Now showing items 21-40 of 107

    El nivel de comprensión lectora y de representación mental en los estudiantes de sexto grado de las escuelas públicas y privadas urbanas del distrito escolar de Ponce, Puerto Rico 

    Rodríguez Cintrón, Rosany (Date of defense: 2016-01-15)

    The purpose of this research was to determine the level of reading comprehension and mental representation in sixth grade students in urban public and private schools in the District of Ponce, Puerto Rico. Sociodemographic ...

    Metodología DFMA de rediseño del conjunto estructural electrosoldado de una máquina 

    Paz Bernales, Huáscar (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)

    In this thesis the methodology DFMA (Design for manufacturing and assembly) is applied to the efficient redesign of a bench of an industrial welded construction equipment in order to simplify the solutions and reduce costs. ...

    Competencias profesionales del periodista de moda en Puerto Rico 

    Mangual Vázquez, Daily Wilda (Date of defense: 2016-01-13)

    Much of the economy in Puerto Rico moves through industry-related fashion. In that industry, designers, producers, and sellars or clothing and accessories depend on the media to place their products in the market. For this ...

    Efecto de un modelo de enseñanza utilizando el "Humor" y la "Simpatía" en el aprendizaje de conceptos de física 

    Dumois González, Martha (Date of defense: 2016-01-13)

    The problem of academic achievement on the basic concepts of mechanical physics in the preparatory course of Introduction to Physics, and attitude of students to the course are the triggers for this study, on the development ...

    Optimización de las estrategias metodológicas del diseño y gestión de las actividades autónomas utilizando las tecnologías de la información y las telecomunicaciones 

    Delgado Noya, Irene (Date of defense: 2016-01-19)

    The current investigation is aimed to improve the planning, orientation, monitoring, control and evaluation of the autonomous activities which a student must realize with the support of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). ...

    Anàlisi, disseny, contractació i control del servei de recollida de residus i neteja viària des d'una perspectiva econòmica, ambiental i sociopolítica a Espanya 

    Costa Rodríguez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2016-01-21)

    Municipal services, particularly waste collection and street cleaning have unique characteristics that make particularly difficult their management and often make that the scientific community and municipal officials have ...

    A collection of resources for the study of educational reverse engineering activities in engineering design education 

    Calderón Saldierna, Marco Lino (Date of defense: 2015-12-23)

    Educational Reverse Engineering Activities referred to as the acronym -EREA- help engineering design students to: Acquire and develop a set of abilities that raise their awareness of the design process; expand their sources ...

    Planificación sostenible de sitios turísticos costeros : indicadores de flujos de materiales y territorio para una herramienta de ayuda a la decisión 

    Suárez Sánchez, María de las Nieves (Date of defense: 2015-12-18)

    The general objective of this thesis is to improve the quality of a certain Sustainability Objectives (OS) and Material Flows Indicators (IFM) to propose a set of Sustainability Indicators for the Sustainable Planning of ...

    Millores en un crioconcentrador per plaques de pel.licula descendent : dissenys de nous prototips per liquids industrials i residuals 

    Rodríguez Barraguer, Vicenç (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    One of the techniques for separating soluble solids in an aqueous solution, is for freezing of water that contains, which is known as cryoconcentration It relates to systems of crystallization of ice by layer (Flesland, ...

    Nueva metodología basada en un sistema experto para la selección de cimentaciones-contenciones de edificios entre medianeras 

    Huidobro Alberich, David (Date of defense: 2015-12-11)

    The impact of work when constructing a building between party walls is always a concern for the adjoining residents. The buildings are subject to more than just the impact of the vibrations caused by the use of machinery. ...

    Inteligencia competitiva para la innovación en PYMEs : identificación de factores clave 

    Gallardo Rodríguez, Javier (Date of defense: 2015-12-04)

    The study focuses on SMEs in the industrial sector in Catalonia, with the aim of identifying competitive intelligence systems suitable for SMEs, the areas with the greatest potential impact with the implementation of a ...

    Sewage sludge anaerobic digestion : study of synergies and operational strategies of co-digestion 

    Silvestre Tormo, Gracia (Date of defense: 2015-10-30)

    Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are characterized by their high organic matter and nutrient removal efficiency, but also by their high energy consumption. In the current context where resources are increasingly scarce, ...

    Metodología de diseño conceptual modular para la selección de variables modulares 

    Echevarría–Quintana, Marcos (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    Recent research on the analysis of product development systems, refer to the search for methods to establish the links between the variables that apply to the design concept and development, in order to build bridges of ...

    Un model d'innovació empresarial basat en la metodologia de fulls de ruta 

    Albiol i Rodríguez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2015-12-03)

    This thesis proposes a business innovation model based on roadmapping technology. Roadmaps are a planning tool for mid- and long-term innovation projects that aims to facilitate innovation for organizations. This model ...

    A contribution to multi-criteria decision making in sustainable energy management based on fuzzy and qualitative reasoning 

    Afsordegan, Arayeh (Date of defense: 2015-12-21)

    Energy problems are serious problems caused by limited resources and by human activity such as deforestation, water pollution and various other long-term practices that have environmental impact which produces global warming ...

    Development and evaluation of an atmospheric aerosol module implemented within the NMMB/BSC-CTM 

    Spada, Michele (Date of defense: 2015-11-23)

    This PhD Thesis presents and discusses the developments of a hybrid sectional-bulk multicomponent aerosol module coupled with the multiscale chemical weather prediction system NMMB/BSC-CTM. The module is designed to provide ...

    Models for the location decision for a combined cycle power plant : basic principles for solving the decision problem of the choice of location for a feasibility study of gas-fired power plants 

    Krüger, Jan (Date of defense: 2015-11-16)

    The present thesis deals with the foundations for solving the decision problem of site selection for a feasibility study of gas-fired power plants, based on realistic and practical statements, under a business approach. ...

    Predicción del impacto ambiental de la contaminación lumínica : propuesta de una metodología para proyectos luminotécnicos de ingeniería 

    García Gil, Manuel (Date of defense: 2015-11-26)

    The research has as main goal to develop a structured methodology to be able to predict the environmental impact of artificial night lighting. For this reason, I have divided the process into different stages: In the ...

    Alfabetización ambiental : análisis del proceso de alfabetización ambiental y su relación con el desarrollo sustentable y propuesta de una herramienta que permita cuantificar el nivel de conocimiento suficiente para completar el proceso de alfabetización ambiental 

    Pesis, Susana Paulina (Date of defense: 2015-10-13)

    In a holistic vision, our present global society, thanks to the fast speed of the spread of information permits a wider consciousness of the frequency and the scope of natural phenomena and economic disasters. This disasters ...

    Contribución de la inteligencia competitiva en el proceso de I+D+i del sector farmacéutico : el caso de España 

    Salazar García, Aída (Date of defense: 2015-09-10)

    This research focuses on the use and practice of Competitive Intelligence within the Spanich pharmaceutical sector, as a tool to be used in decision making. For that purpose, it is necessary to perform each step of the IC ...