Now showing items 96-99 of 99

    Understanding investor reaction to sustainability news in energy companies: fossil vs renewable vs nuclear, tone effects, and COVID-19 impacts through a multi-study approach using event study metholology 

    Barroso del Toro, Alberto (Date of defense: 2023-07-06)

    (English) This thesis provides empirical evidence, with an unprecedented sample size, that sustainability news moves the stock market, particularly positive news related to fossil fuels. The findings confirm that there is ...

    Utilització de mascles enters per a la producció de carn: avaluació sensorial i estudis de consumidors 

    Font i Furnols, Maria (Date of defense: 2000-06-20)

    L'olor sexual és un defecte sensorial que es dóna sobretot en la carn de porcs mascles enters i és deguda principalment a dues substàncies, l'androstenona i l'escatol. Els objectius principals d'aquest estudi són conèixer ...

    Valoración del riesgo en un modelo multinivel de suministro 

    Escalante Euán, Jesús Francisco (Date of defense: 2019-11-20)

    Risk management is a structured approach that incorporates uncertainty related to a threat, linked to a sequence of inherently human activities that include risk assessment, as well as other strategies for its mitigation. ...

    Zipf extensions and their applications for modeling the degree sequences of real networks 

    Duarte-López, Ariel (Date of defense: 2021-02-05)

    The Zipf distribution, also known as discrete Pareto distribution, attracts considerable attention because it helps describe skewed data from many natural as well as man-made systems. Under the Zipf distribution, the ...