Ara mostrant els elements 1-11 de 11

    Caminant a les fosques. Estudi i traducció de l'obra apologètica Qéixet u-maguén de rabí Ximon ben Tsémah Duran 

    Frau, Manuel, 1965- (Data de defensa: 2012-05-30)

    New Hebrew edition, annotated Catalan translation, and introductory study of Keshet u-Magen, a comparative study of Jewish, Christian and Islamic theology written in the context of the literature of polemics. This research ...

    El Nou Testament i la història. Estudi sobre la interpretació contemporània de la sagrada escriptura 

    Malé Ribera, Joaquim (Data de defensa: 2016-07-17)

    This dissertation studies some of the historiographical approaches that have been carried out with regard to the writings of the New Testament. Part I presents a critical history of the historiography of Jesus of Nazareth ...

    Intercessió celestial i mecenatge sacre: la imatge del sant patró ciutadà a la Barcelona moderna (1517-1760) 

    Farías Muñoz, Laura (Data de defensa: 2023-03-16)

    During the early modern age, the patron saint was a key element in the configuration and definition of urban identities, impregnated with an important sacred component. In this context, strongly influenced by the post-Tridentine ...

    La "Història moral de Cathalunya" de Pere Gil (1550-1622) i la historiografia catalana de l’època moderna 

    Galdeano Carretero, Rodolfo, 1963- (Data de defensa: 2013-12-11)

    The thesis is the edition of the manuscript 112 of the Episcopal Public Library that contains Història moral de Cathalunya written by Pere Gil, a jesuit from Reus. This is the second book of a larger project, Història ...

    La ciudad y el templo: religión cívica en la Barcelona moderna (XVI-XVIII) 

    Zamora Bretones, Montserrat (Data de defensa: 2020-11-20)

    At the end of Middle Ages, Barcelonese authorities had extended their authority over areas which, in principle, were exclusive competence of the Church, such as charity, morality or education. This historical phenomenon ...

    La Reforma Catòlica a la muntanya catalana a través de les visites pastorals: els bisbats de Girona i Vic (1587-1800) 

    Solà Colomer, Xavier, 1972- (Data de defensa: 2005-09-29)

    La present tesi vol explicar la implantació de la Reforma Catòlica en una sèrie de parròquies rurals dels bisbats de Girona (valls de Ridaura, Bas, Hostoles i Amer) i Vic (El Collsacabra i les valls de Susqueda i Sau), ...

    El movimiento social cristiano en los siglos I al IV: un análisis sociológico de la historia 

    Pascual i Esteve, Josep M. (Josep Maria), 1953- (Data de defensa: 2022-07-19)

    “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Mt.6, 7-15) This prayer attributed to Jesus by the Synoptic Gospels, read in its historical-sociological context, clearly indicates the call for a new ...

    "Per Déu i per la Ciència". L'Església i la ciència a la Catalunya de la Restauració (1874-1923) 

    Bohigas i Maynegre, Jordi, 1958- (Data de defensa: 2011-05-10)

    The author explores into the relationship between science and Church during a period of history in Catalonia in which the Church carried out a series of top level scientific measures, such as the school of geology of the ...

    Relaciones entre confesiones religiosas y administraciones públicas en Girona, desde la Mancomunidad hasta 1996 

    Gutiérrez del Moral, María Jesús (Data de defensa: 1999-10-28)

    The relationships between religious entities and the public administration in Girona during the twentieth century set forth two main issues, the historical and the technical. The passage of time normally presents a change ...

    Rostres en rostres. Estudi i traducció del "Comentari al Sefer Yesirah" (Llibre de la creació) de rabí Isaac el Pietós, altrament anomenat, el Cec. Una visió teològica, cosmològica i antropològica del seu autor 

    Gendra, Jordi, 1970- (Data de defensa: 2012-05-30)

    This dissertation contains a Hebrew edition and annotated Catalan translation of Isaac the Blind's (1165-1235) Commentary on the Book of Creation. The introduction introduces the historical context in which the author ...

    La tradición judía y la narración en la pintura de Marc Chagall 

    Turon Mejías, Ma. Àngels (Data de defensa: 2014-05-28)

    Among the many readings of this painter, I try to draw up a narrative reading of his work, taking into account the Jewish tradition in which both his biography and his artistic work were deeply involved. Once I have discussed ...