Aportació a l'estudi de la reducció de vibracions residuals en transitoris de moviment generats mitjançant accionaments de cinemàtica no lineal 

    Lores Garcia, Eduard (Date of defense: 2017-12-22)

    Machines and mechanisms can usually exhibit a vibratory behavior during operation since they are formed by deformable solids of non-negligible mass and non-rigid joints. This oscillatory behavior can be shown for transient ...

    Caracterización y representación de los requerimientos funcionales y las tolerancias en el diseño conceptual: aportaciones para su implantación en los sistemas CAD 

    Pérez Rodríguez, Roberto (Date of defense: 2002-03-18)

    El aumento de la competencia en el área de la fabricación moderna ha propiciado una mayor preocupación por la reducción de los costes, por el aumento de la calidad del producto y por la reducción progresiva del tiempo entre ...

    Contribució a l'estudi de la impressió 3D per a la fabricació de models per facilitar l'assaig d'operacions quirúrgiques de tumors 

    Fenollosa Artés, Felip (Date of defense: 2019-07-25)

    La present tesi doctoral s’ha centrat en el repte d’aconseguir, mitjançant Fabricació Additiva (FA), models per a assaig quirúrgic, sota la premissa que els equips per fer-los haurien de ser accessibles a l’àmbit hospitalari. ...

    Contribució als algoritmes de construcció de models del món per a la implementació en Arquitectures Àgils de Fabricació 

    Minguella i Canela, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2014-07-16)

    The present work composes a contribution towards the Construction of World models for its implementation in 'Agile Manufacturing Architectures', aiming to take a step further the control programs for manufacturing systems, ...

    Control strategies for exoskeleton gait training after stroke: understanding the importance of parameter tuning 

    Miguel Fernández, Jesús de (Date of defense: 2023-11-17)

    (English) The control strategies implemented in exoskeletons play a crucial role in determining the interaction between the device and user. However, it is unclear what is the most suitable control strategy and settings ...

    Estudio del comportamiento vibratorio de vías ferroviarias mediante simulación numérica 

    Zougari, Ayoub (Date of defense: 2014-10-17)

    In the last decades, the problem of the vibrations and the noise generated by the rolling and the undulatory wear has been approached by multiple research groups. These groups have developed studies with the intention of ...

    Microfluidic platform for multiple parameters readouts in a point-of-care 

    Karimi, Shadi (Date of defense: 2020-05-11)

    The research is motivated by real applications, such as pasteurization plant, water networks and autonomous system, which each of them require a specific control system to provide proper management able to take into account ...

    Optimization of interplanetari trajectories with gravity assist 

    Torre Sangrà, David de la (Date of defense: 2020-07-28)

    Interplanetary travel is a difficult task due to the high fuel mass required to reach other planets. Minimizing the cost of the manoeuvres (and, in turn, the fuel mass) is the objective preliminary mission design. During ...

    Solving the nearest rotation matrix problem in three and four dimensions with applications in robotics 

    Sarabandi, Soheil (Date of defense: 2021-04-27)

    Since the map from quaternions to rotation matrices is a 2-to-1 covering map, this map cannot be smoothly inverted. As a consequence, it is sometimes erroneously assumed that all inversions should necessarily contain ...

    Study and characterization of mechanical properties of wood-PLA composite (Timberfill) material parts built through fused filament fabrication 

    Zandi, Mohammad Damous (Date of defense: 2020-07-17)

    This research is based upon the additive manufacturing (AM) technology which aims to study the mechanical properties of innovative commercial wood-PLA composite material (Timberfill) and characterize its behavior. Specifically ...