Assessment of virtual design and manufacturing techniques for fibre reinforced composite materials 

    Gascons i Tarrés, Marc (Date of defense: 2011-12-02)

    Virtual tools are commonly used nowadays to optimize product design and manufacturing process of fibre reinforced composite materials. The present work focuses on two areas of interest to forecast the part performance and ...

    Contributions to ultrasonic micro-moulding process of high performance polymers 

    Dorf, Tomasz (Date of defense: 2019-06-05)

    Polymeric materials, which are suitable for high performance applications for example human implants are one of the most expensive available polymers. Standard injection micromoulding process, dedicated for mass production, ...

    Data-driven models for building energy efficiency monitoring 

    Massana i Raurich, Joaquim (Date of defense: 2018-02-02)

    Nowadays, energy is absolutely necessary all over the world. Taking into account the advantages that it presents in transport and the needs of homes and industry, energy is transformed into electricity. Bearing in mind ...

    Desarrollo de un modelo para el seguimiento y control económico y temporal durante la fase de ejecución en la obra pública. Integration of information for advanced detection of cost overruns-IMADO 

    Gifra Bassó, Ester (Date of defense: 2018-03-05)

    The primary objective of this research is to modify the models regularly used to record and monitor the implementation costs of public works projects from the perspective of the promotor, the project directors or the project ...

    El salario a rendimiento en el sector de la construcción. Modelo para determinar el precio óptimo y el precio máximo a pagar por un trabajo a destajo 

    Ribera Roget, Albert (Date of defense: 2013-03-20)

    This doctoral thesis explores HR management through systems of production incentives in the construction sector which has been instrumental to the Spanish economy. The transformation of a time-based payment system to a ...

    Nominal strength and size effect of quasi-brittle structures with holes 

    Kabeel, Abdallah Mahmoud Bayoumi (Date of defense: 2015-04-15)

    The main contribution of this work is to introduce analytical models able to create simple design charts that would allow designers to quickly determine the strength of quasi-brittle structures containing circular holes. ...

    Reducció de vibracions residuals en moviments transitoris. Definició de lleis de moviment per mitjà de corbes B-spline 

    Veciana, Joaquim M. (Joaquim Maria) (Date of defense: 2007-11-14)

    Molts sistemes mecànics existents tenen un comportament vibratori funcionalment perceptible, que es posa de manifest enfront d'excitacions transitòries. Normalment, les vibracions generades segueixen presents després del ...

    Serviceability behaviour of fibre reinforced polymer reinforced concrete beams 

    Barris Peña, Cristina (Date of defense: 2011-02-11)

    El uso de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica (FRP) emerge como alternativa al hormigón convencionalmente armado con acero debido a la mayor resistencia a la corrosión de dichos materiales. El presente estudio ...

    Simulation of interlaminar and intralaminar damage in polymer-based composites for aeronautical applications under impact loading 

    González Juan, Emilio Vicente (Date of defense: 2011-03-08)

    La aplicación de materiales compuestos de matriz polimérica reforzados mediante fibras largas (FRP, Fiber Reinforced Plastic), está en gradual crecimiento debido a las buenas propiedades específicas y a la flexibilidad en ...

    Study of bond behaviour between FRP reinforcement and concrete 

    Baena Muñoz, Marta (Date of defense: 2011-02-14)

    El uso de barras de materiales compuestos (FRP) se propone como una alternativa efectiva para las tradicionales estructuras de hormigón armadas con acero que sufren corrosión en ambientes agresivos. La aceptación de estos ...