Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 182

    Mechanics and Cellular Mechanisms Driving Zebrafish Epiboly = Mecánica y mecanismos celulares responsables de la epibolia del pez cebra 

    Hernández Vega, Amayra Noemi (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-05)

    Epithelial layers constitute the skeleton of early embryos and most tissues and organs and their remodelling during development is essential for reshaping the embryo and for tissue architecture. Epithelial expansion in ...

    Genoarquitectura del sistema nervioso durante el desarrollo embrionario del anfioxo: implicaciones evolutivas para el origen del cerebro de vertebrados 

    Albuixech Crespo, Beatriz (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-18)

    En esta tesis se ha estudiado en detalle la genoarquitectura de la placa neural del anfioxo en desarrollo. La expresión de varios genes había sido descrita en el primordio nerual del anfioxo, pero no existe ningún consenso ...

    Molecular Evolution of Unicellular Eukaryote Metallothioneins: Tandem Repetition of Coordinating Domains 

    Espart Herrero, Anna (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-16)

    Metallothioneins (MTs) are a superfamily of ubiquitous and small cysteine rich metalloproteins present in all eukaryotes and some prokaryotes organisms, that exhibit preferences to coordinate divalent or monovalent heavy ...

    Genètica molecular de l'autisme: recerca de variants de susceptibilitat i estudis funcionals 

    Torrico Aviles, Bàrbara (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-17)

    Els trastorns de l’espectre autista (TEA) són trastorns greus del neurodesenvolupament, caracteritzats per una discapacitat en la comunicació, tant verbal com no verbal, la limitació de la interacció social i comportaments ...

    Gens i migranya. Anàlisi mutacional i estudis d'associació en pacients 

    Sintas Vives, Cèlia (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-15)

    La migranya és un trastorn neurològic comú que afecta un 15% de la població. Es caracteritza per l’aparició d’episodis de cefalees recurrents i incapacitants, molt sovint acompanyades d’altres símptomes com la sensibilitat ...

    Morfogénesis y evolución del sistema traqueal de los insectos 

    Miguel Vijandi, Cristina de (Fecha de defensa: 2015-07-10)

    Uno de los temas fundamentales en el estudio de la evolución es el papel que desempeña la modificación de la actividad genética en la aparición de nuevas morfologías. Con el fin de comprender dicha relación, hemos comparado ...

    The Identification and the Functional Validation of Eye Development and Regeneration Genes in Schmidtea Mediterranea 

    Calvo Lozano, Beatriz (Fecha de defensa: 2015-10-23)

    Discovering the master genes necessary to build the eye in an invertebrate model such as S. mediterranea could help us to understand numerous retinopathies and age-related degeneration of the human eye. The aim of this ...

    DNA Methylation Dynamics during Myogenesis 

    Carrió Gaspar, Elvira (Fecha de defensa: 2015-03-19)

    Myogenesis is the differentiation process which encompasses the formation of skeletal muscle during development, regeneration and tissue homeostasis throughout life. Arising from embryonic or adult stem cells, the myogenic ...

    Aïllament i caracterització de l'enzim alcohol deshidrogenasa a "Drosophila Hydei": resposta metabòlica a la ingesta d'alcohols en aquesta espècie 

    Atrian i Ventura, Sílvia (Fecha de defensa: 1984-04-26)

    Els objectius principals dels treballs que aquí es descriuran queden emmarcats dins de dues grans problemàtiques. Primerament, l'estudi estructural i funcional de l'enzim dins del gènere Drosophila, en un intent de ...

    Genetic and molecular analysis or Sanfilippo C syndrome. Generation of a neuronal model using human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells and therapeutic strategies 

    Canals Montferrer, Isaac (Fecha de defensa: 2015-01-23)

    Sanfilippo C syndrome is a lysosomal storage disorder that presents an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern and is caused by mutations in the HGSNAT gene, identified in 2006 in the chromosome 8. This gene codes for a ...

    An analysis of taenidial fold formation via the study of Blimp-1 and pri 

    Ozturk Colak, Arzu (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-17)

    Examples of tubular organ systems like the mammalian lungs and vascular system abound in the animal kingdom. In this study we used the Drosophila melanogaster tracheal system to study tubular organ development. In particular, ...

    Phylogeny and evolutionary perspective of Opisthokonta protists 

    Torruella i Cortés, Guifré (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    To understand the origin of opisthokonts or infer evolutionary transitions within the group that contains two multicellular lineages (animals and fungi), it is first fundamental to understand the phylogenetic relationships ...

    Impacto de las alteraciones moleculares en el pronóstico de la Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA) "de novo" 

    Hoyos Colell, Montserrat (Fecha de defensa: 2014-11-25)

    La Leucemia Mieloide Aguda (LMA) es una enfermedad hematológica heterogénea, que se caracteriza por la acumulación de células inmaduras en médula ósea. Los pacientes diagnosticados de LMA tienen una supervivencia del 40%, ...

    Evolution of thermal tolerance and size of the geographic range in closely related species of water beetles 

    Hidalgo Galiana, Amparo (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-19)

    This thesis studies a group of aquatic beetles (Agabus brunneus complex) that present important differences in the size of their geographic ranges. This complex is composed by an insular species (A. rufulus), a continental ...

    MicroRNA-mediated regulation of p53 in Drosophila: a new role in adaptation to nutrient deprivation = Regulación de p53 por microARNs en Drosophila: una nueva función en la adaptación a la escasez nutricional 

    Barrio Guerrero, Lara (Fecha de defensa: 2014-12-12)

    The integration of nutrient status to metabolic homeostasis at the cellular and organismal level is a complex process performed in multicellular organisms, and the ability of an organism to respond to nutritional stress ...

    From molecular to tissue-specific roles of Fascin during Drosophila tracheal development: A link between the FGF signalling pathway and the actin-cytoskeleton 

    Okenve Ramos, Pilar Moyong (Fecha de defensa: 2014-10-31)

    How a chemoattractant can act on a tissue to induce its migration towards that source? I have tried to answer this question in this research using as migratory tissue model the Drosophila respiratory organ (trachea) during ...

    Involvement of the Microtubule-Regulated RhoGEF GEF-H1 in the G12 family signaling pathways 

    Garrido Antequera, Georgina (Fecha de defensa: 2014-09-16)

    Heterotrimeric G proteins are masters regulators of cell homeostasis. They coordinate the signaling between G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and their intracellular effectors. Heterotrimeric G proteins are composed of ...

    Estudio de la longitud telomérica e identificación de nuevos genes causales en el cáncer colorrectal hereditario no polipósico 

    Seguí Gracia, Núria (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-17)

    Aunque se estima la proporción de casos de cáncer colorrectal (CCR) atribuibles a factores genéticos entre el 20 y 35%, gran parte de la herencia genética al CCR queda por descubrir. Dentro de ese conglomerado de casos de ...

    Systematics and historical biogeography of the genus Dugesia (platyhelminthes, Tricladida) 

    Solà Vàzquez, Eduard (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-15)

    Dugesia is a genus of free-living flatworms which species inhabit freshwater bodies across a wide distribution range that includes Africa, Madagascar, Eurasia and Australasia. They do not survive in salt water or under ...

    Spatial analysis of brassinosteroid signaling in the stem cell niche of Arabidopsis primary root = Caracterització molecular de la funció de BRI1 en les cèl•lules mare de lʼarrel dʼArabidopsis 

    Vilarrasa Blasi, Josep (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-18)

    The present PhD thesis work reports the molecular and genetic dissection for the role of plant steroid hormones Brassinosteroids (BRs) in root growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis). A genetic, ...