Now showing items 159-178 of 376

    Generalized exterior-algebraic electromagnetism in (k, n)-dimensional spacetime 

    Colombaro, Ivano (Date of defense: 2022-06-17)

    This doctoral thesis aims to find a connection between two different disciplines. On the one hand, the electromagnetic theory, one of the most known and most applied theories in physics, properly described by the famous ...

    Generating ideas for pictorial advertisements : starting with pictorial metaphors 

    Xiao, Ping (Date of defense: 2014-07-08)

    Behind every good advertisement there is a creative concept, a Big Idea. In contrast to the countless number of ads, a small number of patterns of effective communication (idea templates) have been uncovered, which are ...

    Generic Neuromorphic Principles of Cognition and Attention for Ants, Humans and Real-world Artefacts: a Comparative Computational Approach 

    Mathews, Zenon (Date of defense: 2011-01-12)

    Es considera que la cognició biològica fa servir mecanismes com la predicció, l'anticipació i l'atenció per resoldre tasques complexes. S'ha suggerit que aquests mecanismes es materialitzen en els mamífers a través ...

    Geometric modeling and characterization of the circle of willis 

    Bogunovic, Hrvoje (Date of defense: 2012-09-28)

    Los derrames cerebrales son una de las causas principales de morbilidad y mortalidad en los países desarrollados. Esto ha motivado una búsqueda de configuraciones del sistema vascular que se cree que están asociadas con ...

    Geometrical room acoustics: ray based simulation for room acoustics 

    Durany Vendrell, Jaume (Date of defense: 2016-09-14)

    L’acústica de sales és la ciència encarregada d’estudiar la propagació del so en entorns tancats. La informació acústica de qualsevol entorn, coneguda com la resposta impulsional, s’expressa en termes del camp acústic ...

    Giving centre stage to top-down inhibitory mechanisms for selective attention 

    Low, Sock Ching (Date of defense: 2020-12-15)

    Selective attention determines the sensory signals that are processed at higher levels at the expense of others and is biased by higher-order brain regions which anticipate task-relevant stimuli and increase neural sensitivity ...

    Grounding body ownership and language in action: evidence from healthy and damaged brains 

    Grechuta, Klaudia (Date of defense: 2019-07-05)

    Contrary to the classical theory of mind, largely inspired by dualism, the theoretical framework of embodiment emphasizes the constitutive role of the body in the process of cognition. This view also referred to as the ...

    Grounding brain mechanisms in the spatiotemporal properties of cerebral and behavioral networks 

    Ulysse, Laura (Date of defense: 2022-11-04)

    The spatiotemporal properties of the cerebral and behavioral networks are key elements to understand normal brain functioning and their breakdowns. This dissertation focuses on the cerebral networks of the brain regions’ ...

    Hemodynamic modeling of cerebral aneurysms 

    Geers, Adrianus Johannes (Date of defense: 2015-01-12)

    Cerebral aneurysms are localized, pathological dilatations of cerebral arteries. Their rupture causes a subarachnoid hemorrhage and is associated with high rates of morbidity and mortality. Over the last decade, the ...

    How do infants represent others?: biases towards native language and rational agents 

    Colomer Canyelles, Marc (Date of defense: 2019-10-02)

    Much of the information infants acquire they learn it by observing and interacting with others. However, not all individuals provide information that is functionally and/or culturally relevant. Infants’ capacity of identifying ...

    Human-centered learning design with technology 

    Garreta Domingo, Muriel (Date of defense: 2018-07-25)

    To improve and innovate education, a novel conception of the role of design in this realm is needed. Human-centered design (HCD), a problem-solving framework underpinned by the user perspective in all stages of the ...

    Human-centered machine learning for music emotion recognition 

    Gómez Cañón, Juan sebastián (Date of defense: 2022-10-26)

    This doctoral thesis is focused on music in terms of emotion -- such algorithms compose the computational task of music emotion recognition (MER). MER evaluates emotionally relevant features from music, correlates them ...

    Human-computer interaction with older people 

    Sayago Barrantes, Sergio (Date of defense: 2009-07-24)

    L'envelliment de la població i la importància de les TIC a la societat actual han motivat la necessitat d'integrar més a les persones grans en la interacció persona-ordinador. La investigació actual es centra en factors ...

    Identification of versions of the same musical composition by processing audio descriptions 

    Serrà Julià, Joan (Date of defense: 2011-02-23)

    This work focuses on the automatic identification of musical piece versions (alternate renditions of the same musical composition like cover songs, live recordings, remixes, etc.). In particular, we propose two core ...

    Image analysis and deep learning to support endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms 

    López-Linares, Karen (Date of defense: 2019-06-11)

    An abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a focal dilation of the aorta that may lead to its rupture. The most common treatment for AAAs is endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR). EVAR implies lifelong postoperative surveillance ...

    Image based analysis and modeling of the detailed cardiac ventricular anatomy 

    Paun, Bruno (Date of defense: 2017-07-24)

    The role of trabeculations and their normal morphological expression in the human heart is still unclear. Clinical studies have shown that excessive trabeculation can cause heart failure due to diastolic and systolic ...

    Image processing algorithms as artistic tools in digital cinema 

    Zabaleta Razquin, Itziar (Date of defense: 2021-10-01)

    The industry of cinema has experienced a radical change in the last decades: the transition from film cinematography to its digital format. As a consequence, several challenges have appeared, but, at the same time, many ...

    Image similarity for registration and manifold learning: application to brain analysis 

    Zimmer, Veronika Anne (Date of defense: 2017-02-13)

    The aim of this thesis is to explore and develop measures for image comparison in two main areas of medical image analysis: image registration and manifold learning for population analysis. In particular, the main contributions ...

    Improvements to incentives in incentive-driven blockchain technologies 

    McMenamin, Conor (Date of defense: 2023-03-17)

    In this thesis, we present a set of protocols in areas at the core of current blockchain technology literature; consensus, decentralized finance and distributed computing. These areas are bound by a critical dependency ...

    Improving sound retrieval in large collaborative collections 

    Favory, Xavier (Date of defense: 2021-03-04)

    Capturing sounds on a recording medium to enable their preservation and reproduction started to be possible during the industrial revolution of the 19th century, originally achieved through mechanic and acoustic devices, ...