Now showing items 2782-2801 of 3292

    Socio-environmental exposures and neurodevelopmental disorders 

    Suades González, Elisabet (Date of defense: 2018-05-15)

    Introduction The influence of the environment, and its interplay with genetics, can account for up to half of the variance of neurodevelopmental disorders. In this thesis we reviewed previous literature on air pollution ...

    Socioeconomic inequalities in sexual and reproductives health in Spain 

    Ruiz Muñoz, Dolores (Date of defense: 2013-02-28)

    The general objective of this dissertation was to study the state of sexual and reproductive health of the Spanish population in reproductive age, especially focusing on individual and contextual socioeconomic inequalities. ...

    Socioeconomic inequalities in teenage motherhood in Ecuador : #NiñasNoMadres 

    Espinel Flores, Verónica (Date of defense: 2020-01-31)

    This PhD dissertation analyses the socioeconomic inequalities in teenage motherhood considering its influencing factors and social determinants. This doctoral thesis is structured in four research papers. In paper I, we ...

    Socioeconomic inequalities in the use of health care services in Europe : the role of public coverage and population-based cancer screening programmes 

    Palència Fernàndez, Laia (Date of defense: 2012-12-18)

    The aim of this thesis was to describe inequalities in the use of different health care services according to socioeconomic position (SEP) in Catalonia, Spain and Europe. In addition, we intended to assess whether the ...

    Socioeconomic inequalities in type 2 diabetes mellitus in Europe 

    Espelt Hernández, Albert (Date of defense: 2011-11-28)

    Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has become a major health problem worldwide. The St. Vincent declaration emphasized the urgent need to improve the epidemiological knowledge of this disease in Europe. Within Europe, research ...

    Software development and analysis of high throughput sequencing data for genomic enhancer prediction 

    González-Vallinas Rostes, Juan (Date of defense: 2013-09-09)

    High Throughput Sequencing technologies (HTS) are becoming the standard in genomic regulation analysis. During my thesis I developed software for the analysis of HTS data. Through collaborations with other research groups, ...

    Solidaridad y responsabilidad. La responsabilidad conjunta en el derecho español de daños 

    Gómez Ligüerre, Carlos (Date of defense: 2005-05-27)

    Con frecuencia, los daños que sufren las víctimas de accidentes pueden ser puestos a cargo de varias personas. Sin embargo, el ordenamiento jurídico español no dispone de un régimen que regule las relaciones de los ...

    Somatic genomic alterations in lung adenocarcinoma : non-invasive molecular diagnosis and prognosis impact of driver mutations in non-tumoral airway cells 

    Chalela Rengifo, Roberto José (Date of defense: 2018-11-27)

    La hipótesis general de esta tesis consiste en que durante el proceso de cancerificación del epitelio pulmonar, las “driver-mutations” pueden aparecer no solamente en las células malignas sino también en cualquier célula ...

    La Sombra del coloso: figura y fondo en el género de monstruos gigantes 

    Roche, Carles (Date of defense: 2016-01-29)

    Partiendo de los conceptos de figura y fondo, procedentes del campo de la teoría del arte, el trabajo investiga en primera instancia su posible aplicación al ámbito de lo cinematográfico, vinculándolos al discurso más ...

    Some aspects of user participation and the application of specifications in technology mediated educational innovation 

    Griffiths Jenkins, David (Date of defense: 2009-03-30)

    Aquesta tesi està constituïda per diverses activitats de recerca, entre les quals trobam principalment articles i capítols publicats. Es descriu el disseny d'una joguina robòtica que facilita la metacognició dels nens. Es ...

    Some Developments on Mechanism Design and Auctions 

    Menicucci, Domenico (Date of defense: 2001-03-08)

     Esta tesis examina un modelo de intercambio en el que un vendedor posee una o más unidades de un determinado bien que puede vender a diferentes compradores potenciales. Cada comprador conoce su propia disponibilidad de ...

    Some popular arguments against free trade and their limitations 

    Sauré, Philip (Date of defense: 2005-11-28)

    La tesis tiene dos partes. La primera parte desarrolla un modelo para evaluar los efectos del comercio internacional al crecimiento de economías en transito. Identifica desventaja del argumento "Infant Industry" que ha ...

    Some problems in depth enhanced video processing 

    Lazcano, Vanel (Date of defense: 2016-02-04)

    In this thesis we tackle two problems, namely, the data interpolation prob- lem in the context of depth computation both for images and for videos, and the problem of the estimation of the apparent movement of objects ...

    Some problems on temporally consistent video editing and object recognition 

    Sadek, Rida (Date of defense: 2012-12-07)

    Video editing and object recognition are two significant fields in computer vi- sion: the first has remarkably assisted digital production and post-production tasks of a digital video footage; the second is considered ...

    "Somitogenesis unbound": dissecting the spatiotemporal control of mammalian embryo segmentation through in vitro models of development 

    Costanzo, Maria (Date of defense: 2024-06-26)

    Stem cell-based in vitro systems have recently been used to complement the study of developmental processes in the embryo. Somitogenesis, which segments a vertebrate body axis to establish its characteristic body plan, ...

    Sota el signe de l'Odissea: el viaggio in Italia del cinema modern: de Rossellini a El menyspreu 

    Llorca, Vicenç (Date of defense: 2015-10-30)

    Aquesta tesi pretén demostrar que l’Odissea constitueix un dels eixos vertebradors del cinema modern, ja que actua com a signe des del qual s’estableix un paradigma interpretatiu de la pròpia modernitat cinematogràfica i ...

    Source separation methods for orchestral music: timbre-informed and score-informed strategies 

    Miron, Marius (Date of defense: 2018-02-08)

    Humans are able to distinguish between various sound sources in their environment and selectively attend to specific ones. However, it is a difficult task to teach a computer to automatically separate the acoustic scene ...

    Space, memory, action: insights from behaviour and neurophysiology 

    Pacheco Estefan, Daniel (Date of defense: 2017-12-15)

    Human memory is fundamentally linked to experience. Traditionally, however, it has been studied in restricted tasks, under constrained experimental conditions. Understanding memory from a situated, embodied, spatial ...

    Spain and the Portuguese revolution of 1974-1975: the limits of a surveilled press 

    Ferreira Santos Luís, Rita (Date of defense: 2015-05-11)

    The end of both Iberian Dictatorships, the New State in Portugal and Francoism is Spain, distanced more or less a year and a half. During this period, while Spain discussed a way out of Francoism, Portugal embarked on a ...

    Spatial control of inner ear neurogenesis by retinoic acid, Tbx1 and her genes 

    Radosevic, Marija (Date of defense: 2011-07-12)

    Sensory neurons are key mediators of the transduction of external stimuli from the ear to the brain, essential for the sense of balance and hearing. Understanding when, where and how the sensory nervous system is assembled ...