A mesoscopic traffic simulation based dynamic traffic assignment 

    Linares Herreros, Mª Paz (Date of defense: 2014-04-24)

    In terms of sustainability, traffic is currently a significant challenge for urban areas, where the pollution, congestion and accidents are negative externalities which have strongly impacted the health and economy of ...

    A principal component method to analyse disconnected frequency tables by means of contextual information 

    Kostov, Belchin Adriyanov (Date of defense: 2015-07-10)

    This thesis arises from the need to deal with open-ended questions answered in different languages in international surveys. For every language, the free answers are encoded in the form of a individuals x words lexical ...

    Análisis conjunto de múltiples tablas de datos mixtos mediante PLS 

    González Rojas, Victor Manuel (Date of defense: 2014-11-28)

    The fundamental content of this thesis corresponds to the development of the GNM-NIPALIS, GNM-PLS2 and GNM-RGCCA methods, used to quantify qualitative variables parting from the first k components given by the appropriate ...

    Análisis y propuestas sobre algunos aspectos de la aplicación del diseño de experimentos en la industria 

    León Adams, Guillermo de (Date of defense: 2004-07-05)

    La memoria contiene algunas aportaciones en aspectos prácticos de la aplicación del diseño de experimentos en la industria. El material se ha integrado en cuatro partes que se corresponden con cada uno de los temas que se ...

    Aportaciones metodológicas al diseño de productos robustos 

    Grima Cintas, Pere (Date of defense: 1993-03-22)

    Se propone una nueva metodología que facilita la selección de los valores óptimos de los factores de diseño para llegar a una solución de compromiso entre la distancia al óptimo y la varianza de la respuesta, de acuerdo ...

    Aspectos estocásticos en la coordinación hidrotérmica a largo plazo 

    González Alastrué, José Antonio (Date of defense: 1997-12-19)

    El proyecto de tesis titulado "Aspectos estocásticos en la coordinación hidrotérmica a largo plazo" es el resultado de un trabajo de investigación enmarcado en el campo de la generación de electricidad y trata, más ...

    Assessing interventions to improve adherence to reporting guidelines in biomedical research 

    Blanco de Tena Davila, David (Date of defense: 2020-06-22)

    The lack of transparency and accuracy of research reports has been pointed out as one of the main factors causing research waste. Reporting guidelines (RGs) are sets of recommendations for authors on how to report research ...

    Bayesian analysis of textual data 

    Font Valverde, Martí (Date of defense: 2016-01-18)

    En esta tesis se desarrolla, siempre con el enfoque bayesiano en mente, una metodología estadística para el análisis de datos discretos en su aplicación en problemas estilometría. El análisis estadístico del estilo literario ...

    CHROMA model for the information-driven decision-making process 

    Parra, Xileidys (Date of defense: 2018-05-10)

    The strong, progressive interaction between decision-making processes (DMP) and information technologies has led to breakthroughs in how business is conducted. These developments represent the advent of significant trends ...

    Column-generation and interior point methods applied to the long-term electric power-planning problem 

    Pagès Bernaus, Adela (Date of defense: 2006-12-18)

    Aquesta tesi s'adreça al problema de planificació de la generació elèctrica a llarg termini per a una companyia específica (SGC) que participa en un mercat liberalitzat organitzat en un pool. Els objectius de la tesi són: ...

    Composite endpoints in clinical trials : computational tools, practical guidelines and methodological extensions 

    Gómez-Mateu, Moisés (Date of defense: 2016-06-30)

    The conclusions from randomized clinical trials (RCT) rely on the primary endpoint (PE), which is chosen at the design stage of the study; thus, it is of utmost importance to select it appropriately. In RCT, there should ...

    Conjoint design of railway lines and frequency setting under semi-congested scenarios 

    López Ramos, Francisco (Date of defense: 2014-02-24)

    This thesis develops mathematical programming models which integrate network design (ND) and line frequency setting (LFS) phases. These appear in transport planning studies that extend an existing urban public transportation ...

    Constant effect in randomized clinical trials with quantitative outcome : a methodological review 

    Cortés Martínez, Jordi (Date of defense: 2021-05-27)

    The past decade has seen continuous growth in so-called precision medicine, due especially to great advances in the genetics. While applying it presently goes unquestioned in certain fields like oncology, it is more ...

    Contribucions a la microagregació per a la protecció de dades estadístiques 

    Torres Aragó, Àngel (Date of defense: 2003-09-08)

    Després de recollir la informació referent a les tècniques pertorbatives més rellevants de control de la revelació de microdades contínues actualment existents, l'objectiu general de la tesi és l'anàlisi i la millora ...

    Contribucions als agorismes de punt interior en mètodes iteratius per a sistemes d'equacions usant regularitzacions quadràtiques 

    Cuesta Andrea, Jordi (Date of defense: 2009-09-29)

    Els mètodes de punt interior per a programació lineal proporcionen algorismes de complexitat polinòmica, que els fa ser molt eficients en l’optimització a gran escala. Aquests algorismes utilitzen el mètode de Newton per ...

    Contributions to the multivariate Analysis of Marine Environmental Monitoring 

    Graffelman, Jan (Date of defense: 2000-09-12)

    The thesis parts from the view that statistics starts with data, and starts by introducing the data sets studied: marine benthic species counts and chemical measurements made at a set of sites in the Norwegian Ekofisk oil ...

    Contributions to the planning and analysis of factorial designs 

    Xampeny Solaní, Rafael (Date of defense: 2018-06-20)

    The thesis is structured in five articles. In the first article, two methods are compared to analyze the significance of the effects: the Lenth method and the one based on the estimation of the variance of the effects from ...

    Data science in HIV : statistical approaches for therapeutic HIV vaccine data 

    Alarcón Soto, Yovaninna (Date of defense: 2021-06-30)

    The present dissertation contributes to Data Science in the Human lmmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) field, addressing specific issues related to the modelling of data coming from three different clinical trials based on ...

    Desarrollo de técnicas estadísticas basadas en computacion intensiva para el análisis de medidas repetidas 

    Sánchez Espigares, Josep Anton (Date of defense: 2021-04-09)

    This thesis includes contributions to statistical methodologies and practical applications in situations where data has been obtained as a result of repeated measures. The first block includes a first article where different ...

    Designing smart ITS services through innovative data analysis modeling 

    Arjona Martínez, Jamie (Date of defense: 2021-02-11)

    Nowadays, one of the most important problems in urban areas concerns traffic congestion. This, in turn, has an impact on the economy, nature, human health, city architecture, and many other facets of life. Part of the ...