Proposal of an adaptive infotainment system depending on driving scenario complexity 

    Galarza Osio, Miguel Ángel (Fecha de defensa: 2020-01-31)

    The PhD research project is framed within the plan of industrial doctorates of the “Generalitat de Catalunya”. During the investigation, most of the work was carried out at the facilities of the vehicle manufacturer SEAT, ...

    Resource allocation and management techniques for network slicing in WiFi networks 

    Richart, Matías (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-01)

    Network slicing has recently been proposed as one of the main enablers for 5G networks; it is bound to cope with the increasing and heterogeneous performance requirements of these systems. To "slice'' a network is to ...

    Resource allocation and management under priorities based on the squatting-kicking model for multi-slice 5G networks 

    Hamouda, Ahmed Mohamed Abdelaty Elmekkawi (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-30)

    The upcoming Beyond Fifth Generation networks aim to meet network services characterized by low latency and high reliability among others in different slices to provide a high-quality user experience. However, existing ...

    Resource management research in ethernet passive optical networks 

    Garfias Hernández, Paola (Fecha de defensa: 2013-11-25)

    The last decades, we have witnessed different phenomenology in the telecommunications sector. One of them is the widespread use of the Internet, which has brought a sharp increase in traffic, forcing suppliers to continuously ...

    Resource optimization in passive optical networks: dynamic bandwidth Allocation, Evolution, and Cost-Effective Capacity Upgrades 

    Andrade Jardín, Marilet de (Fecha de defensa: 2010-11-23)

    This thesis is a result of contributions to optimize or improve resource allocation in Passive Optical Networks (PON). The contributions are related with resource allocation during PON operation and with the upgrade process ...

    Scalability and robustness in software-defined networking (SDN) 

    Jiménez Agudelo, Yury Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-06)

    The simplicity of Internet design has led to enormous growth and innovation. In recent decades several network technologies, services and applications have appeared, which demand specific network requirements for their ...

    Secure identity management in structured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks 

    Caubet Fernández, Juan (Fecha de defensa: 2016-01-25)

    Structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks were proposed to solve routing problems of big distributed infrastructures. But the research community has been questioning their security for years. Most prior work in security ...

    Security in peer-to-peer communication systems 

    Suárez Touceda, Diego (Fecha de defensa: 2011-07-26)

    P2PSIP (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol developed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) for the establishment, completion and modi¿cation of communication sessions that emerges as a complement ...

    Security protocols suite for machine-to-machine systems 

    Bartoli, Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-18)

    Nowadays, the great diffusion of advanced devices, such as smart-phones, has shown that there is a growing trend to rely on new technologies to generate and/or support progress; the society is clearly ready to trust on ...

    Seguridad en los procesos de voto electrónico remoto: registro, votación, consolidación de resultados y auditoria 

    Morales Rocha, Víctor Manuel (Fecha de defensa: 2009-03-13)

    En los últimos años se han estado utilizando medios electrónicos para automatizar y hacer más eficientes los diferentes procesos de una elección. Aún cuando esta automatización se ha presentado de manera gradual, el propósito ...

    Seguridad en redes de banda ancha: contribución al diseño evaluación de un sistema de seguridad para la RDSI-BA 

    Forné Muñoz, Jordi (Fecha de defensa: 1997-01-23)

    El estudio de arquitecturas de seguridad para redes de transmisión de datos adquiere cada día mayor importancia.<br/><br/>Por otra parte, es un hecho constatado que el mundo de las telecomunicaciones camina decididamente ...

    Seguridad en redes de computación ubicua: contribución a la validación de credenciales 

    Hinarejos Campos, M. Francisca (Fecha de defensa: 2010-06-30)

    Technology progress in both user devices and networks allows communications anytime and anywhere. New communication environments offer a wide range of possibilities to users, but also generate new threats. For this reason, ...

    Self-optimization of Radio Resources on IEEE 802.11 Networks 

    García Villegas, Eduardo (Fecha de defensa: 2010-02-18)

    Les xarxes d'àrea local sense fils (WLANs), principalment les basades en les diverses versions de les normes IEEE 802.11, i més concretament, aquelles operant en mode infraestructura (ús de punts d'accés o APs), són avui ...

    Strategies for improving resilience in distributed communication systems 

    Llorens Carrodeguas, Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2023-01-26)

    (English) With the development of industry and society, new verticals have emerged such as Industry 4.0, cooperative sensing, and massive IoT. These verticals require network robustness and availability to maintain high ...

    Strategies for UPF placement in 5G and beyond networks 

    Leyva Pupo, Irian (Fecha de defensa: 2023-01-26)

    (English) This doctoral thesis focuses on the design of strategies (i.e., exact and heuristic-based methods) to optimize the placement and reconfiguration of user plane functions (UPFs) in 5G and beyond networks. These ...

    Study, evaluation and contributions to new algorithms for the embedding problem in a network virtualization environment 

    Botero Vega, Juan Felipe (Fecha de defensa: 2013-06-21)

    Network virtualization is recognized as an enabling technology for the future Internet. It aims to overcome the resistance of the current Internet to architectural change and to enable a new business model decoupling the ...

    Topologías para la distribución de contenidos en redes de comunicación 

    Machado Sánchez, Sergio (Fecha de defensa: 2016-02-03)

    The peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay networks are distribution topologies that take advantage of the ability that their nodes have to forward the information that they receive. For the particular case of video transmission using ...

    Toward All-IP networks : IP and wireless networks convergence 

    Pérez Costa, Xavier (Fecha de defensa: 2005-05-09)

    In this thesis the state of the art for IP networks and the two most predominant wireless access networks, UMTS and Wireless LANs, has been reviewed with respect to the enhancements required toward the objective of supporting ...

    Traffic and mobility management in large-scale networks of small cells 

    Ferragut Martínez-Vara de Rey, Jaime (Fecha de defensa: 2014-07-29)

    The growth in user demand for higher mobile data rates is driving Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) and network infrastructure vendors towards the adoption of innovative solutions in areas that span from physical layer ...

    Traffic control for energy harvesting virtual small cells via reinforcement learning 

    Temesgene, Dagnachew Azene (Fecha de defensa: 2020-07-21)

    Due to the rapid growth of mobile data traffic, future mobile networks are expected to support at least 1000 times more capacity than 4G systems. This trend leads to an increasing energy demand from mobile networks which ...