Departament d'Economia i Organització d'Empreses


Una universitat és coneixement, recerca i transferència. A UIC Barcelona dediquem el temps i l’esforç a aprendre amb l’objectiu de canviar el món. L’humanisme cristià ens inspira per cercar la veritat, i ho fem a través de la recerca en totes les àrees del saber. Promovem el coneixement que ens acosta al perquè més íntim de les coses. La recerca és un dels eixos prioritaris en l’activitat dels docents: dediquen el seu temps a la recerca i a formar persones lliures, amb criteri, capaces de produir noves idees i utilitzar les principals fonts de coneixement: l’observació, l’experimentació, la raó inductiva i la deductiva. Aquest és l’esperit investigador de UIC Barcelona.


Si sou doctor o doctora de la Universitat Internacional de Catalunya i voleu publicar la vostra tesi a TDX, contacteu amb Per a més informació consulteu les preguntes més freqüents.

Recent Submissions

Understanding Quality and Consumer Satisfaction in Platform-Based Services Conceptual Model, Assessment Scale, and Consumer Analytics 

Amat Lefort, Natalia (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

Platform-based services have brought a new era of connectivity, transforming various industries and redefining the way we interact, consume, and share resources. Peer-to-peer platforms (such as Airbnb) leverage the power ...

Quality Model for Social Collaborative Companies. 

Moreno, Pierina (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

Aquesta tesi doctoral presenta una intersecció distintiva entre l'economia col·laborativa i l'economia social. Mitjançant la investigació desenvolupada en diversos articles, aquest estudi contribueix a la conceptualitza ...

The Impact of the Digitalization on Shipping Organizations. 

Parera Blanch, Clàudia (Date of defense: 2023-11-07)

Aquest estudi té com a objectius principals, en primer lloc, investigar la literatura existent per obtenir una millor comprensió de les implicacions de la digitalització en la gestió de la qualitat dins de la indústria del ...

La innovación organizacional y su impacto en la eficiencia de los procesos de innovación: Un estudio en Pymes de servicio en España. 

Rodríguez Domenech, Isabel (Date of defense: 2024-02-02)

En el mundo empresarial de las PYMEs de servicio en España se presenta, con mucha frecuencia, para los propietarios de las mismas, una pregunta crítica: ante la imperiosa y acuciante necesidad de innovar para garantizar ...

Impacte dels Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenibles en la mobilitat compartida La perspectiva de l’usuari i de l’empresa. 

Boar, Andrei (Date of defense: 2023-10-06)

Collaborative economy has 100 million users only in the United States. Not only the sustainability concerts, but also saving generated through consumption reduction are the key drivers of this phenomenon. The concept of ...

Which start-ups do accelerators prefer?. A comprehensive approach 

Torrecilla, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2023-03-03)

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the role played by both the human capital of founders and the financing sources in startups, whether they are impactful or just for-profit ventures, in the odds of being accepted ...

Acceleralia, the design of a digital platform for corporate acceleration: the case study of PICVISA 

Guardiet Mas, Joan Anton (Date of defense: 2022-11-28)

The aim of this thesis is twofold: being an industrial doctorate, the first two parts of the manuscript are centred around data analysis and interpretation of the impact of technology on the current situation in real-world ...

Assessing the impact of employee empowerment on organisational performance in Ghana 

Afram, Joseph (Date of defense: 2023-02-02)

The advancement of technology and globalization of human talents have inspired organizations to use employee empowerment as a new human resource management technique to enhance performance. Empowerment is a mechanism through ...

“It’s in my blood.” Examining the link between calling and productivity at Work 

Arderiu Gandía, María Dolores (Date of defense: 2021-06-28)

A ‘calling’ is a very important issue for individuals, corporations, and society at large. Working on what you have been called to do can give you a sense of purpose, meaning, and personal fulfillment which in turn can ...

Assessing the Impact of Organisational Capacity, Organizational Structure and Leadership on Project Management Success for Project Oriented Organisations in Developing Countries – A Study of Ghana 

Amoah, Armstrong (Date of defense: 2020-12-21)

Most developmental projects in developing countries have been found to be of necessity to human life, whiles their effective management by project oriented organizations have also been recognised as a crucial force for ...

La gestión de la innovación abierta en las pymes: Retos, tendencias y oportunidades para competir en el mercado 

Odriozola Fernández, Ignacio José (Date of defense: 2020-12-03)

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the influence of open innovation practices in the performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Increasingly, SMEs have a more relevant role in the economy. Not surprisingly, ...

A Model of Crucial Factors Influencing on the Innovation Resistance for Purchasing Innovative Passenger Vehicles in Automotive Industry of Iran 

Shabani, Maryam (Date of defense: 2020-11-18)

Purpose: The goal of this thesis is to render a model of influencing factors on Innovation resistance for purchasing innovative passenger vehicles in Auto industry of Iran. Design/Methodology/Approach: The innovative ...

Empirical Analysis of the European Football Industry: The Role of Sports Performance, Media Visibility, and Brand Value in Revenue Generation and Talent Compensation. 

Aguiar Noury, Alice (Date of defense: 2020-10-08)

This doctoral thesis examines empirically the sport industry as part of the entertainment sector, focusing on European football, whose business competes with other leisure and sports activities in a global context. The ...

New paths to external collaboration in NPD projects 

Gheshmi, Reza (Date of defense: 2019-06-13)

According to the strategic management, open innovation, and project management literatures, the notion that SMEs can enhance their innovation ability by developing knowledge resources has become important for achieving ...

The Situability of Turnaround Strategies for Non-Crisis Situations 

GOTTEINER, Sharon Shimon (Date of defense: 2018-12-18)

For more than three decades it has been suggested that the management practices that had saved collapsing companies, could have also kept them well – if implemented earlier, in a preemptive manner. This research pursued ...

Defining a method to evaluate Boards of Directors efectiveness 

Grego Mayor, Jaime (Date of defense: 2017-09-22)

The purpose of this thesis is to present a new board evaluation method which takes into account both qualitative and quantitative criteria and which meets three key requirements, namely being systhematic, specific and ...

La meta-economía de E.F.Schumacher como punto de partida de un nuevo paradigma económico basado en un modo más humano de vivir (y convivir) 

Muñoz Traver, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2017-06-27)

Hay vida más allá de la economía que conocemos. En su tesis doctoral Quim Muñoz Traver nos introduce, con lenguaje ágil y claro, en la meta-economía de E.F.Schumacher, un prestigioso y algo olvidado economista-filósofo que ...

Family business daughter:motivation, barriers and position in famiy firms 

Akhmedova, Anna (Date of defense: 2017-06-13)

Family businesses play important role in economy of all countries. The research on the family business, since it became a separate discipline, continue to grow. It was found that family firms have many aspects that distinguish ...

Misión, motivación e integración profesional en la gestión hospitalaria 

de Almeida da Fonseca Pires, José Antonio (Date of defense: 2017-05-04)

El objetivo de esta tesis es relacionar tres puntos –misión, motivación e integración– en el contexto de las relaciones interprofesionales de médicos, enfermeros y gestores en contexto hospitalario. Se estudia en qué ...

El plan nacional de estabilización económica y el modelo de desarrollo español 

Galiana Richart, Pedro Miguel (Date of defense: 2017-01-11)

El objeto de la presente tesis es el estudio de las reformas económicas que se llevaron a cabo en España entorno a 1959 y el análisis de sus consecuencias. Han pasado los años suficientes para pronunciarse de manera ...
