Now showing items 1432-1451 of 1752

    Production and characterization of magnetic iron-based materials by mechanical alloying, arc melting, and spark plasma sintering 

    Zaara, Kaouther (Date of defense: 2023-11-03)

    This thesis dissertation discusses the microstructure, thermal behavior, magnetic and mechanical properties of some Fe-based alloys and a high entropy alloy (HEA) in the form of mechanically alloyed powders or bulk solids, ...

    Productos cárnicos fermentado-curados funcionales y seguros. Nueva vía de ingestión de probióticos 

    Rubio Moreno, Raquel (Date of defense: 2014-10-14)

    Fermented meats play an important part in many diets and are very appreciate by the consumer. However, these products are an important source of fat and salt, associated to chronic cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it ...

    Programa d'immersió versus programa d'aproximació en la primera llengua: aspectes lingüístics, cognitius i rendiment acadèmic en alumnes no-catalanoparlants de nivell sociocultural baix 

    Serra i Bonet, Josep M. (Josep Maria) (Date of defense: 1995-06-21)

    In the present work, we have done an assessment about academic and linguistic performance of pupils from low sociocultural status who follow a Catalan immersion programme in Catalonia. In 1991, about 50% of all public and ...

    Programa d'intervenció familiar multidisciplinar en atenció primària de salut basat en la teràpia de resolució de problemes per la disminució de la utilització dels recursos sanitaris del pacient crònic complex 

    Guerrero Caballero, Laura (Date of defense: 2021-12-16)

    Introduction: In the current socioeconomic context, addressing chronic diseases forces us to seek new, more efficient, strategies for complex chronic patients care. Family care can improve complex chronic patient management, ...

    Projecte EM-Line!: programa de rehabilitación cognitiva para pacientes afectados de esclerosis múltiple 

    Gich Fullà, Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-07-18)

    The clinical manifestations of Multiple Sclerosis are motor, sensitive, cerebellar and cognitive alterations. It evolves with a high degree of physical and cognitive disability. The “EM-line! Project” has its origins in ...

    Projecte “Girona Territori Cardioprotegit”: avaluació del funcionament dels desfibril·ladors públics 

    Loma-Osorio Ricón, Pablo (Date of defense: 2020-07-03)

    Introduction and aims: In recent years, public access defibrillation programs have exponentially increased the availability of automatic external defibrillators in public spaces but there are no data on their performance ...

    Promoción de la salud desde la perspectiva salutogénica en mujeres inmigrantes en riesgo de exclusión social. A salutogenic approach to health promotion among immigrant women at risk of social exclusion 

    Bonmatí Tomàs, Anna (Date of defense: 2016-12-13)

    Traditional health promotion programs designed immigrant women at risk of social exclusion have focussed on their needs. The salutogenic approach offers a new perspective to them. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness ...

    Promoción de la salud en la infancia y adolescencia: afrontamiento del estrés y bienestar subjetivo en preadolescentes escolarizados 

    Pereira de Abreu, Desirée (Date of defense: 2017-01-16)

    This doctoral thesis aims to study the relationship between stressful everyday events, coping strategies for stress and subjective well-being in children and adolescents schooled in northeastern Brazil. The global sample ...

    A promoção das ilhas como destino turístico: heterotopias e pressupostos antropológicos do turismo insular 

    Carvalho, Adalberto Dias de (Date of defense: 2018-07-12)

    The present study assumes an interdisciplinary nature and privileges the undertaken assumption as hypothesis that there is a relation of anthropological nature of the human beings with the small islands, which, by conditioning ...

    La propuesta anticipada de convenio 

    Jacquet Yeste, Teodora (Date of defense: 2012-01-27)

    The purpose of this thesis is the analysis of the anticipated agreement proposal, in its substantive and procedural aspects, through its consistency with the purposes assigned. It is an institution without precedents in ...

