Analysis of forearm muscles activity by means of new protocols of multichannel EMG signal recording and processing 

    Rojas Martínez, Mónica (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    Los movimientos voluntarios del cuerpo son controlados por el sistema nervioso central y periférico a través de la contracción de los músculos esqueléticos. La contracción se inicia al liberarse un neurotransmisor sobre ...

    Contribución al análisis del movimiento humano aplicado a la identificación de posturas y bloqueos de la marcha en pacientes con Parkinson 

    Rodríguez Martín, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-05-21)

    The following dissertation presents the contributions of the author in the field of human movement analysis and, specifically, in Parkinson's disease. Recent technologies have allowed developing reduced inertial sensors ...

    Development of in-vitro µ-channel devices for continous long-term monitoring of neuron circuit development 

    Riss, Michael Martin (Date of defense: 2013-07-08)

    In this thesis various methods are presented towards long-term electrophysiological monitoring of in-vitro neuron cultures in µ-channel devices. A new µ-channel device has been developed. The StarPoM device offers ...

    Development of nonlinear techniques based on time-frequency representation and information theory for the analysis of EEG signals to assess different states of consciousness 

    Melia, Umberto (Date of defense: 2014-12-03)

    Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings provide insight into the changes in brain activity associated with various states of anesthesia, epilepsy, brain attentiveness, sleep disorders, brain disorders, etc. EEG's are complex ...

    Dispositivos poliméricos para el confinamiento neuronal y registro electrofisiológico "in vitro". Métodos de fabricación y prueba de concepto 

    Morales Carbajal, Ricardo (Date of defense: 2013-10-09)

    La presente tesis trata del diseño y fabricación de un nuevo dispositivo para registrar la actividad eléctrica neuronal espontánea y estimulada farmacológicamente, en redes neuronales in vitro. La forma de operar esta ...

    Estudi de pautes de comportament en la supervisió de processos 

    Ponsa Asensio, Pere (Date of defense: 2003-02-05)

    L'objectiu bàsic és la recerca de patrons de conducta que permetin la construcció d'una traça de comportament. En aquest treball, la supervisió s'interpreta com una cadena particular de patrons de conducta portada a terme ...

    Lactate-releasing PLA scaffolds for brain regeneration 

    Álvarez Pinto, Zaida (Date of defense: 2014-07-25)

    Stroke and traumatic brain injuries are common causes of disability, with loss of nerve tissue due to secondary degeneration, gliosis, and often the formation of cavities that inhibit neural cell growth. Recent attempts ...

    Methods and models in signal processing for gait analysis using waist-worn accelerometer : a contribution to Parkinson’s disease 

    Sayeed, Taufique (Date of defense: 2015-07-16)

    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that predominantly alters patients' motor performance and compromises the speed, the automaticity and fluidity of natural movements. After some years, patients fluctuate ...

    Study of longitudinal neurodegeneration biomarkers to support the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease 

    Gavidia Bovadilla, Giovana (Date of defense: 2018-10-21)

    Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a progressive and neurodegenerative disorder characterized by pathological brain changes starting several years before clinical symptoms appear. Earlier and accurate identification of those brain ...