3D Partial scans models for people recognition with a RGB-D sensor 

    Trejo Ramírez, Karla Andrea (Date of defense: 2020-01-22)

    Research developed in this thesis is motivated by a vision of a future where social activities and personalized services are delivered in intelligent environments, entering a new era of more natural and wholesome human-machine ...

    A socio-technical approach for assistants in human-robot collaboration in industry 4.0 

    Chacón Encalada, Luis Alejandro (Date of defense: 2022-07-08)

    The introduction of technologies disruptive of Industry 4.0 in the workplace integrated through human cyber-physical systems causes operators to face new challenges. These are reflected in the increased demands presented ...

    Active power sharing and frequency regulation in inverter-based islanded microgrids subject to clock drifts, damage in power links and loss of communications 

    Rosero Chandi, Carlos Xavier (Date of defense: 2020-02-06)

    Microgrids (MGs) are small-scale power systems containing storage elements, loads and distributed generators that are interfaced with the electric network via power electronic inverters. When an MG is in islanded mode, its ...

    Adaptive control for wearable robots in human-centered rehabilitation tasks 

    Rajasekaran, Vijaykumar (Date of defense: 2015-12-22)

    Robotic rehabilitation therapies have been improving by providing the needed assistance to the patient, in a human-centered environment, and also helping the therapist to choose the necessary procedure. This thesis presents ...

    Advanced bioimpedance signal processing techniques for hemodynamic monitoring during anesthesia 

    Escrivá Muñoz, Jesús (Date of defense: 2018-05-10)

    Cardiac output (CO) defines the blood flow arriving from the heart to the different organs in the body and it is thus a primary determinant of global 02 transport. Cardiac output has traditionally been measured using ...

    Advances in planning and control for autonomous vehicles 

    Alcalá Baselga, Eugenio (Date of defense: 2020-03-24)

    This thesis presents some advances to the state of the art of state estimation, automatic control and trajectory planning fields applied to autonomous vehicles. Such contributions have a common aspect throughout the thesis, ...

    AI-enhanced cyber-physical systems in automotive industry : integration of CPS and application artificial intelligence technologies in automotive paint shop process 

    Sanz Gràcia, Elma (Date of defense: 2023-11-09)

    (English) Transformation of industrial processes to embrace Industry 4.0 revolution needs to use data: valuable data from different data sources, labelled data, semantic layers, metadata to understand better, universes, ...

    Analysis of forearm muscles activity by means of new protocols of multichannel EMG signal recording and processing 

    Rojas Martínez, Mónica (Date of defense: 2012-12-20)

    Los movimientos voluntarios del cuerpo son controlados por el sistema nervioso central y periférico a través de la contracción de los músculos esqueléticos. La contracción se inicia al liberarse un neurotransmisor sobre ...

    Analysis of the cardiovascular response to autonomic nervous system modulation in Brugada syndrome patients 

    Calvo González, Mireia (Date of defense: 2017-11-10)

    Brugada syndrome (BS) is a genetic arrhythmogenic disease characterized by a distinctive electrocardiographic pattern, associated with a high risk for sudden cardiac death (SCD) due to ventricular fibrillation (VF) in ...

    Analysis of the Interlimb similarity of motor patterns for improving stroke assessment and neurorehabilitation 

    Urra, Oiane (Date of defense: 2016-10-27)

    Stroke is the leading cause of adult disability, with upper limb hemiparesis being one of the most common consequences. Regaining voluntary arm movement is one of the major goals of rehabilitation. However, even with ...

    Análisis de la interacción cardíaca y respiratoria en pacientes con cardiomiopatía y pacientes en proceso de extubación 

    Arcentales Viteri, Andrés Ricardo (Date of defense: 2015-10-27)

    Study and evaluation of patients with heart failure related with ischemic and dilated cardiomyopathy is interesting for the clinical practice. Similarly, the analysis of the behavior of the respiratory system of patients ...

    Aportaciò a la detecció de simetries en imatges amb projecció ortogràfica 

    Marès Martí, Pere (Date of defense: 2002-06-11)

    El mètode de detecció de simetria local de reflexió que es presenta, pretén ser una aportació més a la recerca en visió per computador i la robòtica. Com és sabut haches camps d'aplicació impliquen considerar el temps de ...

    Aprendizaje con máquinas núcleo en entornos de multiclasificación 

    Angulo Bahón, Cecilio (Date of defense: 2001-05-23)

    La propiedad de generalización de una máquina de aprendizaje, es decir su capacidad para emitir una respuesta correcta ante una nueva entrada semejante a aquellas con las que ha sido entrenada, es la característica principal ...

    Biomimetic set up for chemosensor-based machine olfaction 

    Ziyatdinov, Andrey (Date of defense: 2014-12-04)

    The thesis falls into the field of machine olfaction and accompanying experimental set up for chemical gas sensing. Perhaps more than any other sensory modality, chemical sensing faces with major technical and conceptual ...

    Caracterització morfològica de cèl·lules limfoides normals, reactives, anormals i blàstiques de sang perifèrica mitjançant processament digital d'imatges 

    Puigví Fernández, Laura (Date of defense: 2019-10-20)

    The main objective of the present Doctoral Thesis is to obtain new quantitative features by means of digital image processing and machine learning for the differentiation of normal, reactive and malignant lymphoid cells ...

    Computational representation and discovery of transcription factor binding sites 

    Maynou Fernàndez, Joan (Date of defense: 2016-02-01)

    The information about how, when, and where are produced the proteins has been one of the major challenge in molecular biology. The studies about the control of the gene expression are essential in order to have a better ...

    Contribució a l'estudi dels conjunts extensionals de les relacions d'indistingibilitat i la seva aplicació a la representació d'imatges de ressonància magnètica 

    Mattioli Aramburu, Gabriel (Date of defense: 2016-03-17)

    This thesis can be summarized in the following sentence: All scientific models, for instance structural atlases of brain MRI, can be read in terms of fuzzy extensional sets. The work done in this doctoral thesis backs up ...

    Contribución al análisis del movimiento humano aplicado a la identificación de posturas y bloqueos de la marcha en pacientes con Parkinson 

    Rodríguez Martín, Daniel (Date of defense: 2014-05-21)

    The following dissertation presents the contributions of the author in the field of human movement analysis and, specifically, in Parkinson's disease. Recent technologies have allowed developing reduced inertial sensors ...

    Contribución al modelado e implementación de un control avanzado para un proceso de cloración de una estación de tratamiento de agua potable 

    Gámiz Caro, Javier Francisco (Date of defense: 2021-01-29)

    The effective disinfection in chlorination tanks of drinking water treatment plants depends on many factors that must be taken into account when designing a suitable control system. The chemical characteristics of the water ...

    Contribution to reliable control of dynamic systems 

    Salazar Cortés, Jean Carlo (Date of defense: 2018-05-30)

    This thesis presents sorne contributions to the field of Health-Aware Control (HAC) of dynamic systems. In the first part of this thesis, a review of the concepts and methodologies related to reliability versus degradation ...