Now showing items 52-71 of 367

    Challenges for shellfish aquaculture in Mediterranean coastal areas 

    Fernández Tejedor, Margarita (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    (English) The increase in the production of marine bivalves targets the sustainable development of aquaculture to improve global food and nutrition security. Bivalve aquaculture is currently facing challenges and threats ...

    Characterization and modelling of previous concrete 

    Pieralisi, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2016-04-13)

    Pervious concrete is a special material with high permeability usually obtained by reducing the amount of fine aggregates in the composition of concrete. The properties of pervious concrete not only depend on its composition ...

    Characterization of hydrological processes in a Mediterranean mountain research catchment by combining distributed hydrological measurements and environmental tracers 

    Roig Planasdemunt, Maria (Date of defense: 2016-06-27)

    The main objective of this thesis is to characterize hydrological processes in a Mediterranean mountain catchment, by combining distributed hydrological measurements and environmental tracers in order to improve the ...

    Characterization of seawater intrusion and submarine groundwater discharge in al luvial coastal aquifers: field and laboratory approach 

    Martínez Pérez, Laura (Date of defense: 2020-07-09)

    Seawater intrusion (SWI) causes not only salinization of coastal aquifers, but also a reduction submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and nutrient fluxes to marine ecosystems. We have developed a small scale experimental ...

    Characterization of the longitudinal shear strength in composite slabs 

    Plans Pujolràs, Albert (Date of defense: 2017-09-26)

    The concrete-steel composite slabs show a complex structural characterization due to the different behaviours at the two materials. The materials are exposed to different deformations, large deflections and complex stresses ...

    Citizen sciences technologies for operational monitoring of aquatic ecosystems 

    Rodero García, Carlos (Date of defense: 2023-05-29)

    (English) Light attenuation is a critical factor in aquatic ecosystems for many physical and biological processes. Water transparency plays an essential role in understanding the variations of the ecological environment ...

    Closing loops in intensive livestock systems: innovative strategies for nutrient recycling and emissions reduction 

    Morey Gual, Lluís (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    (English) The exponential growth of world population is leading to a high demand of food products and, consequently, to the development of intensive agricultural and livestock systems. In this sense, synthetic fertilizers ...

    The coastal risk landscape application on the Catalan coast 

    Ballesteros Martínez, Caridad (Date of defense: 2017-07-18)

    Coastal zones concentrate an elevated number of values both natural and socio-economic, making them very vulnerable to the potential effects of natural hazards. Therefore, effective risk management requires a holistic ...

    Comparison and coupling of continuous and hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin methods : application to multi-physics problems 

    Paipuri, Mahendra (Date of defense: 2018-03-21)

    This thesis proposes a coupled continuous and hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin formulation to solve conjugate heat transfer problems. This model is then used to find the thermal response of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer ...

    Comparison of bus network structures versus urban dispersion : a monocentric analytical approach : evidences from Barcelona's bus network 

    Badia Rodriguez, Hugo (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    This thesis discusses which transit network structure is the best option to serve urban mobility. As a consequence of the evolution of urban form, cities have undergone a dispersion process of their activities. This fact ...

    Comparison of the mesophilic, thermophilic and temperature-phased anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge 

    Lanko, Iryna (Date of defense: 2022-01-27)

    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is currently spread all over the world for sewage sludge stabilisation, volume reduction and green energy production. Its implementation contributes to turn a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) into ...

    Complexity reduction in parametric flow problems via Nonintrusive Proper Generalised Decomposition in OpenFOAM 

    Tsiolakis, Vasileios (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    The present thesis explores the viability of the proper generalised decomposition (PGD) as a tool for parametric studies in a daily industrial environment. Starting from the equations modelling incompressible flows, the ...

    Comportamiento de un suelo compactado bajo un estado generalizado de tensiones 

    Weber, Rodrigo Carreira (Date of defense: 2019-12-13)

    This thesis analyzes the hydro-mechanical behavior under a generalized stress state of a compacted mixture of sand (30%) and clayey (70%) at a low density. The experimental study focuses on the analysis of shear strength ...

    Comportamiento hidro-mecánico de agregados gruesos 

    Alvarado de Menéndez, Clara Elena (Date of defense: 2017-05-18)

    Rockfill is a coarse material widely used in geotechnical works such as earth-fill dams (shoulders and toe drains), as well as in embankments and well-graded quarry materials for railway infrastructures. These structures ...

    Computational and experimental thermo-mechanics of metal additive manufacturing : stress, warpage, cracks and properties 

    Lu, Xufei (Date of defense: 2022-07-15)

    The objectives of this thesis are (i) to understand the thermal, metallurgical and mechanical behavior during AM, (ii) to shed light on the generation of residual stresses and the stress-induced deformations and cracks, ...

    Computational multiscale analysis of masonry structures 

    Petracca, Massimo (Date of defense: 2016-04-13)

    Masonry is an ancient building material that has been used throughout the history, and it is still used nowadays. Masonry constitutes the main building technique adopted in historical constructions, and a deep understanding ...

    Computational multiscale modeling of fracture and its model order reduction 

    Caicedo Silva, Manuel Alejandro (Date of defense: 2017-02-24)

    This thesis focuses on the numerical modeling of fracture and its propagation in heterogeneous materials by means of hierarchical multiscale models based on the FE2 method, addressing at the same time, the problem of the ...

    Computational uncertainity quantification in pressure-driven fracture processes 

    Garikapati, Hasini (Date of defense: 2020-03-28)

    Uncertainty quantification is important in assessing and predicting the performance of complex engineering systems and processes, especially in the absence of adequate experimental or real-world data. With the increase ...

    Conformal n-dimensional bisection for local refinement of unstructured simplicial meshes 

    Belda Ferrín, Guillem (Date of defense: 2022-10-28)

    [English] In n-dimensional adaptive applications, conformal simplicial meshes must be lo cally modified. One systematic local modification is to bisect the prescribed simplices while surrounding simplices are bisected ...

    Consideraciones relativas al diseño y a la alta durabilidad de dovelas de hormigón reforzado con fibras no metálicas (HRFnM) 

    Cruz Romero, Janill Marie de la (Date of defense: 2020-07-27)

    The use of the fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) as a construction material has expanded beyond the traditional applications since the publication of design codes and structural guidelines. Fibre reinforced concrete for ...