Algoritme diagnòstic en el laboratori. Impacte dels nous índex hematimètrics 

    Marull Arnall, Anna (Date of defense: 2021-06-21)

    Currently, automatic analyzers based on highly accurate methods can determine hematologic parameters in a fast and reliable way which is important to detect abnormalities in blood cells. In laboratories with a high care ...

    Antígens menors d'histocompatibilitat en el trasplantament al·logènic de progenitors hematopoètics. Modulació de la resposta en funció del genotip CTLA-4 

    Bosch Vizcaya, Anna (Date of defense: 2016-07-01)

    Minor histocompatibility antigens (mHAgs) are peptides derived from polymorphic intracellular proteins that can be recognized in an allogeneic setting by the donor T-lymphocytes leading to the appearance of graft-versus-host ...

    Design and fabrication of three-dimensional scaffolds for breast cancer stem cell expansion and molecular characterization 

    Rabionet Diaz, Marc (Date of defense: 2021-11-08)

    Triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) accounts for 15-20% of the breast cancers and displays an aggressive profile, poor prognosis, high relapse risk and does not have a targeted therapy. In the last years, breast cancer ...

    DNA methylome in HER2-positive resistant breast cancer 

    Palomeras, Sònia (Date of defense: 2019-02-27)

    The major clinical problem for HER2+ breast cancer target therapies is the acquisition of resistance. The DNA methylation status of the promoter gene region has been described as a common epigenetic alteration for ...

    Estudi de l’alliberació del calci intracel·lular en cardiomiòcits derivats de iPSC de pacients amb taquicàrdia ventricular polimòrfica catecolaminèrgica (CPVT) 

    Carreras Gorgals, David (Date of defense: 2023-05-30)

    In a small region of the island of Gran Canaria, 11 cases of sudden cardiac death (SCD) were registered in emotional or physical stress situations in young individuals between 1994 and 2007 in four seemingly unrelated ...