Now showing items 21-40 of 50

    Filtraciones simbólicas y sus álgebras asociadas 

    Martí Farré, Jaume (Date of defense: 1995-12-15)

    Dados un ideal I de un anillo Noetheriano R y un sistema multiplicativo S de R, se establecen tres tipos de caracterizaciones para la equivalencia; la equivalencia lineal, y la igualdad entre las filtraciones I-adica, ...

    Grup fonamental de les varietats de Kähler, El 

    Amorós Torrent, Jaume (Date of defense: 1997-01-01)

    Estudiem el grup fonamental de varietat algebràïques complexes i la seva monodromia. Les línies d'estudi són:<br/><br/>- L'àlgebra de Malcev dels grups fonamentals de varietats compactes Kahler: Provem que no pot ser lliure, ...

    Sobre la profundidad de los anillos graduados asociados a una filtración 

    Cortadellas Benítez, Teresa (Date of defense: 1997-12-22)

    Entenderemos por anillos "blowup" cierto tipo de anillos graduados asociados a filtraciones de un anillo conmutativo A. Los anillos blowup aparecen a menudo en Algebra Conmutativa y Geometría Algebraica. Expondremos a ...

    Moduli spaces of vector bundles on algebraic varieties 

    Costa Farràs, Laura (Date of defense: 1998-09-01)

    This thesis seeks to contribute to a deeper understanding of the moduli spaces <i>M-sub X, H (r; c1,., Cmin{r;n}</i>) of rank <i>r</I>, <i>H</i>-stable vector bundles E on an <i>n</i>-dimensional variety <i>X</I>, with ...

    On the Slope and Geography of Fibred Surfaces and Threefolds. 

    Barja Yáñez, Miguel Ángel (Date of defense: 1998-12-21)

    In this tesis we study numerical propieties of surfaces and threefolds, mainly fibred over curves, the so called "slope" of the fibration. We prove partially a conjecture of Fujita on the semiampleness of the direct image ...

    On the diagonals of a Rees algebra 

    Lavila Vidal, Olga (Date of defense: 1999-01-01)

    The aim of this work is to study the ring-theoretic properties of the diagonals of a Rees algebra, which from a geometric point of view are the homogenous coordinate rings of embeddings of blow-ups of projective varieties ...

    Polígonos de Newton de orden superior y aplicaciones aritméticas 

    Montes, Jesús (Date of defense: 1999-09-01)

    La teoría algebraica de números tiene sus inicios en los trabajos de Kummer sobre la ecuación de Fermat. En los anillos ciclotómicos deja de ser cierto el teorema fundamental de la aritmética: los elementos descomponen en ...

    Aritmètica d'ordres quaterniònics i uniformització hiperbòlica de corbes de Shimura 

    Alsina i Aubach, Montserrat (Date of defense: 2000-02-07)

    L'estudi dels grups fuchsians i les funcions automorfes associades s'inicià en el segle XIX en els treballs de H. Poincaré, R. Fricke i F. Klein, principalment. A partir dels anys seixanta, al llarg de nombrosos treballs, ...

    Local cohomology modules supported on monomial ideals 

    Àlvarez Montaner, Josep (Date of defense: 2002-05-27)

    Sigui R l'anell de polinomis amb coeficients en un cos k de característica zero. El nostre objectiu és, tot seguint la linia de recerca encetada per G. Lyubeznik, utilitzar en profunditat la teoria de D-mòduls per tal ...

    Grups de Galois sobre Q amb condicions de ramificació prefixades 

    Plans Berenguer, Bernat (Date of defense: 2003-04-30)

    En aquesta tesi estudiem versions refinades del problema invers de la teoria de Galois sobre el cos Q dels racionals, que s'obtenen quan prefixem determinades condicions de ramificació. Ens plantejem, per exemple, les ...

    On symplectic linearization of singular Lagrangian foliations 

    Miranda Galcerán, Eva (Date of defense: 2003-09-22)

    En esta tesis se estudia el problema de clasificación de estructuras simplécticas definidas en un entorno de una órbita singular compacta de un sistema completamente integrable sobre una variedad simpléctica para las cuales ...

    Localización y conservación de estructuras en homotopía estable 

    Gutiérrez Marín, Javier J. (Date of defense: 2004-09-10)

    EN CASTELLANO:<br/><br/>La localización es una técnica bien conocida en álgebra conmutativa y geometría algebraica. Muchas de las propiedades formales de las localizaciones de módulos son compartidas por otras transformaciones ...

    On Sandwiched Surface Singularities and Complete Ideals 

    Fernández Sánchez, Jesús (Date of defense: 2004-11-01)

    The original interest in sandwiched singularities comes from a natural question posed by J. Nash in the early sixties to H. Hironaka: “Does a finite succession of Nash transformations or normalized Nash transformations ...

    On Higher Arithmetic Intersection Theory 

    Feliu Trijueque, Elisenda (Date of defense: 2007-11-29)

    The results of this thesis contribute to the program of developing a higher arithmetic intersection theory. These results constitute chapters 3 and 5. Chapters 2 and 4 consist of the preliminary results needed for chapters ...

    Multigraded Structures and the Depth of Blow-up Algebras 

    Colomé Nin, Gemma (Date of defense: 2008-07-14)

    A first goal of this thesis is to contribute to the knowledge of cohomological properties of non-standard multigraded modules. In particular we study the Hilbert function of a non-standard multigraded module, the asymptotic ...

    Galois representations and tame Galois realizations 

    Arias de Reyna Domínguez, Sara (Date of defense: 2009-06-04)

    The background of this dissertation is the inverse Galois problem.<br/>Which finite groups can occur as Galois groups of an extension of the rational field? This problem was first considered by D. Hilbert, and it still ...

    Stability and moduli spaces of syzygy bundles 

    Macías Marques, Pedro (Date of defense: 2009-11-30)

    To determine whether a syzygy bundle on PN is stable, or semistable, is a long-standing problem in algebraic geometry. It is closely related to the problem of finding the Hilbert function and the minimal free resolution ...

    Galois Theory of Module Fields 

    Heiderich, Florian (Date of defense: 2010-09-13)

    This thesis is about Galois theory.<br/><br/>The development of a Galois theory for differential equations analogous to the classical Galois theory for polynomial equations was already an aim of S. Lie in the 19th century. ...

    Adams Representability in Triangulated Categories 

    Raventós Morera, Oriol (Date of defense: 2011-03-18)

    This thesis contains new results about the representability of cohomological functors defined on a subcategory of compact objects (with respect to a fixed cardinal) of a well generated triangulated category. Classical ...

    Ulrich bundles and varieties of wild representation type 

    Pons Llopis, Joan (Date of defense: 2011-06-21)

    The subject of this thesis lies at the junction of mainly three topics: construction of large families of Arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay indecomposable vector bundles on a given projective variety X, the shape (i.e, the ...