Now showing items 21-40 of 850

    Aeromonas, un microorganismo ambiental de importancia en salud humana y animal 

    Latif Eugenín, Fadua Leila (Date of defense: 2015-11-27)

    L'objectiu general va ser determinar la prevalença de Aeromonas spp en les 1365 soques identificades, 543 provenien d’aigua, 416 de mostres clíniques humanes i 203 procedents de peixos (carpes i truites), hortalisses i ...

    Agenda 21 Escolar en Guanajuato, dos experiencias, dos proyectos, un destino común... 

    Gómez González, María Virginia Rosalía (Date of defense: 2013-07-19)

    There are few documented cases and active programs of environmental education (EA) that support schools and teachers in their teaching for the care of the environment in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. Two cases will be ...

    Agricultural practices, biodiversity and ecosystem services provided by bats in Mediterranean crops 

    Puig, Xavier, 1975- (Date of defense: 2021-07-09)

    We study the effect of organic farming practices on several taxa in olive groves and vineyards. Sessile organisms show a stronger response to treatment, their diversity being higher in organic vineyards. Vagile organism ...

    Agricultural wastewater treatment by Trametes versicolor immobilized on wood in a rotating drum bioreactor 

    Beltrán Flores, Eduardo (Date of defense: 2022-11-25)

    El deteriorament de la qualitat de l’aigua pels contaminants orgànics persistents (POPs, per les seves sigles en anglès) és una preocupació mundial. Fins i tot a concentracions baixes, aquests compostos suposen un risc ...

    Agro-urban solid waste from rooftop greenhouses in the framework of the circular economy: Eco-design strategies for its use 

    Manríquez Altamirano, Ana María (Date of defense: 2020-11-23)

    L’agricultura urbana (UA en anglès) està en constant creixement a causa dels múltiples beneficis que ofereix a més de reduir l’impacte ambiental relacionat a el transport d’aliments des de fora cap a dins de les ...

    Agua, actores sociales y servicios de los ecosistemas en la cuenca del río Muga. Una aproximación socioecológica 

    Garau, Enrica (Date of defense: 2022-01-31)

    This doctoral thesis aims to identify and characterize the relationships between stakeholders and water resources through the sociocultural and spatial analysis of the water ecosystem services (WES) in the social-ecological ...

    Air quality in schools and children’s exposure to particulate pollution in Barcelona 

    Rivas Lara, Ioar (Date of defense: 2015-11-05)

    L’exposició als contaminants atmosfèrics s’ha relacionat amb efectes negatius a la salut i els infants constitueixen un subgrup de la població particularment vulnerable. Es determinà la qualitat de l’aire a l’interior i ...

    Air Quality Modeling in Very Complex Terrains: Ozone Dynamics in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula 

    Jiménez Guerrero, Pedro (Date of defense: 2005-03-09)

    Los altos niveles de contaminantes atmosféricos en el nordeste de la Península Ibérica tienen un fuerte impacto tanto en los ecosistemas como en la salud humana. Esta región es particularmente sensible a la contaminación ...

    Air, food and soilless substrate quality assessment in rooftop agriculture 

    Ercilla Montserrat, Mireia (Date of defense: 2019-04-02)

    L'agricultura urbana (AU), especialment en les cobertes (AR), és una pràctica cada vegada més implementada per a complementar la creixent demanda de producció local d'aliments a les ciutats. Diversos treballs de recerca ...

    Allocation of GHG emissions in a paper mill, an application tool to reduce emissions 

    Aldrich Tomàs, Remei (Date of defense: 2009-04-30)

    El sector de pasta i paper és considerat un dels set sectors industrials més intensius en consum energètic. La producció i consum d'electricitat i de vapor esdevenen les fonts majoritàries d'emissions de gasos d'efecte ...

    Alternativas de sostenibilidad para asentamientos humanos en vías de crecimiento: método de diagnóstico y potenciación socio-ambiental 

    Carbonnel Torralbo, Alexandre (Date of defense: 2011-05-09)

    Los asentamientos humanos, han sido históricamente un lugar de encuentro donde las personas se han agrupado para convivir en comunidad o sociedad. Esta interacción colectiva, ha forjado sistemas de caseríos, pueblos, ...

    Alternative fertilizers for urban agriculture within the circular economy framework 

    Arcas-Pilz, Verónica (Date of defense: 2022-06-03)

    L’agricultura urbana (AU) ha estat considerada una peça clau per augmentar la circularitat a les ciutats. Des d’una perspectiva d’economia circular (EC), l’addició d’AU pot servir com a destí per materials d’origen local ...

    An investigation on different mechanisms of endocrine disruption in fish and molluscs 

    Lyssimachou, Angeliki (Date of defense: 2010-02-27)

    Anaerobic digestion and bioeletrochemical systems combination for energy and nitrogen recovery optimisation 

    Cerrillo Moreno, Míriam (Date of defense: 2016-10-27)

    Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a widespread technology for treating high strength waste streams, such as livestock manure. AD has some limitations: i) high nutrient concentrations in effluents (especially nitrogen and ...

    Anaerobic digestion of animal by-products : pre-treatments and co-digestion 

    Rodríguez Abalde, Ángela (Date of defense: 2013-11-18)

    The meat sector is one of the most important industrial sectors in Europe and it is associated with the generation of large quantities of animal by-products not intended for human consumption (ABPs). The increasing demand ...

    Anaerobic microbial transformation of chlorinated alkanes in cultures derived from Besòs River estuary sediments 

    Mortan, Siti Hatijah (Date of defense: 2017-05-02)

    Els compostos orgànics halogenats (organohalogenats) són recalcitrants i presenten efectes tòxics per la salut humana i l’ecosistema. A partir d’uns sediments de la desembocadura del riu Besòs (Barcelona, Espanya) es va ...

    Analisis del proceso de autoconstrucción de la vivienda en Chile. Bases para la ayuda informática para los procesos comunicativos de soporte 

    Alfaro Malatesta, Sergio Arturo (Date of defense: 2007-03-26)

    La tesis propone la aplicación de procesos comunicativos informáticos, como ayuda a la producción social de vivienda, en Antofagasta y por extensión o por replicabilidad, en Chile y en América Latina. Las técnicas de ...

    Analysis of chemotherapy drugs and related compounds in aquatic environment: removal, transformation and risk evaluation in eco-friendly and advanced technologies 

    Ferrando Climent, Laura (Date of defense: 2016-11-28)

    In order to evaluate the increasing environmental and human risk of anticancer drugs in the environment, more information needs to be gathered about their presence, their toxicity, bioaccumulation and persistence. In ...

    Analysis of climate change impact on hydrological ecosystem services and water allocation in water scarce mediterranean river basins 

    Bangash, Rubab Fatima (Date of defense: 2014-04-03)

    The Mediterranean region appears to be particularly responsive to global and climate change, causing decrease in annual river flows and making the region most prone to an increase in drought hazard and water stress. This ...

    Analysis of environmental policy and emission control instruments 

    Vidal Meliá, Lidia (Date of defense: 2020-01-23)

    The debate on the emissions control instruments for improving environmental policy is the inspiration of the present thesis. In a first attempt, we use a theoretical model to study how international trade affects the ...