Análisis del comportamiento de las fachadas de madera en zonas con clima mediterráneo : evaluación de la degradación de probetas de madera de diferentes especies, tratamientos y acabados en cinco zonas con climas mediterráneos 

    Burgos Leiva, Camila (Date of defense: 2016-05-30)

    This research aims to study the behavior of wooden facades in Mediterranean climate, to check its performance and durability through two years of weathering. We performed a theoretical studyof sorne examples of traditiona ...

    Comportamiento térmico de la cubierta en un clima cálido húmedo : repercusión energética en el edificio 

    Torres Quezada, Jefferson Eloy (Date of defense: 2018-11-07)

    The central scope of this thesis is the architectonic element THE ROOF within the context of regions with warm and humid climates near the equator. The constant population growth in the world has been reflected, in these ...

    El component bloc tècnic : nova concepció dels traçats verticals als edificis plurifamiliars actuals a Catalunya. 

    Crespo Sánchez, Eva (Date of defense: 2017-07-24)

    This thesis aims to take advance of the slowdown of the construction sector in recent years, in order to achieve a qualitative leap in the design and implement system of the vertical grids in multifamily residential buildings ...

    Evaluación de modelos de demanda en la edificación que minimicen la generación de emisiones de CO2 en el aprovechamiento de la oferta de sistemas de alta eficiencia energética : adecuación de la demanda 

    Rendón Poujol, Georgina (Date of defense: 2018-01-23)

    To address the environmental imbalance of which the current demand model of the building sector is an active part, the focus of this research is to suggest a response for a more efficient and sustainable use of energy ...

    Impresión 3D cerámica de densidad variable controlada 

    Aguilar Urquidez, Pavel (Date of defense: 2024-02-26)

    (English) This doctoral thesis aims to develop an Additive Manufacturing technique for the production of Ceramic Building Elements with controlled variable density. The research seeks to provide an alternative to the ...

    Mitigating the anthropocene extinction via agrivoltaics and ecovoltaics 

    Macdonald, James Duncan (Date of defense: 2023-07-03)

    (English) This thesis examines agrivoltaics, ecovoltaics, and agriecovoltaics (A/E/ÆPV): innovative alternative formats of ground-mounted solar photovoltaic (PV) projects which integrate agricultural production and/or ...

    Spatial implications of energy performance certificates on housing prices in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area 

    Chen, Ai (Date of defense: 2021-01-25)

    The concepts of “energy sustainability” and “environmentally friendly” arouse extensive attention and the discussion on how to utilize, save and regulate energy and reduce pollution has become a dominant issue. The building ...