Active turbulence and active shell models for microswimmer suspensions 

    Gascó Patiño, Toni (Date of defense: 2024-02-05)

    [eng] This doctoral thesis deals with the study of the collective behavior of active particles using computacional simulations of semi-dilute solutions of microswimmers. Results are obtained for the polar order parameter, ...

    Activity Mediated Interactions in Soft Matter. Structure, Interactions, and Phase Transitions 

    Codina Sala, Joan (Date of defense: 2018-10-09)

    In this thesis we asses the phenomena of arising interactions in soft matter in coexistence with soft active matter. As a non-equilibrium bath we introduce ensembles of self-propelled particles, granular shaken beds, and ...

    Calculations of water free energy in bulk and large biological systems 

    Coronas Serna, Luis Enrique (Date of defense: 2023-03-28)

    [eng] This thesis develops, validates, and explores applications of the Franzese-Stanley (FS) coarse-grained model for bulk water, ultimately intended to represent the solvent in large-scale simulations of biological ...

    Calorimetric force spectroscopy experiments in DNA and protein folding 

    Rico Pastó, Marc (Date of defense: 2022-03-22)

    In the present thesis, single-molecule experiments have been carried out using optical tweezers with a temperature controller. Employing equilibrium and non-equilibrium experiments, the free energy, enthalpy, and entropy ...

    Caracterización de las Transiciones de Fase de las Cerámicas Ferroeléctricas del tipo Li-sub2(MM')(SO-sub4)super2 en donde M = Na+, K+, NH-sub4+ 

    Mata Ramirez, Jorge Octavio (Date of defense: 2002-12-19)

    El trabajo de esta tesis ha consistido en estudiar, preparar y caracterizar los compuestos pertenecientes a la familia M'M"BX-sub4, concretamente los de fórmula LiMSO-sub4, en donde M = Na+, K+ y NH-sub4+, para posteriormente ...

    Colloidal dynamics in artificial particle ice systems 

    Rodríguez Gallo, Carolina (Date of defense: 2024-03-22)

    [eng] Geometrical frustration is a general phenomenon influencing the behavior of diverse natural systems across different length scales. Geometrical frustration arises when the symmetry of the interaction among building ...

    Competition and Response: from Active Matter to Electrolytes under Confinement 

    Dal Cengio, Sara (Date of defense: 2020-12-16)

    Most systems in Nature manifest complex transport phenomena arising from the interplay of multiple time and length scales, be them intrinsic in the system’s dynamics or externally enforced. It is the case, for instance, ...

    Driven soft matter at the nanoscale 

    Granados Leyva, Sergio (Date of defense: 2024-05-06)

    [eng] This thesis will present a body of articles on the research topic of soft matter. Soft matter is a research subfield of condensed matter, where the energy required for deforming the media is comparable to that of ...

    Dynamics and Effective Connectivity in Bi- and Three–dimensional Neuronal Cultures: from Self–organization to Engineering 

    Estévez Priego, Estefanía (Date of defense: 2019-11-22)

    This thesis was part of the European consortium MESOBRAIN, a team of 5 organizations that joined efforts in nanofabrication, cell culturing, imaging and data analysis to build tailored human 3D networks. The thesis timing ...

    Entanglement in Many Body Quantum Systems 

    Riera Graells, Arnau (Date of defense: 2010-03-18)

    THESIS SUMMARY<br/><br/>TEXT:<br/><br/>This thesis is made of two parts. In the first one, the issue of entanglement in many body systems is addressed. The concept of entanglement and some of the recent progress on the ...

    Forces and flows in cells and tissues. Blebs, active gels, and collective cell migration 

    Alert Zenón, Ricard (Date of defense: 2018-01-12)

    In this thesis, we have studied mechanical aspects of some biological processes in cells and tissues, which we addressed by developing theoretical models based on the physics of soft active matter. The thesis contains three ...

    From Dynamics to Structure of Complex Networks: Exploiting Heterogeneity in the Sakaguchi-Kuramoto Model 

    Rosell Tarragó, Gemma (Date of defense: 2022-06-16)

    Most of the real-world complex systems are best described as complex networks and can be mathematically described as oscillatory systems, coupled with the neighbours through the connections of the network. The flashing of ...

    A geometric approach to the structure of complex networks 

    García Pérez, Guillermo (Date of defense: 2018-11-16)

    Complex networks are mathematical representations of the interaction patterns of complex systems. During the last 20 years of Network Science, it has been recognized that networks from utterly different domains exhibit ...

    Giant caloric and multicaloric effects in magnetic alloys 

    Gràcia Condal, Adrià (Date of defense: 2022-04-21)

    The urgent need to reduce our footprint on the earth environment is leading to ever more stringent commitments to decrease greenhouse gases emissions, which entails one of the greatest challenges that mankind has to tackle. ...

    Giant caloric effects in the vicinity of first-order phase transitions 

    Stern i Taulats, Enric (Date of defense: 2017-04-07)

    Solid state materials are candidates to exhibit a large field-driven thermal response in the vicinity of first-order transitions. The strong sensitivity of the transition temperature with the applied field and the latent ...

    Guiding active particles through surface interactions 

    Katuri, Jaideep (Date of defense: 2018-09-20)

    Living organisms and systems are continually converting energy, either internally stored or transduced from their surroundings, into motion. This activity and the resulting self-propulsion constantly push these biological ...

    Human collective behavior models: language, cooperation and social conventions 

    Amato, Roberta (Date of defense: 2018-04-13)

    The topics dealt with in this thesis are all part of the general problem of social consensus, namely how a convention flourish and decay and what motivates people to conform to it. Examples range from driving on the right ...

    Hydrodynamic effects on active colloidal suspensions 

    Navarro Argemí, Eloy (Date of defense: 2018-10-25)

    The goal of this thesis is studying hydrodynamic effects on active colloidal suspensions. Hydrodynamic interaction is propagated through the fluid in which the colloids displace due to the flow they create during their ...

    Interface Dynamics in Two-dimensional Viscous Flows. 

    Pauné i Xuriguera, Eduard (Date of defense: 2002-11-15)

    The subject of this thesis is viscous fingering in Hele-Shaw cells, or Hele-Shaw flows. We look for insights into the fundamental mechanisms<br/>underlying the physics of interface dynamics, which we hope will exhibit some ...

    Linear and nonlinear approaches to unravel dynamics and connectivity in neuronal cultures 

    Tibau Martorell, Elisenda (Date of defense: 2017-09-15)

    In the present thesis, we propose to explore neuronal circuits at the mesoscale, an approach in which one monitors small populations of few thousand neurons and concentrates in the emergence of collective behavior. In our ...