Mostrando ítems 21-40 de 40

    Recognizing Action and Activities from Egocentric Images 

    Cartas Ayala, Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2020-11-01)

    Egocentric action recognition consists in determining what a wearable camera user is doing from his perspective. Its defining characteristic is that the person himself is only partially visible in the images through his ...

    Deep Learning and Uncertainty Modeling in Visual Food Analysis 

    Aguilar, Eduardo (Fecha de defensa: 2020-09-23)

    Several computer vision approaches have been proposed for tackling food analysis problems, due to the challenging problem it poses, the ease collection of food images, and its numerous applications to health and leisure. ...

    On the Dynamics Around the Collinear Points in the Sun-Jupiter System 

    Duarte Ferreira, Gladston (Fecha de defensa: 2020-02-13)

    This work aims the study of the Rapid Transition Mechanism that explains some properties of orbits of some spatial objects, as for instance, comet 39P/Oterma, which will be the main object of this research. Considering ...

    Improving Performance and Interpretability in Recognizing Facial Action Units with Deep Neural Networks 

    Corneanu, Cipiran Adrian (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-13)

    Facial expressions are vital ways of communication between humans in social contexts. They are used as conversational markers and they convey information about affective and cognitive state. Many applications would benefit ...

    Effective methods for recurrence solutions in delay differential equations 

    Gimeno i Alquézar, Joan (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-08)

    This thesis deals with the jet transport for numerical integrators and the effective invariant object computation of delay differential equations. Firstly we study how automatic differentiation (AD) affects when ...

    Restricted Weak Type Extrapolation of Multi-Variable Operators and Related Topics 

    Roure Perdices, Eduard (Fecha de defensa: 2019-12-19)

    A remarkable result in Harmonic Analysis is the so-called Rubio de Francia’s extrapolation theorem. Roughly speaking, it says that if one has an operator T that is bounded on Lp(v), for some p 1 and every weight v in Ap, ...

    The Logic of Turing Progressions 

    Hermo Reyes, Eduardo (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-04)

    This dissertation is devoted to developing modal logical tools that can be used in the field of proof theory and ordinal analysis. More precisely, we focus on the relation between strictly positive modal logics and both ...

    New results on modular forms and Fermat-type equations 

    Soto Ballesteros, Eduardo (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-11)

    Aquesta tesi té dos objectius. El primer és contribuir en la teoria de congruències entre formes modulars via representacions de Galois. El segon és resoldre nous problemes diofantins de tipus Fermat. En quant a representacions ...

    Finite groups acting on smooth and symplectic 4-manifolds 

    Sáez Calvo, Carles (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-22)

    En esta tesis se estudian problemas relacionados con acciones de grupos finitos en 4-variedades diferenciables y simplécticas. Se prueba que toda 4-variedad diferenciable cerrada X admite una constante C>0 tal que cualquier ...

    Gorenstein colength of local Artin k-algebras 

    Homs Pons, Roser (Fecha de defensa: 2019-07-24)

    En esta tesis abordamos el problema de la aproximación de anillos locales por anillos de Gorenstein en el caso cero-dimensional. Nos centramos en el estudio y el cálculo efectivo de la colongitud de Gorenstein, una noción ...

    Learning to recognize human actions: from hand-crafted to deep-learning based visual representations 

    Clapés i Sintes, Albert (Fecha de defensa: 2019-02-04)

    Action recognition is a very challenging and important problem in computer vision. Researchers working on this field aspire to provide computers with the ability to visually perceive human actions – that is, to observe, ...

    Periodic time dependent Hamiltonian systems and applications 

    Jorba-Cuscó, Marc (Fecha de defensa: 2019-03-01)

    A dynamical system is one that evolves with time. This definition is so diffuse that seems to be completely useless, however, gives a good insight of the vast range of applicability of this field of Mathematics has. It is ...

    Social Signal Processing from Egocentric Photo-Streams 

    Aghaei, Maedeh (Fecha de defensa: 2018-07-13)

    Wearable photo-cameras offer a hands-free way to record images from the camera- wearer perspective of daily experiences as they are lived, without the necessity to interrupt recording due to the device battery or storage ...

    Contributions to stochastic analysis 

    Binotto, Giulia (Fecha de defensa: 2018-04-13)

    The aim of this dissertation is to present some new results on stochastic analysis. It consists on three works that deal with two Gaussian processes: the Brownian motion and the fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter ...

    Hankel operators on vector-valued Bergman spaces 

    Oliver Vendrell, Roc (Fecha de defensa: 2017-09-14)

    The main goal of this work is to study vector-valued Bergman spaces and to obtain the weak factorization of these spaces. In order to do that we need to study small Hankel operators with operator-valued holomorphic symbols. ...

    Integración de técnicas de personalización basadas en el comportamiento colaborativo del ser humano con interfaces de usuario inteligentes 

    Contreras Aguilar, David (Fecha de defensa: 2017-07-21)

    Esta tesis está enfocada en la problemática asociada a la personalización de información para usuarios que interactúan con grandes volúmenes de información. En concreto, la tesis se centra en el estudio de los sistemas de ...

    Quantitative equidistribution of Galois orbits of points of small height on the algebraic torus 

    Narváez Clauss, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-21)

    El teorema de equidistribución de Bilu establece que, dada una sucesión estricta de puntos en el toro algebraico N-dimensional cuya altura de Weil tiende a cero, las órbitas de Galois de los puntos se equidistribuyen con ...

    Transport phenomena and anomalous diffusion in conservative systems of low dimension 

    Miguel Baños, Narcís (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-21)

    Apart from this introductory chapter, the contents of the thesis is splitted among four more chapters. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 deal with the planar case, while chapter 5 deals with the 3D volume preserving case. More ...

    Function and Operator Theory on Large Bergman spaces 

    Arroussi, Hicham (Fecha de defensa: 2016-05-06)

    The theory of Bergman spaces has been a central subject of study in complex analysis during the past decades. The book [7] by S. Bergman contains the first systematic treat-ment of the Hilbert space of square integrable ...

    Evolutionary Bags of Space-Time Features for Human Analysis 

    Ponce López, Víctor (Fecha de defensa: 2016-06-02)

    The representation (or feature) learning has been an emerging concept in the last years, since it collects a set of techniques that are present in any theoretical or practical methodology referring to artificial intelligence. ...