronal differentiation and tissue growth in the zebrafish hindbrain 

    Blanc, Matthias (Date of defense: 2024-07-19)

    The process by which the diversity of neurons making up the brain are produced relies on precise adjustments across space and time. Proneural genes are main drivers of neurogenesis across the different areas of the brain ...

    A Bioinformatics approach to the study of comorbidity : Insight into mental disorders 

    Gutiérrez-Sacristán, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-12-15)

    Estudios clínicos y epidemiológicos muestran que la comorbilidad, la coexistencia de varias enfermedades en un mismo paciente, tiene un gran impacto en la evolución de su estado de salud. Por lo tanto, el análisis de ...

    A Comprehensive multiomics approach towards understanding obsessive-compulsive disorder 

    Domènech Salgado, Laura (Date of defense: 2018-12-20)

    To date, very little progress has been made towards elucidating the genetic causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In this project we have performed rare variant association study (RVAS) transcriptomics and ...

    A Comprehensive screening of X-linked and miRNA-driven signatures of positive selection and the role of cis-regulatory elements in the human genome 

    Villegas Mirón, Pablo (Date of defense: 2021-07-19)

    The evolutionary history of the human genome has been shaped by the selection of multiple elements in response to different environmental pressures. The analysis of regulatory adaptations and the particularities of sexual ...

    A Comprehensive study of arithmetic circuits and elliptic curves for efficient and scalable zero-knowledge proof systems 

    Bellés Muñoz, Marta (Date of defense: 2023-10-10)

    In recent years, zero-knowledge proofs have come to play a crucial role in distributed systems where there is no trust between the parties involved. Most popular proof systems are for the NP-complete language of arithmetic ...

    A computational approach to rhythm description - Audio features for the computation of rhythm periodicity functions and their use in tempo induction and music content processing 

    Gouyon, Fabien (Date of defense: 2005-11-30)

    Aquesta dissertació tracta del ritme musical. Més exactamente, tracta de programes informàtics que extreuen automàticament descripcions rítmiques a partir de senyals musicals d'àudio.<br/>Presentem nous algorismes per a ...

    A computational approach to studying interdependence in string quartet performance 

    Papiotis, Panagiotis (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    This dissertation proposes a computational data-driven methodology to measure music ensemble interdependence - the degree to which musicians interact and influence each other’s actions in order to achieve a shared goal - ...

    A Computational toolkit to boost precision oncology with pharmacogenomics 

    Mateo Ramos, Lídia (Date of defense: 2019-12-18)

    Durant la darrera dècada la seqüenciació massiva de pacients de cancer ha permés avançar de forma significativa el coneixement sobre les bases moleculars del càncer. Un cop assolit aquest primer pass, el repte que tenim ...

    A cross-layer mechanism for QoS improvements in VoIP over multi-rate WLAN networks 

    Sfairopoulou, Anna (Date of defense: 2008-07-28)

    In IEEE 802.11 WLANs, Link Adaptation mechanisms, which choose the transmission rate of each node, provoke unexpected and random variations on the effective channel capacity. When these changes are towards lower bitrates, ...

    A Cross-linguistic comparison of the verbs of speaking with the component of non-standard speech and their translation (English-Russian) 

    Pasenkova, Irina (Date of defense: 2020-07-02)

    In this dissertation we examine the sphere of the English verbs of speaking (VoS) with 2 components: the manner of speaking component (MoSC) and the component of non-standard speech (CoNS), and their translations from ...

    A Discurse afterlife: representations of the political life, death, and continued presence of Marielle Franco] 

    de la Presa, Lucia (Date of defense: 2024-03-05)

    This dissertation is an exploration of discourses representing the political life, death, and continued presence of Marielle Franco following her assassination on 14 March 2018. Marielle Franco was a councilwoman in the ...

    A dynamic Turing model of digit patterning : a Turing mechanism modulated by positional information underlies digit specification 

    Marcon, Luciano (Date of defense: 2013-11-05)

    The specification of the vertebrate limb skeleton is a classical model to study pattern formation during development. Two different theories have been proposed to explain this process: the Turing mechanism and the ...

    A functional study of the conserved LSM proteins in C. elegans reveals their involvement in the stress response of metazoans 

    Cornes Maragliano, Eric (Date of defense: 2015-07-24)

    Lsm proteins regulate RNA metabolism and are conserved in the three domains of life, typically functioning as RNA-binding complexes involved in a wide range of post-transcriptional mechanisms. Generally, their functions ...

    A Genome-wide CRISPR screen to identify novel pathways involved in reprogramming and x-chromosome reactivation 

    Barrero Asencio, Mercedes (Date of defense: 2023-03-02)

    During reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), the epigenome needs to be reset. A prime example of this is the reversal of the silent state of the inactive X chromosome in female cells, ...

    A hierarchical framework for peer-to peer systems: design and optimizations 

    Sánchez Artigas, Marc (Date of defense: 2009-01-12)

    En los últimos años, las redes peer-to-peer (P2P) ha experimentado una fuerte expansión. Estos sustratos se constituyen en forma de redes overlay o de recubrimiento que interconectan usuarios de manera lógica y desacoplada ...

    A journey in representation learning textual emotion detection and structural graph encodings 

    Álvarez González, Francisco Nurudín (Date of defense: 2024-03-20)

    Representation learning is the field of modern machine learning focused on automatically producing useful representations from data. This thesis studies the impact of data volumes, annotation perspectives, and structural ...

    A la escucha de la repetición musical 

    Nacenta, Lluís (Date of defense: 2014-12-23)

    Esta tesis explora la alteración que la presencia de una fórmula repetitiva en una pieza musical tiene sobre el proceso de escucha. El marco en que ello se estudia no está delimitado por un determinado tipo de música, ...

    A low power listening with wake up after transmissions MAC protocol for WSNs 

    Cano Bastidas, Cristina (Date of defense: 2011-03-04)

    In the last few years Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become an interesting field of research mainly due to the challenges and constraints of their design and the broad range of potential applications they can provide. ...

    A midzone-based ruler adjusts chromosome compaction to analphase spindle length 

    Neurohr, Gabriel Erich (Date of defense: 2012-04-13)

    Partitioning of chromatids during mitosis requires that chromosome compaction and spindle length scale appropriately with each other. However, it is not clear whether chromosome condensation and spindle elongation ...