Ferrer Ballester, Miquel (Date of defense: 2005-11-10)
El fallo resistente de las losas mixtas se produce generalmente por el deslizamiento longitudinal entre la chapa nervada de acero y el hormigón. La dificultad de diseño de chapas para losas mixtas reside ...
Guerrero Catells, Ángel (Date of defense: 2009-06-02)
El progresivo incremento de la altura de los Edificios de Gran Altura (EGA) ha aumentado las consecuencias reales y potenciales cuando irrumpen en ellos incendios naturales. A la vista de dichas pérdidas, ...
Pons Poblet, Josep Maria (Date of defense: 2014-09-16)
The present project is aimed to analyze the steel structure from an evolutionary point of view. The study¿s context has been the 20th century on the Catalan capital city in order to see how the historical, ...
624 - Civil and structural engineering in general (3)
620 - Materials testing. Commercial materials. Economics of energy (2)
621 - Mechanical engineering in general. Nuclear technology. Electrical engineering. Machinery (1)
69 - Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure (1)