Comparison of bus network structures versus urban dispersion : a monocentric analytical approach : evidences from Barcelona's bus network 

    Badia Rodriguez, Hugo (Date of defense: 2016-12-19)

    This thesis discusses which transit network structure is the best option to serve urban mobility. As a consequence of the evolution of urban form, cities have undergone a dispersion process of their activities. This fact ...

    Contribución al diseño eficiente de la configuración en planta de líneas de alta velocidad 

    Martín Cañizares, María del Pilar (Date of defense: 2015-11-16)

    Building a high-speed line requires significant investment and its design strongly influences the operation, with the aggravating circumstance that subsequent modifications not initially planned are not always feasible at ...

    Indisciplina de estacionamiento en entornos urbanos : impacto en la circulación y evaluación de medidas paliativas 

    Morillo Carbonell, Pablo (Date of defense: 2020-01-16)

    The illegal on-street parking is one of the traffic elements that has more effect in urban environments provoking the presence of bottlenecks in the different roads and, consequently, facilitating the appearance of congestion. ...

    Infraestructures i gestió de la mobilitat : aspectes econòmics, territorials i rendibilitat social 

    Garola, Àlvar (Date of defense: 2019-01-22)

    This doctoral thesis analyzes the impact of the creation and implementation of transport infrastructures, specifically high-capacity road axes, on the territory and the welfare of the population with a marginal approach: ...

    Intergenerational redistributive effects due to the financing formula of investments in transport infrastructure : a microeconomic analysis 

    Peñalver Rojo, Domingo (Date of defense: 2019-05-31)

    Investments in major transport infrastructure projects involve a significant mobilisation of economic resources both for construction and operation. In these projects, to assess the efficiency of the resources used, ...

    Lean construction versus Project Management in road projects : scheduling comparison 

    Elkherbawy, Ahmed Abdelbasset (Date of defense: 2019-10-22)

    Lean Construction is regarded as an innovative approach of management for various types of projects in the field of construction. As much as it is currently applied in some countries, its expansion is inevitable, for better ...

    Methodology for seismic vulnerability assessment of existing masonry buildings in urban centres. Application to the Eixample district in Barcelona 

    Dimovska, Sara (Date of defense: 2023-05-26)

    (English) Unreinforced masonry buildings (URM), which prevail in many historic and urban centres, can be considered to be significantly vulnerable to seismic actions due to their peculiar constructive and structural features ...

    Redistribución del uso del espacio viario como gestor eficiente de movilidad 

    González Guzmán, Carlos Alberto (Date of defense: 2021-03-18)

    The efficient and equitable use of urban road space considered as a public good and a scarce resource, leads to giving priority to sustainable transport modes (walking, cycling and public transport). Private vehicle sees ...

    Shaping transport infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa (1884-2020). The impact of decision-making on network efficiency and sustainability: the case of Cameroon 

    Oliete Josa, Sergio (Date of defense: 2023-07-05)

    (English) The objective of this research is to delve into the decision-making processes that shape the provision of transport infrastructure. To this end, it analyses the historical evolution of transport networks in ...

    Sistema de categorización integral de mezclas asfálticas para capas finas y ultrafinas en pavimentos 

    Garcia Gil, Livia (Date of defense: 2019-06-20)

    Traditional design procedures of asphalt mixtures are based on volumetric parameters and the compliance with certain mechanical and functional properties, and do not provide minimum requirements in terms of cracking ...

    Urban mobility network design : functional analysis and modeling for a concentric city 

    Medina Tapia, Marcos (Date of defense: 2021-06-15)

    Cities face problems influencing urban mobility, such as traffic growth, congestion, explosive population growth, urban sprawl. According to the literature, traffic, congestion, and urban development have an interrelationship ...

    Xarxa ferroviària i sistema de ciutats 

    Álvarez Palau, Eduard (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The relationship between the railway network and the city system has been the subject of numerous studies in recent decades. The railway has assumed great importance as a key element of transport infrastructure for the ...