Now showing items 8-27 of 11118

    A articulação e o trânsito das concepções de inclusão / exclusão e de ensino das artes visuais nas práticas de um Instituto de Artes = La articulación y el tránsito de las concepciones de inclusión/exclusión y de enseñanza de las artes visuales en las prácticas de un Instituto de Artes 

    Caira Gitahy, Ana Maria (Date of defense: 2016-02-09)

    Esta tese discute o processo de articulação e o trânsito das concepções de inclusão/ exclusão e de ensino das artes visuais nas práticas de um Instituto de Artes, desde sua criação como escola de artes visuais para pessoas ...

    A behavioural seascape ecology approach to macrophyte herbivory 

    Pagès Fauria, Jordi (Date of defense: 2013-09-16)

    Overall, this thesis aims at approaching macrophyte herbivory and community ecology from a behavioural landscape perspective. Our study system, the seascape mosaic of Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows interspersed with ...

    A construção de Cidades no Brasil: Capital, poder público, população e a produção do espaço urbano em Vitória da Conquista (1940 - 2010) 

    Soares dos Santos, Ronan (Date of defense: 2014-01-24)

    Este trabalho, baseado em pesquisa empírica e bibliográfica, pretende reconstituir a relação entre o poder público, o capital imobiliário, a população e a produção do espaço urbano na cidade de Vitória da Conquista – Ba, ...

    A contribution to resource recovery from wastewater. Anaerobic processes for organic matter and nitrogen treatment 

    Basset Olivé, Núria (Date of defense: 2015-10-16)

    Organic matter and nutrients present in urban and industrial wastewater should be removed or valorised to reduce its impact on the environment. Conventional wastewater treatments are focused on the removal of these pollution ...

    A corpus-based study of the phraseological behaviour of abstract nouns in medical English. A Needs Analysis of a Spanish medical community 

    Laso Martín, Natàlia Judith (Date of defense: 2009-01-23)

    It has been long acknowledged (Carter 1998, Williams 1998; Biber 2006; Hyland 2008) that writing a text not only entails the accurate selection of correct terms and grammatical constructions but also a good command of ...

    A diversidade sociocultural no âmbito da formação de professores: O caso da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB) 

    Castro do Lago, Ana Cristina (Date of defense: 2013-12-02)

    A proposta de pesquisa "A Diversidade sociocultural no âmbito da Formação de Formação de Professores: o caso da Universidade do Estado da Bahia (UNEB)" circula em torno do que entendo como uma lacuna existente entre o ...

    A few things about hyperimaginaries and stable forking 

    Potier, Joris (Date of defense: 2015-06-8)

    The core of this PhD dissertation is basically twofold : On one hand, I get some new results on the relationship between compact groups and bounded hyperimaginaries, extending a little bit the classical results of Lascar ...

    A global wanderer: Biology, phylogeography and resilience of the introduced ascidian "Styela plicata" / Història d’una introducció global: biologia, filogeografia i susceptibilitat a factors ambientals de l’ascidi cosmopolita "Styela alicata" 

    Pineda Torres, Mari Carmen (Date of defense: 2012-09-25)

    "Styela plicata" is a solitary ascidian introduced all around the world by ship traffic and seems to have many of the required features to become invasive. The main goal of this PhD thesis was to increase our knowledge on ...

    A hotspot for posttranslational modifications on the androgen receptor dimer interface drives pathology and anti-androgen resistance 

    Alegre Martí, Andrea (Date of defense: 2023-10-04)

    [eng] Nuclear receptors (NRs) are a superfamily of ligand-activated transcription factors that function as biological sensors to regulate gene expression in a timeand tissue-specific and manner. The coordinated actions ...

    A incerteza no proceso urbano. A produção do espaço na Margem Sul do Estuário do Tejo 

    Gonçalves Brandão Estêvão, Ana Luísa (Date of defense: 2015-11-09)

    Esta tese trata da incerteza como fator determinante na produção urbana contemporânea, analisando em profundidade a Margem Sul do Tejo. A consolidação da cidade industrial correspondeu à infra-estruturação, capacidade ...

    A influência das grandes redes varejistas no comércio e na cidade: um estudo de caso sobre Vitória da Conquista 

    José Pereira, Francis (Date of defense: 2013-10-22)

    O comércio varejista em todo o mundo se solidifica como um setor de extrema importância para a economia mundial. No Brasil, com a estabilidade econômica e o aumento do poder de compra dos consumidores, cada vez mais empresas ...

    A influência dos modelos educativos no ensino das artes visuais 

    Laranjeira, Carmen Cecilia de Araújo dos Santos (Date of defense: 2013-07-09)

    Esta tese trata da influência dos modelos educativos na construção da identidade docente na área de artes visuais. Está fundamentada no processo etnográfico, levantando informações concretas sobre teorias e práticas no ...

    A journey towards the identification of novel therapeutical strategies for advanced cholangiocarcinoma with IDH1 mutations 

    Serra Camprubí, Queralt (Date of defense: 2023-07-27)

    [eng] The field of cancer treatment has shifted towards personalized medicine, driven by advancements in understanding molecular and genetic abnormalities and identifying specific targets within cancer cells. Precision ...

    A modular approach to sphingolipid analogs mediated by aziridines: Synthesis and biological studies 

    Alcaide López, Anna (Date of defense: 2012-12-18)

    Sphingolipids are essential biomolecules for the physiological cell function. In addition to its structural role in cell membranes, these lipids have also crucial functions in signal transduction and cell regulation. As a ...

    A network biology approach to breast and colorectal cancers 

    Arroyo Sánchez, Rodrigo (Date of defense: 2014-06-20)

    Network and systems biology disciplines could revolutionize the study of complex diseases by taking proteins back to their context, considering a much broader perspective of their environment without losing the molecular ...

    A network-based approach to cell metabolism: from structure to flux balances 

    Güell Riera, Oriol (Date of defense: 2015-02-12)

    The thesis called “A network-based approach to cell metabolism: from structure to flux balances” shows how the vision of cell metabolism as a whole allows to unveil new mechanisms and responses impossible to reach by ...

    A New Food Frequency Questionnaire to Assess Cocoa Consumption and its relationship with Health in University Students 

    Vicente, Filipa (Date of defense: 2016-03-09)

    Cocoa is a well recognized source of polyphenols, but studies on their consumption refer that it contributes with a low proportion to the daily polyphenol consumption. Cocoa polyphenol content is plenty recognized and the ...

    A new role for Sonic Hedgehog signalling in morphogenesis of the spinal cord = Nuevas funciones de la vía de señalización Sonic Hedgehog en la morfogénesis de la médula espinal 

    Gutiérrez Vallejo, Irene (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    Development of the posterior spinal cord involves secondary neurulation, a process poorly understood in which neural tube is formed by cavitation of the tail bud. Comprehension of secondary neurulation is required to ...

    A Novel Column Format for on-Chip Liquid Chromatography Fabricated in Cyclo Olefin Polymer 

    Illa Vila, Xavier (Date of defense: 2010-09-28)

    This thesis describes a novel column format to be used in pressure-driven reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The column contains an ordered pillar array where the stationary phase is supported, and it is fabricated in ...

    A novel role for glycogenin in the regulation of glycogen metabolism 

    Testoni, Giorgia (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Glycogen synthesis is crucial for storing glucose residues that are released in case of energy demand. The mechanism needs to be tightly regulated because a lack or an overload of glycogen can lead to severe systemic ...