Now showing items 361-368 of 368

    Variability of the planktonic cnidarian community at different spatio-temporal scales along the Catalan coast (Northwestern Mediterranean) 

    Guerrero, Elena (Date of defense: 2017-07-14)

    Planktonic cnidarians are those species or their stages in the phylum Cnidaria that spent their life in the water column and therefore, are tightly linked to oceanographic dynamics and water mass structures, such as fronts ...

    Vegetable Fiber Reinforced Calcium Aluminate Cement based composites for construction materials VFRCCs 

    Gorgani, Nourjemal (Date of defense: 2022-09-15)

    Vegetable Fiber Reinforced Cement Composite Materials (VFRCC) have emerged as a potential construction material, providing adequate load-bearing capacity and ductility for non-structural applications. VFRCC have good ...

    Vibroacoustic coupling and transmission paths 

    Magrans Fontrodona, Francesc Xavier (Date of defense: 2018-12-21)

    This dissertation deals with four topics. The first three are in the same environment, the transmission paths. The fourth refers to the synthesis of subsystems and more specifically to two subsystems linked by any number ...

    Visco-plasticity of zero-thickness interfaces with softening, and application to the study of fault reactivation 

    Jaqués Adell, Irene (Date of defense: 2023-02-10)

    (English) In the current context of both energy and environmental needs, there has been an increase in activities related to extraction and injection of fluids in the underground. It is known that a possible consequence ...

    Vulnerabilidad y daño sísmico de edificios porticados de hormigón armado, irregulares en planta, en Barquisimeto, Venezuela 

    Herrera Gonzalez, Reyes Indira (Date of defense: 2017-03-31)

    In this research, the seismic response, the vulnerability and the expected damage in rein-forced concrete residential buildings, with irregular plants, are analyzed. This irregularity is mainly due to inbound and outbound ...

    Water resources assessment in cold regions: the Upper Tuul River basin, Mongolia 

    Dandar, Enkhbayar (Date of defense: 2017-06-23)

    Groundwater withdrawals are growing in most developing countries, including Mongolia, where freshwater resources are limited and unevenly distributed, and most surface waters are frozen during winter. Groundwater represents ...

    WIM-based modelling of traffic load scenarios for extreme load effects in long-span bridges 

    Wang, Xuejing (Date of defense: 2023-11-28)

    (English) During the lifetime of long-span bridges, the traffic conditions are affected by the surroundings and will typically vary and also unpredictably change. In this thesis, a prior site-specific traffic load spatial ...

    Xarxa ferroviària i sistema de ciutats 

    Álvarez Palau, Eduard (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The relationship between the railway network and the city system has been the subject of numerous studies in recent decades. The railway has assumed great importance as a key element of transport infrastructure for the ...