Now showing items 21-40 of 11076

    Embalses, Acequias, Depuradoras. Patrones de producción en la práctica escultórica, las materias primas y la naturaleza. 

    Martín Llavaneras, Xavier (Date of defense: 2024-03-22)

    [spa] Esta tesis presenta tres infraestructuras hídricas: un embalse, una acequia y una depuradora. En ellas se discute un grupo de patrones, a partir de los cuales relaciono las dinámicas de transformación de la naturaleza, ...

    Complicaciones de los dispositivos venosos y factores de riesgo de bacteriemia asociada a catéter en el paciente portador de dispositivo venoso central o de midline 

    Lafuente Cabrero, Elisabeth (Date of defense: 2024-04-04)

    [spa] La colocación de dispositivos venosos son el procedimiento invasivo más prevalente en las instituciones hospitalarias tanto en contextos de hospitalización convencional como en hospitalización domiciliaria. A pesar ...

    Decadal climate prediction and predictability for climate services 

    Delgado Torres, Carlos (Date of defense: 2024-02-14)

    [eng] Climate variations at annual to decadal time scales affect many regions around the globe, causing direct impacts on the economy, ecosystems and society. Knowing these variations in advance allows for implementing ...

    Active turbulence and active shell models for microswimmer suspensions 

    Gascó Patiño, Toni (Date of defense: 2024-02-05)

    [eng] This doctoral thesis deals with the study of the collective behavior of active particles using computacional simulations of semi-dilute solutions of microswimmers. Results are obtained for the polar order parameter, ...

    Study of the components and adherence to the Mediterranean diet on functional and cognitive ageing: from dietary assessment to a metabolomic approach 

    Tor Roca, Alba (Date of defense: 2023-12-20)

    [eng] Healthy dietary patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, have been linked to reduced chronic disease risk and mortality. However, the evidence regarding the impact of healthy dietary patterns on physical and cognitive ...

    Beyond the current tobacco control legislation. Do europeans support further policies? Attitudes and associated factors 

    Nogueira, Sarah Oliveira (Date of defense: 2021-11-22)

    [eng] BACKGROUND. The consumption of tobacco products kills 810,000 Europeans per year. Although significant accomplishments were made since the recognition of the tobacco epidemic, public health still faces challenges to ...

    Development and applications of photoswitchable ligands for G protein-coupled receptors 

    Sortino, Rosalba (Date of defense: 2023-10-18)

    [eng] G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) modulate diverse cellular responses to the majority of neurotransmitters and hormones within the human body. They exhibit much structural and functional diversity and are responsive ...

    Influence of menstrual factors, reproductive history and exogeneous hormone use on women’s health: age at natural menopause, and cancer of the pancreas, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and urothelial carcinoma 

    Luján Barroso, Leila (Date of defense: 2020-07-10)

    [spa] Antecedentes: La menopausia es un punto de inflexión en la salud de la mujer y está relacionada con un aumento del riesgo de osteoporosis y enfermedades cardiovasculares. Sin embargo, el riesgo de los cánceres ...

    Involvement of Polyamines in Ribosome Biogenesis and Identification of Potential Genes Associated with Spermine Resistance in Arabidopsis thaliana 

    Murillo Villuendas, Ester (Date of defense: 2023-10-20)

    [eng] Polyamines are small polycationic molecules that contain amino groups and are found in all living organisms. This study is aimed at acquiring a comprehensive understanding of the diverse roles of polyamines in plants, ...

    New strategies for improving the biotechnological production of taxanes 

    Pérez Matas, Edgar (Date of defense: 2023-12-19)

    [eng] Plant specialized metabolism is the source of a wide range of bioactive compounds, some of which with relevant pharmacological properties. Nowadays, cancer is one of the main causes of mortality worldwide, therefore, ...

    Receptor Antigénico Quimérico en linfocitos T para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama HER2+ 

    Marzal Martí, Berta (Date of defense: 2023-12-18)

    [spa] El cáncer de mama es el tumor más frecuentemente diagnosticado en mujeres y entre sus diversos subtipos, en esta tesis, nos centraremos particularmente en el cáncer de mama HER2+. Esta patología se caracteriza por ...

    Caracterització de sistemes de cromatografia de líquids d’interacció hidròfila 

    Redón Martos, Lídia (Date of defense: 2024-04-11)

    [cat] La cromatografia de líquids d’interacció hidròfila (HILIC) està esdevenint cada vegada més popular per a la separació de soluts polars i iònics en l’anàlisi de mostres d'interès biològic, mediambiental i farmacèutic. ...

    Coses que passen. Una revisió de l’arxiu històric institucional des de les pràctiques artístiques contemporànies 

    Farrés Duran, Enric (Date of defense: 2024-03-15)

    [spa] Cosas que pasan. Una revisión del archivo histórico institucional desde las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas es un análisis de la noción de archivo como disciplina mediadora de información y del estudio de ...

    Imaginarios ContraInternet: El arte como herramienta micropolítica para la vida digital 

    Marco Cánoves, Irma (Date of defense: 2024-02-22)

    [spa] La sociedad hiperconectada en la que vivimos ha cambiado los modos de relación social y de producción cultural. La nueva situación está íntimamente ligada con el flujo acelerado de la información, el uso constante ...

    Azapolycyclic Building Blocks for the Synthesis of Daphniphyllum Alkaloids: Approaches toward Himalensine A and 2-Deoxymacropodumine A 

    Marquès Garcia, Claudia (Date of defense: 2023-12-15)

    [eng] Daphniphyllum alkaloids, isolated from various species of the Daphniphyllum genus, constitute a diverse family of natural products containing over 320 distinct members and featuring more than 20 unique polycyclic ...

    Estructura de proteínas mitocondriales y complejos DNA-proteína 

    Illanes Vicioso, Ramiro (Date of defense: 2023-11-10)

    [spa] El desarrollo de mi tesis doctoral abarca el análisis estructural y en solución de dos proteínas mitocondriales: la isoforma 1 del Factor de Transcripción A Mitocondrial (TFAM) y el dominio N-terminal de la isoforma ...

    Environmental and bystanders’ exposure to secondhand aerosols of electronic cigarettes in the European population 

    Beladenta, Amalia (Date of defense: 2021-06-16)

    [eng] INTRODUCTION: In recent years, electronic cigarettes have increased in popularity among youth and adults in many parts of the world, including Europe. Growing evidence indicates that e-cigarette aerosols contain ...

    Describing the role of the 40S-LARP1 complex in the synthesis of ribosomal proteins driven by oncogenic MYC 

    Iannizzotto, Flavia (Date of defense: 2023-12-01)

    [eng] MYC dysregulation is the most common alteration in cancers, driving several cellular processes that cooperatively promote aberrant cell growth and proliferation. Among them, the induction of protein synthesis has ...

    Microarray Strategies for Multiplexed Immunochemical Analysis 

    Guercetti, Julian (Date of defense: 2023-10-25)

    [eng] The current doctoral thesis titled “Microarray Strategies for Multiplexed Immunochemical Analysis” was carried out in the context of two research projects, expecting to develop multiplexed ligand-binding assays under ...

    Deciphering the structure and dynamics of the vault particles 

    González Álamos, María (Date of defense: 2023-11-21)

    [eng] The vault particle, with a mass of 10 MDa and dimensions of 70 nm x 40 nm x 40 nm, is the largest ribonucleoprotein described in the eukaryotic kingdom. The vault shell is organized in two identical moieties, each ...