Ara mostrant els elements 2763-2782 de 5625

    Homoclinic and chaotic phenomena to L3 in the restricted 3-Body Problem 

    Giralt Miron, Mar (Data de defensa: 2022-11-25)

    (English) The Restricted 3-Body Problem models the motion of a body of negligible mass under the gravitational influence of two massive bodies, called the primaries. If the primaries perform circular motions and the ...

    Homoclinic phenomena in conservative systems 

    Gonchenko, Marina (Data de defensa: 2013-04-29)

    The goal of this thesis is the study of homoclinic orbits in conservative systems (area-preserving maps and Hamiltonian systems). We consider homoclinic (bi-asymptotic) orbits either to saddle periodic orbits or to whiskered ...

    Homogeneïtat d'estil en El Tirant Lo Blanc 

    Riba, Alex (Data de defensa: 2002-09-20)

    En la tesi s'aborda el problema de l'homogeneïtat d'estil en el Tirant lo Blanc mitjançant l'ús de l'estilometria. Les hipòtesis al voltant de l'autoria del Tirant lo Blanc van des de l'autoria única de Joanot Martorell a ...

    Host-parasite interactions : the Parvilucifera sinerae model in marine microalgae 

    Alacid Fernández, Elisabet (Data de defensa: 2017-07-18)

    Parasitism is a widespread interaction that has evolved practically in all branches of the tree of life. It has historically been neglected in studies of marine microbial systems, limiting our understanding of marine food ...

    Hot forming behavior of ni-base superalloys and their modeling 

    Ozturk, UtkuDeniz (Data de defensa: 2019-12-13)

    Numerical and experimental simulation of engineering materials has been an emerging topic for recent decades. Reliable and efficient numerical simulations are only possible through correct and pragmatic modeling approaches. ...

    Hotel camino real: cruce de artistas y arquitectos en la ciudad de México 1968. 

    Partida Muñoz, Mara Gabriela (Data de defensa: 2005-01-18)

    La tesis recupera la idea de la arquitectura que parte de procesos de colaboración entre arquitecto y artista; rescatando aquellas obras que en México revolucionaron y traspasaron las concepciones tradicionales de los ...

    El hotel de mar de J. A. Coderch 

    Alfós Bernad, Joan Ramon (Data de defensa: 2016-02-03)

    This thesis approaches the study of seaside hotels as imagined by Jose Antonio Coderch at the beginning of mass tourism in Spain, when small, traditional, family-run hotels scattered along the coastline were transformed ...

    Housing sector in Saudi Arabia : preferences and aspirations of Saudi citizens in the main regions 

    Alhubashi, Haytham Hussain M. (Data de defensa: 2018-07-12)

    During the last few decades, Saudi Arabia, as one of the developing countries, has witnessed a noticeable and rapid development with regard to different development sectors and fields. This is mainly attributed to the ...

    HPC memory systems: Implications of system simulation and checkpointing 

    Sánchez Verdejo, Rommel (Data de defensa: 2022-02-04)

    The memory system is a significant contributor for most of the current challenges in computer architecture: application performance bottlenecks and operational costs in large data-centers as HPC supercomputers. With the ...

    Hub balear : análisis de una alternativa de 'short sea shipping' dentro del Mediterráneo Occidental 

    Galiano Pomar, Ignacio (Data de defensa: 2014-10-03)

    The main objective of this thesis is to determine the possibility to install in the Port of Palma a redistribution centre of Ro-Ro Cargo in the Occidental Mediterranean, and that needs to analyze different partial objectives, ...

    Human activity recognition using a wearable camera 

    Tadesse, Girmaw Abebe (Data de defensa: 2018-04-26)

    Advances in wearable technologies are facilitating the understanding of human activities using first-person vision (FPV) for a wide range of assistive applications. In this thesis, we propose robust multiple motion features ...

    Human body analysis using depth data 

    Suau Cuadros, Xavier (Data de defensa: 2013-12-04)

    Human body analysis is one of the broadest areas within the computer vision field. Researchers have put a strong effort in the human body analysis area, specially over the last decade, due to the technological improvements ...

    Human development assessment through the human-scale development approach: integrating different perspectives in the contribution to a sustainable human development theory. 

    Cruz Barreiro, Ivonne Cecilia (Data de defensa: 2006-11-24)

    Since the first Human Development Report (HDRs) was published in 1990, the Human Development (HD) paradigm has become a relevant conceptual framework as well as an intrinsic instrument to measure human progress. Yet, critics ...

    Human M3 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor protein-protein interactions: roles in receptor signaling and regualation 

    Borroto Escuela, Dasiel Oscar (Data de defensa: 2008-10-23)

    Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) have been shown to mediate various functions in the central and peripheral nervous systems. These include modulation of exocrine glandular secretion, vasodilatation and smooth ...

    Human movement analysis by means of accelerometers : aplication to human gait and motor symptoms of Parkinson's Disease 

    Samà Monsonís, Albert (Data de defensa: 2013-10-03)

    This thesis presents the original contributions of the author on the field of human movement analysis from signals captured by accelerometers. These sensors are capable of converting acceleration from some body parts into ...

    Human-aware application of data science techniques 

    Coma Puig, Bernat (Data de defensa: 2022-03-02)

    In recent years there has been an increase in the use of artificial intelligence and other data-based techniques to automate decision-making in companies, and discover new knowledge in research. In many cases, all this has ...

    Human-smart rollator interaction for gait analysis and fall prevention using learning methods and the i-Walker 

    Cortés Martínez, Atia (Data de defensa: 2018-07-20)

    The ability to walk is typically related to several bio-mechanical components that are involved in the gait cycle (or stride), including free mobility of joints, particularly in the legs; coordination of muscle activity ...

    HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit in modern u-processors 

    Deb, Abhishek (Data de defensa: 2012-05-03)

    In this thesis we have explored the co-designed paradigm to show alternative processor design points. Specifically, we have provided HW/SW mechanisms for instruction fusion, issue and commit for modern processors. We have ...

    A hybrid approach for item collection recommendations : an application to automatic playlist continuation 

    Gkatzioura, Anna (Data de defensa: 2018-11-23)

    Current recommender systems aim mainly to generate accurate item recommendations, without properly evaluating the multiple dimensions of the recommendation problem. However, in many domains, like in music, where items are ...

    Hybrid block and graft copolymers made from macrolactones and α-amino acids for applications as drug delivery nanosystems 

    Tinajero Díaz, Ernesto (Data de defensa: 2019-07-17)

    Naturally produced peptides or proteins can be regarded as highly refined polymers. When synthetic polymers are married to proteins or peptides, the resulting bioconjugates can synergistically combine the properties of the ...