Now showing items 20343-20362 of 41713

    High energy processes in young stellar objects and high-mass X-ray binaries 

    Munar i Adrover, Pere (Date of defense: 2014-03-28)

    The high energy astrophysics, specifically the gamma-ray astrophysics, studies the processes that cannot be caused by hot matter but by other mechanisms colled non thermaland processes, which involve matter with energies ...

    High frequency modeling of power transformers under transients 

    Imdad, Kashif (Date of defense: 2017-07-17)

    This thesis presents the results related to high frequency modeling of power transformers. First, a 25kVA distribution transformer under lightning surges is tested in the laboratory and its high frequency model is proposed. ...

    High Hydrostatic Pressure (HHP) for kiwifruit puree preservation 

    Antonia Brasil, Jacira (Date of defense: 2015-11-30)

    El consum habitual de fruita (com el kiwi) en la dieta té un efecte molt beneficiós per a la salut. No només és una excel·lent font de vitamines, fibra i minerals, sinó que a més posseeix compostos fitoquímics que contribueixen ...

    High mountain dwarf shrubs under climate change: effects of in situ experimental warming, CO2 enrichment and drought on their growth and functioning = Subarbusts d'alta muntanya davant el canvi climàtic. Efectes de l'escalfament, l'enriquiment de CO2 i la sequera experimentals in situ en el seu creixement i funcionament 

    Anadon Rosell, Alba (Date of defense: 2017-04-25)

    High-elevation and high-latitude ecosystems are expected to be especially vulnerable to global change. Dwarf shrub species cover extensive areas in high mountain ecosystems, and warmer temperatures and land-use change have ...

    High mountain palaeoecology and palaeolimnology fo Central Pyrenees, based on pollen and diatom analyses 

    Garcés Pastor, Sandra (Date of defense: 2017-09-20)

    High-mountain ranges are suitable ecosystems for studying local environmental shifts driven by large-scale climate changes. Sedimentary records obtained from those regions contain information that allows to understand past ...

    High nuclearity polyoxometalates as water oxidation catalysts: from experiments to theory 

    Soriano López, Joaquín (Date of defense: 2016-03-31)

    En aquesta Tesi demostrem com el clúster nonanuclear [Co9(H2O)6(OH)3(HPO4)2(PW9O34)3]16− (Co9) és actiu a l'estat sòlid com a catalitzador d'oxidació d'aigua. Precipitant el polioxometalat amb Cs+ s'obté una sal insoluble ...

    High performance bio-based composites : mechanical and environmental durability 

    Doroudgarian, Newsha (Date of defense: 2016-03-18)

    The presented work is a part of the ongoing effort on the development of high performance bio-based composites with enhanced durability, under static and dynamic mechanical loading including the exposure to elevated humidity. ...

    High performance computing of massive Astrometry and Photometry data from Gaia 

    Castañeda Pons, Javier Bernardo (Date of defense: 2015-12-15)

    Gaia is an extremely ambitious astrometric space mission adopted within the scientific programme of the European Space Agency (ESA) in October 2000. It aims to measure with very high accuracy the positions, motions and ...

    High performance computing on biological sequence alignment 

    Orobitg Cortada, Miquel (Date of defense: 2013-04-17)

    L'Alineament Múltiple de Seqüències (MSA) és una eina molt potent per a aplicacions biològiques importants. Els MSA són computacionalment complexos de calcular, i la majoria de les formulacions porten a problemes ...

    High performance instruction fetch using software and hardware co-design 

    Ramírez Bellido, Alejandro (Date of defense: 2002-07-12)

    En los últimos años, el diseño de procesadores de altas prestaciones ha progresado a lo largo de dos corrientes de investigación: incrementar la profundidad del pipeline para permitir mayores frecuencias de reloj, y ensanchar ...

    High performance readout circuits and devices for Lorentz force resonant CMOS-MEMS magnetic sensors 

    Sánchez Chiva, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2020-03-05)

    In the last decades, sensing capabilities of martphones have greatly improved since the early mobile phones of the 90’s. Moreover, wearables and the automotive industry require increasing electronics and sensing sophistication. ...

    High Performance Signal Processing-Based Collision Resolution for Random Access Schemes 

    del Río Herrero, Oscar (Date of defense: 2015-11-16)

    Els darrers anys han experimentat un augment de la demanda de serveis interactius per satèl·lit per al gran consum, cobrint serveis fixes i mòbils, tal i com accés de banda ampla, comunicacions màquina-màquina (M2M), ...

    High power, high intensity few-cycle pulses in the mid-IR for strong-field experiments 

    Baudisch, Matthias (Date of defense: 2017-07-12)

    High-energy, few-cycle, mid-lR radiation sources featuring high pulse repetition rates are of tremendous interest for a variety of strong-field physics and attoscience applications. Such systems could be used in combination ...

    High precision measurements of magnetic fields and synchronization in optomechanical cavities 

    Colombano Sosa, Martin F. (Date of defense: 2020-09-18)

    Els dispositius basats en ressonadors mecànics són un dels més fonamentals i omnipresents sistemes físics a totes les escales. Juguen un paper fonamental en el processament de senyals de ràdio i en sensors de magnituds ...

    High Quality Perovskite Materials for X-Ray Detection: Effect of Mobile Ions on Dark Current Stability 

    García-Batlle, Marisé (Date of defense: 2022-12-13)

    Long-term stability of perovskite-based X ray detectors under working condition remains as the bottle-neck for technological purpose. Several effects are attributed to the presence of mobile ions in these materials such ...

    High rate algal ponds for post-treating sewage from UASB reactors : treatment efficiency, anaerobic co-digestion and sustainability 

    Castro, Lucas Vassalle de (Date of defense: 2021-07-05)

    This PhD thesis aimed at evaluating the performance of high rate algal ponds (HRAP) to post-treat the anaerobic effluent from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor fed with sewage. The work analysed the system ...

    High reputation companies' social media performance in the context of Chinese digital market: based on Sina Weibo and WeChat platforms 

    He, Xia (Date of defense: 2017-12-13)

    This research aims to explore and evaluate thirty Chinese and thirty Occidental high reputation companies’ social media performance on two most popular Chinese social media platforms: Sina Weibo and WeChat. A synthetic ...

    High resolution X-ray single crystal diffraction 

    Escudero Adán, Eduardo Carmelo (Date of defense: 2018-03-01)

    Aquesta tesi doctoral descriu l'ús de dades d'alta resolució de difracció de raigs X de monocristall per a la obtenció de mapes experimentals detallats de distribució de densitat de càrrega. Aquests mapes serveixen ...

    High temperatures modified plant responses to abiotic stress situations 

    Balfagón Sanmartín, Damián (Date of defense: 2020-09-11)

    Plants growing in the field are affected by several adverse environmental conditions at the same time. The simultaneity of abiotic factors affecting plants creates a new stress situation different from the individual ones. ...