Now showing items 1-14 of 14

    Historia del inicio y desarrollo del teatro moderno en Barcelona (1579-1606) 

    Moreno Jimenez, Sergio (Date of defense: 2023-11-03)

    The present work gathers, classifies, orders and contextualizes more than two hundred documents found in various archives and libraries and unknown up until now, related to the first stage of development of the modern drama ...

    Prudenci Bertrana, el caçador d’enyorances. Estudi periodístic (1896-1938) 

    Pujol Prat, Judit (Date of defense: 2023-12-01)

    The present study focuses on the journalistic facet of Prudenci Bertrana (1867-1941), which is the least studied among the literary, pictorial facets of his career. That being so, the aim of this work is to fill a bibliographic ...

    Les cartes poètiques de Francesc Fontanella: estudi i edició crítica 

    Sogues, Marc (Date of defense: 2019-03-22)

    Although they account for a quarter of Francesc Fontanella’s poetic work (Barcelona 1622-Perpignan 1681), his poetic letters had never been the subject of an specific critical approach until now. The present doctoral ...

    Lexicografia catalana siscentista: el Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum, de Joan Lacavalleria i Dulac 

    Montalat Buscató, Pere (Date of defense: 2020-11-30)

    This dissertation is devoted to the study and partial edition of the Gazophylacium Catalano-Latinum by Joan Lacavalleria Dulac, a Catalan-Latin lexicographic thesaurus published in Barcelona in 1696 that constitutes the ...

    Una mirada sobre la comunitat de parla nord-occidental lleidatana. La representació social de la llengua i els sentiments lingüístics 

    Gràcia Damas, Annabel (Date of defense: 2020-10-26)

    A language may be a central element of a community’s identity, but the relationships established between the centre and the periphery of that community may vary with physical distance and the existence of administrative ...

    Garcilaso, Alfonso d'Avalos y el desarrollo de la literatura vulgar en Nápoles en la década de 1530 

    Torre Ávalos, Galdric de la (Date of defense: 2020-11-30)

    The thesis is an overview of vernacular literature produced in Naples in the opening decades of the 16th century, paying particular attention to the 1530s, when the Spanish poet Garcilaso de la Vega lived there. Written ...

    Lírica trobadoresca a la Corona d'Aragó: estudi de casos 

    Viñolas i Solés, Mariona (Date of defense: 2017-03-16)

    The PhD entitled "Troubadour Lyrics in the Crown of Aragon: case study" offers a detailed census of all those troubadours for whom a link has been proposed with the Crown of Aragon, with fundamental information about the ...

    Ramon de Cornet: l'autor, l'obra i la circulació manuscrita 

    Navàs Farré, Marina (Date of defense: 2019-07-11)

    This study intends to offer a comprehensive analysis of Ramon de Cornet’s poetic and historical profile, his works and his manuscript tradition. He is the most important 14th-century Occitan poet, the author of a vast ...

    La gramàtica inèdita de Pau Cardellach i Busquets 

    Fullana, Olga (Date of defense: 2014-11-07)

    Aquesta tesi se centra en l’edició i l’estudi de la Gramàtica catalana de Pau Cardellach i Busquets (1814-1879), una obra inèdita de la qual només existeix una còpia, manuscrita, avui dipositada a la Universitat de Girona. ...

    El "Tractat de les penes particulars d'infern" de Joan Pasqual: estudi i edició crítica 

    Gómez Martín, Francesc Josep (Date of defense: 2014-04-11)

    El Tractat de les penes particulars d’infern de Joan Pasqual, mestre en teologia i franciscà de Castelló d’Empúries, forma part d’una obra de divulgació teològica dividida en dos volums: el Llibre de beatitud, dedicat el ...

    La "Historia de Cataluña" de Rafael de Cervera 

    Genís i Mas, Daniel (Date of defense: 2012-11-09)

    Bernat Desclot finished writing his Chronicle at the end of the 13th century, but it was not published until 1616, in a Spanish translation written by the Barcelona historian and politician Rafael Cervera. The reasons for ...

    La particularitat rossellonesa a través de Carles Grandó 

    Vilarrasa Ruiz, Clara (Date of defense: 2011-11-04)

    The Clara Vilarrasa Ruiz’s doctoral thesis entitled La particularitat rossellonesa a través de Carles Grandó is directed by Francesc Feliu Torrent. This thesis seeks to discover the essence of Roussillon world through the ...

    Manuel Brunet i Solà (1889-1956). El periodisme d'idees al servei de la "veritat personal" 

    Montero Aulet, Francesc (Date of defense: 2011-10-28)

    This doctoral thesis deals with the intellectual biography of the writer and journalist Manuel Brunet (Vic, 1889, Figueres, 1956). It reconstructs the life and professional studies of the author, and the most important ...

    Modernitat i canvi de llengua. El pas del castellà al català a l'obra de Pere Gimferrer (aspectes crítics, teòrics i lexicomètrics) 

    Grasset Morell, Eloi (Date of defense: 2011-05-12)

    L’objecte d’aquesta tesi es l’estudi del canvi de llengua que es produeix en l’obra poètica de Pere Gimferrer. Per arribar-hi haurem d’activar un itinerari complex – crític, teòric i metodològic -. La problemàtica que ...