    Propuesta curricular para elevar la formación ambiental de los ingenieros agrónomos de la Facultad Agropecuaria de Montaña del Escambray 

    Suárez Pérez, Claribel (Date of defense: 2008-02-18)

    La universidad debe responder actualmente a la formación de un profesional integral, que desde su profesión contribuya a salvar nuestro hábitat, dando solución a los problemas ambientales que se manifiesten en su entorno, ...

    Propuesta para la intervención psicopedagógica con vista a la mejora de la orientación en el contexto del Centro Universitario de Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" 

    Carpio Camacho, Adilen (Date of defense: 2008-02-19)

    La investigación se propuso identificar las posibilidades que ofrece el marco universitario actual para la práctica de la orientación y la tutoría en Cuba y asesorar el diseño e implementación de un programa de orientación ...

    Protecting archaeological heritage during conflicts. Syria’s archaeological heritage during the conflict and the local efforts to protect it 

    Sabrine, Isber (Date of defense: 2020-10-28)

    Since the start of the Syrian conflict Syria‘s archaeological heritage was a victim, the role of the international heritage organization was very modest and limited , the Directorate General of Antiquities and Museums ...

    Protectores ambientales de estrés laboral hospitalario 

    Astudillo-Díaz, Paula (Date of defense: 2021-07-13)

    In this study the development of the ENPROS instrument (Environmental Safeguards against hospital work Stress) is reported. It measures environmental safeguards from hospital work stress. ENPROS is a 45-item instrument ...

    Prova testemunhal. Do subjetivismo ao objectivismo, do isolamento científico ao diálogo com a psicologia e a epistemologia 

    Ramos, Vitor Lia de Paula (Date of defense: 2018-02-19)

    The present thesis, by adopting an objetive model of evidence law, intends to summarize the current knowledge about witness testimony in law and, in what follows, evaluate it using the science, mainly the epistemology ...

    Prudenci Bertrana, el caçador d’enyorances. Estudi periodístic (1896-1938) 

    Pujol Prat, Judit (Date of defense: 2023-12-01)

    The present study focuses on the journalistic facet of Prudenci Bertrana (1867-1941), which is the least studied among the literary, pictorial facets of his career. That being so, the aim of this work is to fill a bibliographic ...

    "Pseudonoble, pseudoestudiant, pseudopolonès, pseudoexiliat, pseudoescriptor, pseudointel·lectual i pseudoprovocador". La recepció de l'obra literària de Witold Gombrowicz a Espanya en textos escollits (1968-2014) 

    Stasiakiewicz, Zofia (Date of defense: 2018-06-08)

    This doctoral thesis analyzes the reception of the literary works of Polish novelist and playwright Witold Gombrowicz in Spain. The period of analysis begins with the first edition in Spain of a work by Gombrowicz, Pornography ...

    Psicología comunitaria y políticas sociales: estudio del campo técnico del psicólogo de la intervención social en el marco de los servicios sociales comunitarios españoles 

    Alfaro Inzunza, Jaime (Date of defense: 2013-01-31)

    This study investigates the relationship between community psychology and social policies, seeking to determine which contextual conditions, institutional and interaction of actors help to explain the form and structure ...

    Psychological wellbeing, social support and social capital of unaccompanied migrant youths and young asylum seekers: the role of mentoring programmes with foreign youths in Catalonia 

    Alarcón Galindo, Xavier (Date of defense: 2022-03-25)

    Over the last decade the number of unaccompanied immigrant youths and asylum seekers has increased worldwide. The arrival of minors from Northwestern Africa and asylum seekers, mainly from Latin America and the Middle East, ...

    Purificació, caracterització i clonatge de la ribonucleasa de pàncreas humà 

    Ribó i Panosa, Marc (Date of defense: 1994-12-16)

    The answer to whether or not, human pancreatic ribonuclease may have a diagnostic value as a serum marker of pancreatic disease, depend upon the specific detection of ribonucleases originated in pancreas amogn those ...