A constitutive model of human esophagus tissue with application for the treatment of stenosis 

    Sánchez Molina, David (Date of defense: 2013-11-07)

    This dissertation is a research about the mechanical behavior of the human esophagus. This work is intended to be applied in the treatment of stenosis and other esophageal diseases that frequently require a procedure of ...

    Analysis of circular bond-type anchorages for prestressing composite rods under quasi-static, fatigue and time-dependent loads 

    Puigvert Cobos, Francesc (Date of defense: 2014-10-20)

    En estructures pretesades sotmeses a ambients corrosius, s'està estudiant la possibilitat de substituir els tendons d’acer per tendons que no pateixin els efectes de la corrosió. En aquest sentit, els materials compostos ...

    Analysis of unreinforced and TRM-strengthened brick masonry walls subjected to eccentric axial load 

    Bernat Masó, Ernest (Date of defense: 2014-02-07)

    A significant number of buildings are supported by load-bearing masonry walls. The preservation of these worldwide used structures is a sustainable alternative. However, there is little research about the structural response ...

    Análisis resistente de estructuras de obra de fábrica mediante redes funiculares simuladas computacionalmente 

    Andreu Torras, Antoni (Date of defense: 2006-09-22)

    Este trabajo tiene por objetivo desarrollar una estrategia orientada a resolver de forma computacional el equilibrio estático de las obras pétreas formadas por elementos unidimensionales empleando la analogía clásica de ...

    Caracterització termomecànica d'actuadors amb memòria de forma NiTiCu 

    Fabregat Sanjuan, Albert (Date of defense: 2015-07-15)

    In this thesis the thermomechanical characterization of the shape memory alloy NiTiCu working as an actuator with different heat treatment (HT) temperatures has been carried out. The results from the tests carried on ...

    Caracterización estadística de los modelos de confinamiento y determinación de coeficientes parciales de seguridad para el refuerzo de pilas de puentes de hormigón mediante materiales compuestos (CFRP) 

    Chambi Chuquichambi, José Luis (Date of defense: 2012-11-30)

    El continuo deterioro y/o daños causados en las estructuras de hormigón durante su vida útil, son fenómenos inevitables que conlleva el paso del tiempo y viene a ser un problema importante que ha conducido al desarrollo ...

    De Gaudí a Miralles : cent anys d'estructura metàl.lica a Barcelona 

    Pons Poblet, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2014-09-16)

    The present project is aimed to analyze the steel structure from an evolutionary point of view. The study¿s context has been the 20th century on the Catalan capital city in order to see how the historical, normative and ...

    Estudio de arcos estructurales obtenidos por embutición a partir de paneles nervados conformados en frío 

    Casariego Vales, Pedro (Date of defense: 2014-07-08)

    Since a few decades ago, the cold-formed steel industry has developed a press-forming procedure to bend trapezoidal commercial steel sheeting into an arched shape. The main quality of these arches is to be self-supporting, ...

    Estudio del comportamiento mecánico de vigas de hormigón armado reforzadas a flexión y a cortante con materiales compuestos de matriz cementítica 

    Escrig Pérez, Christian (Date of defense: 2015-10-02)

    The global tendency to apply sustainability criteria in most of productive fields, as well as, the limited durability and the pathologies that suffer the reinforced concrete elements, are aspects that directly affect the ...

    Estudio numérico y experimental de la interacción entre la chapa de acero y el hormigón para la mejora resistente de las losas mixtas frente al deslizamiento longitudinal. 

    Ferrer Ballester, Miquel (Date of defense: 2005-11-10)

    El fallo resistente de las losas mixtas se produce generalmente por el deslizamiento longitudinal entre la chapa nervada de acero y el hormigón. La dificultad de diseño de chapas para losas mixtas reside en asegurar su ...

    Finite element modeling of delamination in advanced composite beams and plates using one- and two-dimensional finite elements based on the refined zigzag theory 

    Eijo, A. (Ariel) (Date of defense: 2014-09-25)

    Although laminated materials have been used for decades, their employment has increased nowadays in the last years as a result of the gained confidence of the industry on these materials. This has provided the scientific ...

    Modelado de multifractura discreta en materiales quasi-frágiles 

    Lafontaine, Nelson M. (Date of defense: 2016-01-18)

    The stated goal of this work is to develop a numerical explicit finite element method able to effectively address the strain localization process, discrete fracture and fragmentation process in quasi-brittle materials, ...

    Multifield-based modeling of material failure in high performance reinforced cementitious composites 

    Mora, D. F. (Diego Fernando) (Date of defense: 2013-04-26)

    Cementitious materials such as mortar or concrete are brittle and have an inherent weakness in resisting tensile stresses. The addition of discontinuous fibers to such matrices leads to a dramatic improvement in their ...

    Numerical modelling based on the multiscale homogenization theory. Application in composite materials and structures 

    Badillo Almaraz, Hiram (Date of defense: 2012-04-16)

    A multi-domain homogenization method is proposed and developed in this thesis based on a two-scale technique. The method is capable of analyzing composite structures with several periodic distributions by partitioning the ...

    Numerical modelling of the growth and remodelling phenomena in biological tissues 

    Comellas Sanfeliu, Ester (Date of defense: 2016-02-05)

    Living biological tissues are complex structures that have the capacity of evolving in response to external loads and environmental stimuli. The adequate modelling of soft biological tissue behaviour is a key issue in ...

    Numerical simulation of fatigue processes : application to steel and composite structures 

    Barbu, L. G. (Lucia Gratiela) (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    The present thesis aims at advancing an innovative computational methodology that simulates steel and composite material fracture under cyclic loading following a phenomenological approach, with calibration from both small ...

    Riesgo sísmico de edificaciones en términos de pérdidas económicas mediante integración de costos de reparación de componentes 

    Yamin Lacouture, Luis Eduardo (Date of defense: 2016-01-28)

    The probabilistic seismic risk assessment in terms of economic losses for building portfolios aims at the estimation of the probability distribution functions of losses. This can be done for a specific seismic event ...

    Simulación numérica y correlación experimental de las propiedades mecánicas en las aleaciones con memoria de forma. 

    Flor López, Silvia de la (Date of defense: 2005-04-29)

    El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es evaluar y adaptar los modelos constitutivos existentes para la caracterización termomecánica de las aleaciones con memoria de forma de níquel-titanio (Ni-Ti) para permitir ...

    Stabilized finite element approximation of the incompressible MHD equations 

    Hernández Silva, Noel (Date of defense: 2010-07-12)

    No es frecuente encontrar un campo donde dos ramas principales de la Física estén involucradas. La Magnetohidrodinámica es uno de tales campos debido a que involucra a la Mecánica de Fluidos y al Electromagnetismo. Aun ...

    Subgrid scale stabilized finite elements for low speed flows 

    Príncipe, Ricardo Javier (Date of defense: 2008-04-21)

    La descripción del flujo de fluidos involucra la solución de las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes compresible, un problema muy complejo cuya estructura matemática no es del todo comprendida. Por lo tanto, mediante análisis ...