Now showing items 28452-28471 of 41713

    Modelling of photonic components based on ÷(3)nonlinear photonic crystals 

    Maksymov, Ivan (Date of defense: 2006-10-16)

    En esta tesis se llevó a cabo un estudio de diversas propiedades de los cristales fotónicos 1D y 2D no lineales de tercer orden y de cómo se pueden aplicar dichas propiedades al desarrollo de dispositivos totalmente ópticos ...

    Modelling of potential energy surfaces for photochemistry: conical intersections and application to optical control 

    Ruiz-Barragán, Sergi (Date of defense: 2014-09-19)

    Conical Intersections (CI) are points in Potential Energy Surfaces (PES) of two or more states that have the same energy. They are fundamental to understand photo-chemical processes. These points are not isolated points, ...

    Modelling of self-organizaton of microtubules in plant cells 

    Muratov, Alexander (Date of defense: 2014-04-24)

    Microtubules are ubiquitous elements of any eucaryotic cell, serving many functions at different stages of its life. In plant cells they form so-called plant cell cortex, where they are organized into parallel arrays. These ...

    Modelling of small capacity absorption chillers driven by solar thermal energy or waste heat 

    Labus, Jerko (Date of defense: 2011-10-17)

    Aquesta recerca es centra en el desenvolupament de models en règim estacionari de màquines d’absorció de petita potència, els quals estan basats en dades altament fiables obtingudes en un banc d’assajos d’última tecnologia. ...

    Modelling of the Chemical and Light Interactions in Individual Metal Oxide Nanowires for Sensing Applications 

    Prades García, Juan Daniel (Date of defense: 2009-01-29)

    En la presente tesis se analizan desde el punto de vista de la modelización teórica los mecanismos de interacción de gases y luz con nanohilos individuales de óxidos metálicos. Desde este enfoque novedoso, se pretende ...

    Modelling Parkinson in zebrafish: from understanding disease to discovering new therapies 

    García Fernández, Jéssica (Date of defense: 2023-06-12)

    The term "neurodegenerative disorder" refers to a set of illnesses in which the neurological system gradually deteriorates and is characterized by cognitive impairment, motor degradation, and behavioural changes. The ...

    Modelling pathological effects in intracellular calcium dynamics leading to atrial fibrillation 

    Marchena Angos, Miquel (Date of defense: 2020-07-23)

    The heart beating is produced by the synchronization of the cardiac cells' contraction. A dysregulation in this mechanism may produce episodes of abnormal heart contraction. The origin of these abnormalities often lies at ...

    Modelling rational inquiry in non-ideal agents 

    Moreno Ribas, Antonio (Date of defense: 2000-12-18)

    de la tesi doctoral<br/><br/>L'objectiu principal del treball realitzat ha sigut el desenvolupar una manera de modelar el procés d'investigació racional (l'evolució de les creences d'un agent racional com a conseqüència ...

    Modelling sea level rise impacts and the management options for rice production: the Ebro Delta as an example 

    Genua Olmedo, Ana (Date of defense: 2017-09-28)

    Les àrees costaneres han de fer front als riscos creixents relacionats amb la PNM. El Delta de l'Ebre és un ecosistema representatiu de la vulnerabilitat de les zones costaneres a la PNM. La producció d’arròs és la principal ...

    Modelling SEP events: latitudinal and longitudinal dependence of the injection rate of shock-accelerated protons and their flux profiles 

    Rodríguez Gasén, Rosa (Date of defense: 2011-05-06)

    Gradual SEP events is one of the greatest hazards in space environment, particularly for the launch and operation of spacecraft and for manned exploration. Predictions of their occurrence and intensity are essential to ...

    Modelling Social-Ecological Systems in the Catalan Coastal Zones 

    Tomlinson, Benjamin John (Date of defense: 2016-01-20)

    The Systems Approach Framework (SAF) is a methodological framework designed to enhance the efficacy of human decision-making processes within social-ecological systems with regard to sustainability. The SAF was applied in ...

    Modelling Spanish Intonation for Text-to-Speech Applications 

    Garrido Almiñana, Juan María (Date of defense: 1996-07-03)

    Modelling spatiotemporal cell regulation 

    Martínez Corral, Rosa (Date of defense: 2018-09-28)

    In this Thesis we have studied how dynamics and space modulate cellular behaviour, by means of mathematical modelling of particular biological examples. At the single cell level, we show how pulsatile input signals can be ...

    Modelling splicing 

    Tilgner, Hagen (Date of defense: 2011-06-02)

    L’Splicing de les molècules d’ARN és el procés pel qual les seqüències interposades (“introns”) s’eliminen, i les seqüències restants es concatenen per a formar l’ARN madur. La investigació recent mostra que gairebé ...

    Modelling stereoscopic vision systems for robotic applications 

    Armangué Quintana, Xavier (Date of defense: 2003-09-29)

    Aquesta tesi s'emmarca dins del projecte CICYT TAP 1999-0443-C05-01. L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és el disseny, implementació i avaluació de robots mòbils, amb un sistema de control distribuït, sistemes de sensorització ...

    Modelling the dawn of simple multicellularity : Cooperation, physics and evolutionary branching 

    Bonforti, Adriano (Date of defense: 2022-07-27)

    L'aparició de la pluricel·lularitat (MC) va definir un esdeveniment evolutiu important en la història de la vida al nostre planeta. Ha tingut lloc diverses vegades dins de grups independents i diferents enfocaments han ...

    Modelling the dynamics of cellular membranes 

    Fernández i Gallén, Andreu (Date of defense: 2022-07-08)

    Membranes are present in all cells, in some viruses, and are involved in all kinds of biological functions. The goal of this thesis is to expand our knowledge of this element, in hope that this -on top of all the other ...

    Modelling the dynamics of large scale shoreline sand waves 

    Van Der Berg, Niels (Date of defense: 2012-05-11)

    Shoreline sand waves are shoreline undulations with a length scale of several kilometres and a time scale of years to decades. They occur on many coasts, migrating in the direction of the dominant littoral drift and they ...

    Modelling the energy dynamics of ventilated photovoltaic facades using stochastic differential equations in a monitored Test Reference Environment 

    Lodi, Chiara (Date of defense: 2012-07-09)

    L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és contribuir a l'avaluació de la transferència de l'energia en règim dinàmic de sistemes Fotovoltaics de doble pell Integrats en Edificis (EIFV) amb ventilació forçada sota condicions ...

    Modelling the extracellular environment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma to study different aspects of disease progression 

    Betriu Rosselló, Nausica (Date of defense: 2022-12-15)

    L’adenocarcinoma ductal pancreàtic (ADP) és la malaltia pancreàtica més rellevant, que representa més del 90% de totes les patologies pancreàtiques. L’ADP és la quarta causa més comuna de mort per càncer a Europa i els ...