Affective disorders and neuropathic pain as mutually influential factors : contribution of the opioid system 

    Martínez Navarro, Miriam (Fecha de defensa: 2019-01-18)

    La alta variabilidad interindividual en las manifestaciones de dolor neuropático puede conducir a una respuesta diferencial de los pacientes a los tratamientos, y sugiere la idoneidad de terapias más personalizadas en lugar ...

    Analysis of brain dynamics using echo-state networks 

    Ibáñez Soria, David (Fecha de defensa: 2018-09-13)

    In the last decade recurrent neural networks have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence. Their cyclic connections provide them with memory and thus with the capability of modeling processes with temporal ...

    Analysis of human intracranial recordings for clinical and cognitive studies 

    Vila-Vidal, Manel (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-30)

    Intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) is an invasive diagnostic procedure used in severe drug-resistant epilepsy patients that provides simultaneous recordings of multiple brain regions at a very high temporal resolution. ...

    Analysis of mouse kreisler mutants reveals new roles of hindbrain-derived signals in the establishment of the otic neurogenic domain 

    Vázquez Echeverría, Citlali (Fecha de defensa: 2008-12-18)

    The inner ear, the sensory organ responsible for hearing and balance, contains specialized sensory and non-sensory epithelia arranged in a highly complex threedimensional structure. To achieve this complexity, a tight ...

    Antioxidants and PPARγ agonists protect the mitochondria of hippocampal neurons from neurodegenerative processes 

    Godoy Zeballos, Juan Alejandro (Fecha de defensa: 2018-06-29)

    Las mitocondrias y su función metabólica cambian con el envejecimiento y pueden ser el factor más importante en el desarrollo de diferentes enfermedades neurodegenerativas relacionadas con la edad, incluida la enfermedad ...

    Biomarkers and cognitive function in Down syndrome : validation for phenotyping cognitive impairment 

    Xicota Vila, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2016-10-27)

    Clinical trials seeking to improve cognitive performance are in dire need of biochemical biomarkers that reflect the processes taking place in the brain. In Down syndrome, this information is crucial to understand the ...

    Blood vessels are in control : vasculature regulates the neural niche in cranial sensory ganglia 

    Taberner Pérez, Laura (Fecha de defensa: 2019-11-29)

    Cranial sensory ganglia are groups of neurons located in the head of chordates outside the central nervous system that allow individuals to sense and perceive information from the outer world. The regulation of neural ...

    Cannabis modulation of social interaction in psychosis : neurobiological correlates in humans and mouse models 

    Barrera Conde, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2023-09-08)

    Els pacients diagnosticats amb esquizofrènia o un primer episodi psicòtic (PEP) que consumeixen cànnabis presenten alteracions clíniques diferencials comparats amb els no consumidors. En aquesta tesi doctoral, hem emprat ...

    Caracterización de la región cromosómica 15q11-q13 del genoma humano. Variabilidad genómica en el autismo e identificación de ncRNAs 

    Cerrato Rivera, Celia (Fecha de defensa: 2007-05-18)

    La tesis doctoral con título "Caracterización de la región cromosómica 15q11-13 del genoma humano. Variabilidad genómica en el autismo e identificación de ncRNAs" se basa en el estudio de la región cromosómica 15q11-q13, ...

    Caracterización del papel de la ínsula en el control cardiovascular: estudio mediante estimulación eléctrica intracraneal 

    Sánchez Larsen, Álvaro (Fecha de defensa: 2023-05-19)

    La ínsula es una región cerebral que participa en la regulación del sistema nervioso autonómico, pero su papel en el control cardiovascular central no está bien definido en la actualidad. Realizamos un estudio observacional ...

    Cellular dynamics and molecular mechanisms underlying the 3D organization and connectivity of the statoacoustic ganglion 

    Bañón González, Aitor (Fecha de defensa: 2023-02-24)

    The statoacoustic ganglion (SAG) is a complex 3D structure composed by neurons in charge of transmitting the information from inner ear hair cells to the CNS. During development, SAG copes with otic tissue demands to ...

    Characterization of fluid biomarker profiles in the preclinical stage of the Alzehimer's continuum 

    Milà Alomà, Marta (Fecha de defensa: 2022-04-29)

    La malaltia d’Alzheimer (MA) està precedida per una llarga etapa preclínica, en la qual es desenvolupa la patologia cerebral en absència de simptomatologia. La identificació acurada d’aquesta fase preclínica, i un millor ...

    Characterization of the role of the CPEB family of RNA-binding proteins in neurodegeneration 

    Anta Rodríguez, Héctor (Fecha de defensa: 2016-12-15)

    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common type of dementia in the elderly. It is associated to a progressive loss of memory, problems in learning and behaviour changes. This disease is characterized by the accumulation ...

    Characterizing the encoding of dynamical olfactory inputs in single olfactory sensory neurons to remote control larval chemotaxis by means of optogenetics 

    Schulze, Aljoscha (Fecha de defensa: 2015-09-18)

    Animals have to deal with an environment presenting vast amounts of ever-changing sensory information. What features of this information flow are captured by the sensory system? My thesis work examines how signals ...

    Cognitive and synaptic outcomes of targeting peripheral cannabinoid type-1 receptor: focus on naïve and intellectual disability mouse models 

    Bergadà Martínez, Araceli (Fecha de defensa: 2024-03-08)

    Cognition is a physiological brain function that refers to the process of acquiring and managing knowledge and understanding. It embraces multiple domains, including memory. Intellectual disability disorders such as fragile ...

    Common representations of social interaction : Neurocognitive mechanisms and their motor correlates 

    Riquelme Esteve, Andrea (Fecha de defensa: 2021-09-16)

    Our everyday life is plenty of social interactions, but there are still many unknowns about the mechanisms supporting them. The current dissertation aims to explore the neurocognitive processes that underlie interactions ...

    Computationl and modeling approaches to multi-scale anatomical description of neuronal circuitry 

    Manubens-Gil, Linus (Fecha de defensa: 2018-01-18)

    During the last century the nervous system has been mainly studied from a reductionistic approach, based on the hypothesis that understanding in depth single neurons or limited neuronal populations would lead to general ...

    Contribution of unexplored genomic variations to neurodevelopmental disorders 

    López Sánchez, Marcos (Fecha de defensa: 2018-02-05)

    Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of conditions with impairments of the personal, social, academic or occupational behaviour. Autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a high genetic component ...

    Correlation between cognitive phenotype, neural morphology and molecular alterations in mouse models of Williams-Beuren syndrome : new therapeutic approaches 

    Borralleras Fumaña, Cristina (Fecha de defensa: 2016-07-15)

    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by a heterozygous deletion of 26-28 contiguous genes in the 7q11.23 region. So far, a great deal of attention has been focused on its unique and ...

    Cross-talk between inflammation amd mitochondria in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) : an integrative approach towards diferent therapies 

    Parameswaran, Janani (Fecha de defensa: 2018-03-09)

    Lack of function of ALDP in mouse leads to a late onset disease, characterized by spastic paraparesis and degeneration of corticospinal tracts, without signs of inflammatory demyelization resembling AMN patients. Taking ...